
-On the serpent Genesis 3:14, 15

-Eve Genesis 3:16

-Adam Genesis 3:17-19

-C ain Genesis 4:11-15

-The Antediluvians Genesis 6:7

-Sodomites Genesis 19:23-25

-Egyptians, the plagues and overthrow Exodus 7:14

-Nadab and Abihu Leviticus 10:1-3

-Miriam Numbers 12:1-15

-Upon the Israelites Eor worshiping Aaron\’s calf Exodus 32:35 .For complaining Numbers 11:1, 14:22, 23,

33, 34; 32, 35-37; 25:4, 21:6; 5, 9

-The forty years of wandering, a judgment Numbers 14:26-39; 26:63-65; Deuteronomy 2:14-17

-Delivered .Into the hands of the Assyrians 2 Kings 17:6-41 .Into the hands of the Chaldeans 2 Chronicles


-Upon the Canaanites Leviticus 18:25; Deuteronomy 7; 12:29-32

-Upon Abimelech Judges 9:52-57

-Uzzah 2 Samuel 6:7

-Hananiah, the false prophet Jeremiah 28:15, 16, 17

-Eli\’s house 1 Samuel 2:27-36 with 1 Samuel 4:10-22

-The prophet of Judah, for disobedience 1 Kings 13:1 -24

-Zimri 1 Kings 16:18, 19

-Gehazi 2 Kings 5:27

-Sennacherib 2 Kings 19:35-37

-Denounced against Solomon 1 Kings 11:9-14, 23

-Jeroboam 1 Kings 14:7-15

-Ahab and Jezebel 1 Kings 21 : 19-24

-Ahaziah 2 Chronicles 22:7-9

-Manasseh 2 Chronicles 33:1 1

-Denounced against disobedience Leviticus 26:14-39; Deuteronomy 28:15-68; 29; 32:19-43

-Misunderstood Jeremiah 16:10; Joel 2:17

-No escape from Exodus 20:7; Isaiah 2:10, 34:7; 12-19, 21; Ezekiel 14:13, 14; Amos 5:16-20; 9:1-4;

Matthew 23:33; Hebrews 2:1-3; 10:28, 29; 12:25; Revelation 6:16, 17

-Executed by human instrumentality Jeremiah 51:2

-Delayed Psalm 10:6; 50:21; 55:19

– Exodus 14:17, 18, 31; Leviticus 10:3; Deuteronomy 29:22-28; Psalm 9:16, 20; 59:13; 83:16-

18; Isaiah 26:9; 64:1, 2; Ezekiel 11:10-12; 12:16; 14:7, 8; 25:5, 21:3-5; 7, 11; 26:6; 30:8, 29:9, 16;25,26;

33:29; Daniel 4:17, 38:22, 23; 24-26, 34; Romans 9:17, 22; 1 Corinthians 10:6, 1 1 ; Revelation 2:23




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