Tag: Moses
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 9-11-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 9-11-2016. This week in the first two readings we find some very important insights into the nature of God. This then helps us to come to a proper understanding of the Gospel lesson.
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 2-28-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 2-28-2016. Why do bad things happen to “good” people? In the Gospel reading today Jesus addressed a related question posed to Him by the crowd except with a twist. Their question was whether when bad things happened to people were they worse sinners than the ones who…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 8-30-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 8-30-2015. This week we open with a study of a reading from the Book of Deuteronomy in which Moses pours out his heart to the Israelites just before they were to begin their final conquest and enter the Promised Land. Moses cautions the people not to add…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 2-1-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 2-1-2015. This week we open with the first reading from the Book of Deuteronomy in which we study a prophecy about the coming Messiah that was fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Then we move to the second reading from First Corinthians where we study Saint Paul’s teaching on…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 9-14-2014
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 9-14-2014. This week we open with an interesting reading from the Book of Numbers in which we see the incident of the fiery serpents inflicting the Israelites during their forty-year wanderings. Then we move onto the second reading from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Philippians where…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 6-22-2014
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 6-22-2014. The focus of the readings this week is on the background and importance of communion. We open with a reading from Exodus in which Moses recounted God’s provision of manna to the Hebrew people during their desert wanderings. Then we move to Saint Paul’s Letter to…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 6-15-2014
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 6-15-2014. This week we open with the narrative of Moses’ encounter with God on Mount Sinai. This is where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments, which are still guiding lawmakers today. Then we move to the New Testament where we will see the outworking of a higher…