

-General scriptures concerning Jeremiah 36:23


-One of the wives of Elkanah 1 Samuel 1:2


-A denarius Matthew 18; 28; Mark 6:37; 14:5; Luke 7:41; 10:35

-Roman, had Caesar\’s image on it Matthew 22: 19-21

-Worth one day\’s wages Matthew 20:2-14


-Of Levites 2 Chronicles 31:16-18


-Called .FEAST WEEKS Exodus 34:22; Deuteronomy 16:10 .FEAST HARVEST Exodus 23:16

.DAY FIRST FRUITS Numbers 28:26 .DAY PENTECOST Acts 2:1; 20:16; 1 Corinthians 16:8

-Institution of Exodus 23:16; 34:22; Leviticus 23:15-21; Numbers 28:26-31; Deuteronomy 16:9-12, 16

-Holy Spirit given to the apostles on the first day of Acts 2




-1. Also called PENIEL .City built where Jacob wrestled with the angel Judges 8:8, Genesis 32:31; 9, 17; 1

Kings 12:25

-2. Chief of Gedor 1 Chronicles 4:4

-3. A Benjamite 1 Chronicles 8:25


-Heard Jesus gladly Matthew 7:28; 9:8, 33; 13:54; Mark 6:2


-(A mountain in Moab) -Balak builds altars on Numbers 23:28-30


-Son of Machir 1 Chronicles 7:16



-Place where the Lord God struck down Uzzah 2 Samuel 6:8; 1 Chronicles 13:11


-(Moral completeness) -Ascribed to .Noah Genesis 6:8, 9 .Jacob Numbers 23:21 .David 1 Kings 11:4, 6

Asa 1 Kings 15:14 Job Job 1 : 1 .Zacharias and Elizabeth Luke 1 :6 Nathanael John 1 :47

-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPLURES RELALG LO Genesis 17:1; Deuteronomy 5:32; 18:13; Joshua 23:6; 1

Kings 8:61; 1 Chronicles 28:9; 29:19; 2 Chronicles 6:36; Job 9:20, 21; Psalm 18:32; 37:31, 37; 101:2;

119:1-3, 106:3; 6, 96; Proverbs 2:21; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Matthew 5:6, 48; 19:21; Luke 6:40; 1 Corinthians

2:6; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 13:9, 11; Ephesians 4:11-13; Phihppians 1:10; 2:15; Colossians 1:21, 3:12-15; 22,

28; 2:9-11; 3:14; 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 3:10, 13; 2 Limothy 2:1; 3:17; Hebrews 6:1; 10:14; 13:20,21;

James 1:4, 25; 3:2; 1 Peter 5:10; 1 John 2:5; 3:6-10; 4:12; 5:18




-General scriptures concerning Proverbs 27:9; So 3:6; Isaiah 57:9

-Used in the tabernacle Exodus 30:7; 35:28

-Beds perfumed with myrrh Proverbs 7:17

-Smelling bottles, translated \”tablets\” in A. V Isaiah 3:20


-General scriptures concerning Leviticus 6:2-7; 19:12; Isaiah 48:1; Jeremiah 5:2; 7:9; Hosea 10:4;

Zechanah 5:4; 8:17; Malachi 3:5; Matthew 5:33; 1 Limothy 1:9, 10

-SLANCES .Zedekiah 2 Chronicles 36:13 .Witnesses against Naboth 1 Kings 21:8-13 .David Psalm

35:1 1 Jesus Matthew 26:59; Mark 14:56, 57 .Stephen Acts 6:1 1, 13, 14 .Peter, when he denied Jesus with

an oath Matthew 26:74; Mark 14:71


-(The capital of Pamphylia) -Paul preaches in Acts 13:13, 14; 14:25



-(A city of Mysia) -One of the \”seven congregations\” in Revelation 1:11; 2:12-17


-(One of the servants of Solomon) -Descendants of, returned to Jerusalem from the captivity in Babylon

Nehemiah 7:57

-Called PERUDA in Ezra 2:55


-One of the seven nations in the land of Canaan Genesis 13:7

-Territory of, given to Abraham Genesis 15:20; Exodus 3:8; 23:23

-Doomed to destruction Deuteronomy 20: 17

-Not all destroyed; Israelites intermarry with Judges 3:5-7; Ezra 9:1,2


– Genesis 3:15; 22:1, 2, Psalm 2:1-5; 6-8, 11-21; 69:1-21; 109:25; Isaiah 49:7; 50:6; 52:14; 53:2-

5, 7-10; Micah 5:1; Matthew 2:13; 11:19; 12:14, 24; 16:1; 20:22; 26:3, 4, 14-16, 22:15; 59, 67; Mark 3:6,

27:25-30, 39-44; 21, 22; 11:18; 14:1, 12:13; 48, 65; 15:14,34; 16:17; Luke 4:28, 29; 6:11; 11:15, 7:34; 53,

54; 12:50; 13:31; 19:14, 47; 22:2-5, 52, 20:20; 53, 63-65; 23:11, 23; 7:1, 7, 19, 20, John 5:16; 8:37, 40, 48,

30,32; 10:20, 52, 59; 31, 39; 11:57; 15:18,20,21, 14:30; 18:22, 23, 24, 25; 29, 30; 19:6, 15; Acts 2:23;

3:13-15; 4:27; 7:52; 13:27-29; Hebrews 12:2, 3; 1 Peter 4:1

– Genesis 49:23; Job 1 :9; 2:4, 5; 12:4, 5; Psalm 1 1 :2; 37:32; 38:20; 42:3, 10; 44: 15-

18, 22; 56:5; 69:10, 12; 74:7, 8; 94:5; 119:51,61,69,78,85-87,95, 110, 157, 161; Proverbs 29:10, 27;

Isaiah 26:20; 29:20, 21; 51:12, 13; 59:15; Jeremiah 2:30; 11:19; 15:10; 18:18; 20:7, 8; 26:11-14; 50:7;

Amos 5: 10; Hab 1 : 13; 10: 16-18, Matthew 5:10-12, 44; 21-23, 28; 20:22, 23; 23:34, 35; 24:8-10; Mark

9:42; Luke 6:22, 13:9, 11-13; 23, 26; 17:33; 21:12-19; John 12:42; 15:18, 19; 16:1,2; 17:14; Acts 4:16-20;

5:29, 40-42; 7:52; 8:4; 28:22; Romans 8:17, 35-37; 1 Corinthians 4:9-13; 13:3; 6:4, 2 Corinthians 4:8-12; 5,

8-10; 11:23-27; 12:10; Galatians 4:29; 6:12, 17; Philippians 1:12-14, 28, 29; Colossians 1:24; 2:2, 1

Thessalomans 1:6; 14, 15; 2 Thessalomans 1:4; 2 Timothy 1:8, 12; 3:2, 2:9-12; 3, 12; 4:16, 17; Hebrews

10:32-34; 11:25-27,33-38; 12:3,4; 13:13; James 2:6; 5:6, 10; 1 Peter 3:14, 4:3, 4, 12-14, 16, 17; 16, 19;

Revelation 2:3, 1 John3:l, 13; 10, 13; 6:9-11; 7:13-17; 12:11; 17:6; 20:4 .SeePAUL A mode of divine

chastisement Lamentations 1:3 .Diffuses the gospel Acts 8:1, 4; 11:19-21; Philippians 1:12-14 .Deliverance

from Psalm 124; 129:1,2

-STANCES .Of Abel Genesis 4:8; Matthew 23:35; 1 John 3:12 .Of Lot Genesis 19:9 .Of Moses

Exodus 2:15; 17:4 .Of David Psalm 31:13; 59:1, 2 .Of prophets martyred by Jezebel 1 Kings 18:4 .Of

Gideon Judges 6:28-32 .Of Elijah 1 Kings 18:10; 19; 2 Kings 1:9; 2:23 .Of Micaiah 1 Kings 22:26; 2

Chronicles 18:26 .Of Elisha 2 Kings 6:31 .Of Hanani 2 Chronicles 16:10 .Of Zachariah 2 Chronicles 24:21;

Matthew 23:35 .Of Job Job 13:4-13; 16:1-4; 17:2; 19:1-5; 30:1-10 .Of Jeremiah Jeremiah 15:10, 15; 17:15-

18; 18:18-23; 26; 32:2; 33:1; 36:26; 37; 38:1-6 .Of Unjah Jeremiah 26:23 .Of prophets Matthew 21:35, 36

.Of the three Hebrew young men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego) of the captivity Daniel 3:8-23 .Of

Daniel Daniel 6 .Of the Jews Ezra 4; Nehemiah 4 .Of John the Baptist Matthew 14:3-12 .Of James Acts

12:2 .Of Simon Mark 15:21 .Of the disciples John 9:22, 34; 20:19 .Of Lazarus John 12:10 .Of the apostles

Acts 4:3-18; 5:18-42; 12:1-19; Revelation 1:9 .Of Stephen Acts 6:9-15; 7 .Of the ekklesia (body of Christ)

Acts 8:1; 9:1-14; Galatians 1:13 .Of Timothy Hebrews 13:23 . Of John Revelation 1:9 .Of Antipas

Revelation 2:13 .Of the congregation at Smyrna Revelation 2:8-10


-General scriptures concerning 1 Chronicles 16:1 1; Job 17:9; Psalm 37:24, 28; 73:24; 138:8; Proverbs 4:18;

Jeremiah 32:40; Hosea 12:6; Matthew 10:22; 24:13; Mark 4:3-8; 13:13; Luke 10:42; John 6:37, 22:31, 32;

39, 40; 8:31, 32; 10:28, 29; 15:4, 5, 7, 9; Acts 1 1:23; 13:43; 14:21, 22; Romans 2:6, 7; 8:30, 33-35, 37-39;

11:29; 15:1, 1 Corinthians 1:8, 9; 2, 58; 16:13; 2 Corinthians 1:21, 22; 5:9, 15; Galatians 5:1, 10; 6:9;

Ephesians 4:14; 6:13, 18; Philippians 1:6, 27; 3:16; Colossians 1:10, 4:1; 22, 23; 2:7; 1 Thessalomans 3:8,

13; 5:21; 2 Thessalomans 2:15-17; 3:13; 2:1, 2 Timothy 1:12, 13; 3, 12; 3:14; 4:18; Titus 1:9; 3:5, Hebrews

2:1; 6, 14; 6:1, 11, 12, 15,4:14; 17, 18; 10:23,35,36; 12:1-15; James 1:4, 13:9, 13; 12, 25; 5:10, 11; 1

Peter 1:4-7; 5:8; 2 Peter 1:10, 11; 3:17, 18; 1 John 2:19, 27; Revelation 2:7, 10, 11,3:5, 11, 17,25-28; 12,

21; 14:12; 16:15; 21:7, 8; 22:11


-STANCES .Jacob, in prayer Genesis 32:24-26 .Caleb and Joshua, in representing the land of

promise Numbers 14:24, 38


-An empire which extended from India to Ethiopia, comprising one-hundred and twenty-seven provinces

Esther 1:1; Daniel 6: 1

-Government of, restricted by constitutional limitations Esther 8:8; Daniel 6:8-12

-Municipal governments in, provided with dual governors Nehemiah 3:9, 12, 16-18

-The princes were advisors in matters of administration Daniel 6:1-7

-Status of women in; queen sat on the throne with the king Nehemiah 2:6

-Vashti was divorced for refusing to appear before the king\’s courtiers Esther 1 : 10-22; 2:4

-Israel captive in 2 Chronicles 36:20

-Captivity foretold Hosea 13:16

-Men of, in the Tyrian army Ezekiel 27: 10

-Rulers of Ahasuerus Esther 1:3

-Darius Daniel 5:31; 6; 9:1

-Artaxerxes I Ezra 4:7-24

-Artaxerxes II Ezra 7; Nehemiah 2; 5:14

-Cyrus 2 Chronicles 36:22, 23; Ezra 1; 3:7; 5:13, 4:3; 14, 17; 6:3; Isaiah 41:2, 3; 44:28; 45:1-4, 13; 46:11;

48:14, 15

-Princes of Esther 1:14

-System of justice Ezra 7:25

-Prophecies concerning Isaiah 13:17; 21:1-10; Jeremiah 49:34-39; 51:11-64; Ezekiel 32:24, 25; 38:5;

Daniel 2:31-45; 5:28; 7; 8; 11:1-4


-A Christian woman in Rome Romans 16:12



-Of wisdom Proverbs 1; 2:1-9; 8; 9


-(One of the servants of Solomon) -Descendants of, return to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon Ezra


-Called PERIDA in Nehemiah 7:57


-Sent as a judgment Leviticus 26: 16, 25

-Sent upon the Egyptians


-Also called SIMON BAR- JONA and CEPHAS Matthew 16:16-19; Mark 3:16; John 1:42

-A fisherman Matthew 4: 18; Luke 5:1-7; John21:3

-Call of Matthew 4:18-20; Mark 1:16-18; Luke 5:1-11

-His mother-in-law healed Matthew 8: 14; Mark 1 :29, 30; Luke 4:38

-An apostle Matthew 10:2; 16:18, 19; Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13

-An evangelist Mark 1 :36, 37


-Confesses Jesus to be the Messiah Matthew 16:16-19; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20; John 6:68, 69

-His presumption .In rebuking Jesus Matthew 16:22, 23; Mark 8:32, 33 .When the throng was pressing

Jesus and the woman with the blood disorder touched him Luke 8:45 .In refusing to let Jesus wash Peter\’s

feet John 13:6-11

-Present .At the healing of Jairus\’ daughter Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51 .At the transfiguration Matthew 17:1-4;

Mark 9:2-6; Luke 9:28-33; 2 Peter 1 : 16-18 .In the garden of Gethsemane Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:33-

42; Luke 22:40-46

-Seeks the interpretation -Of the parable of the steward Luke 12:41

-Of the law of forgiveness Matthew 18:21

-Of the law of defilement Matthew 15:15

-Of the prophecy of Jesus concerning his second coming Mark 13:3,4

-Walks upon the water of Lake Galilee Matthew 14:28-31

-Sent with John to prepare the Passover meal Luke 22:8

-Calls attention to the withered fig tree Mark 1 1 :21

-His treachery foretold by Jesus, and his profession of fidelity Matthew 26:33-35; Mark 14:29-31; Luke

22:31-34; John 13:36-38

-Cuts off the ear of Malchus Matthew 26:51; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:50

-Follows Jesus to the high priest\’s palace Matthew 26:58; Mark 14:54; Luke 22:54; John 18:15

-His denial of Jesus, and his repentance Matthew 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; John 18:17, Luke 22:55-62; 1!


-Visits the gravesite of Jesus Luke 24:12; John 20:2-6

-Jesus sends message to, after the resurrection Mark 16:7

-Jesus appears to Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:4, 5

-Present at Lake Liberias when Jesus appeared to his disciples; jumps into the water, and comes to shore

when Jesus is recognized; is commissioned to feed the flock of Christ John 21:1-23

-Lives in Jerusalem Acts 1:13

-His statement in front of the disciples concerning the death of Judas, and his recommendation that the

vacancy in the apostleship be filled Acts 1 : 1 5-22

-Preaches on Pentecost day Acts 2: 14-40

-Heals the immobile man in the portico of the temple Acts 3

-Accused by the council; his defense Acts 4:1-23

-Foretells the death of Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-11

-Imprisoned and scourged; his defense before the council Acts 5: 17-42

-Goes to Samaria Acts 8:14

-Pray s for the reception of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit Acts 8:15-18

-Rebukes Simon, the sorcerer, who desires to purchase this power Acts 8:1 8-24

-Returns to Jerusalem Acts 8:25

-Receives Paul Galatians 1:18; 2:9

-Visits Lydda; heals Aeneas Acts 9:32-34

-Visits Joppa; stays with Simon, the tanner; raises Dorcas from the dead Acts 9:36-43

-Has a vision of a sheet containing ceremonially clean and unclean animals Acts 10:9-16

-Receives the servant of the centurion; goes to Caesarea; preaches and immerses the centurion and his

household Acts 1

-Advocates the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles in the hearing of the apostles and elders Acts 11:1-

18; 15:7-11

-Imprisoned and delivered by an angel Acts 12:3-19

-Writes two epistles 1 Peter 1 : 1 ; 2 Peter 1 : 1

-Miracles of


-1. A priest during the reign of David 1 Chronicles 24:16

-2. A Levite who divorced his Gentile wife Ezra 10:23 .Probably identical with the one mentioned

Nehemiah 9:5

-3. A counselor of Artaxerxes Nehemiah 1 1 :24



-(A city in Mesopotamia) -Home of the prophet Balaam Numbers 22:5; Deuteronomy 23:4


-Father of the prophet Joel Joel 1 : 1


-Right of, recognized by Pharaoh Exodus 5:15-18

-Israel Numbers 27: 1-5; 32:1-5; Joshua 17:4, 36:1-5; 14, 16; 21:1, 2

-David 1 Kings 1:15-21

-Rehoboam 1 Kings 12:1-17; 2 Chronicles 10

-Jehoram 2 Kings 8:3,6




-A porter of the tabernacle 1 Chronicles 26:5


-Also called PU -Son of Reuben Genesis 46:9; Exodus 6:14; Numbers 26:5, 8; 1 Chronicles 5:3


-Also called EL -Son-in-law of Saul 1 Samuel 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:15, 16



-1. King of Egypt at the time of Abraham Genesis 12:14-20; Psalm 105:14

-2. Ruler of Egypt at the time of the famine

-3. Ruler of Egypt at the time of the deliverance and exodus of the sons of Israel

-4. Father-in-law of Mered 1 Chronicles 4:18

-5. Ruler of Egypt at the time of David 1 Kings 11:17-22

-6. Father-in-law of Solomon 1 Kings 3:1; 9:16

-7. At the time of Hezekiah 2 Kings 18:21

-8. Pharaoh-necho .His invasion of Assyria, Josiah\’s death 2 Kings 23:29-35; 24:7; 2 Chronicles 35:20-24;

36:3,4; Jeremiah 46:2; 47:1

-9. Pharaoh-hophra Jeremiah 37:4-7; 44; Ezekiel 17:15-17 .Prophecies concerning Jeremiah 44:30; 46:25,

26; Ezekiel 29; 30:21-26



-Also called PEREZ and PHARES -A twin son of Judah by Tamar Genesis 38:29; 1 Chronicles 2:4

-Children of Genesis 46:12; Numbers 26:20, 21; 1 Chronicles 2:5; 9:4

-Return from the captivity Nehemiah 1 1 :4, 6

-In the lineage of Jesus Matthew 1:3; Luke 3:33


-A sect of the Jews Acts 15:5

-Doctrines of Matthew 15:9

-Concerning the resurrection Acts 23:6, 8

-Association with publicans and sinners Matthew 9:1 1-13

-Traditions of, in regard to .Fasting Matthew 9:14; Luke 18:12 .The washing of hands Matthew 15:1-3;

Mark7:l-15 .The duties of children to parents Matthew 15:4-9 .The Sabbath Matthew 12:2-8

-Hypocrisy of, reproved .By John Matthew 3:7-10 .By Jesus Matthew 6:2-8, 16-18; 15:1-9; 16:1-12; 21:33-

46; 23:2-33; Luke 11:14-54; 12:1; 15:1-9


-Reject .John Luke 7:30 .Christ Matthew 12:38, 39; 15:12; John 7:48

-Come to Jesus with questions Matthew 19:3; 22:15-22

-They minister to Jesus Luke 7:36; 1 1 :37; 14: 1

-Become disciples of Jesus John 3:1; Acts 15:5; 22:3

-Paul, a Pharisee Acts 23:6; 26:5


-Also called PAROSH -The ancestor of one of the families which returned to Jerusalem from the captivity

in Babylon Ezra 2:3; 8:3; 10:25; Nehemiah 7:8; 10:14


-(A river of Damascus) -Referred to by Naaman 2 Kings 5:12


-Also called PHASEAH -Ancestor of a family which returned to Jerusalem from the captivity Ezra 2:49;

Nehemiah 3:6; 7:51


-Also called PHENICIA and PHOENICIA -A harbor of Crete Acts 27: 12, 13, 21


-Also called PHENICE and PHOENICIA -Inhabitants of, descended from Canaan Genesis 10:15, 18, 19

-Called ZIDONIANS Judges 18:7; Ezekiel 32:30

-Jews from, hear Jesus Mark 3:8

-Paul visits the congregations in Acts 15:3; 21 :2-4; 27:3


-Chief captain of the Philistines Genesis 21:22, 32; 26:26


-(A city of Lydia) -One of the seven congregations in Revelation 1:11; 3:7-13


-General scriptures concerning Isaiah 58:6-12


-(A Christian man in Colossae) -Paul\’s letter to Phm 1 :25


-An heretical teacher at Rome 2 Timothy 2:17, 18


– 1 . The brother of Herod Antipas and the husband of Herodias Matthew 14:3; Mark 6:17; Luke 3:19

-2. Tetrarch of Iturea Luke 3:1

-3. One of the seven servants (Greek: diakonos) Acts 6:5 .Successfully preaches in Samaria Acts 8:4-14

Expounds the Scriptures to the Ethiopian eunuch whom he immerses Acts 8:27-38 .Caught away by the

Spirit to Azotus, preaches in the cities, and goes to Caesarea Acts 8:39, 40 .Lives at Caesarea, and

entertains Paul Acts 21:8 .Has four daughters (prophetesses) Acts 21:9, 10

-4. One of the twelve apostles Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:14; Acts 1:13 .Call of John 1:43 .Brings

Nathanael to Jesus John 1 :45-50 Assists in caring for the multitude whom Jesus miraculously feeds John


6:5-7 .Brings certain Greeks to Jesus who desire to see him John 12:20-22 .Asks Jesus to show the Father

John 14:8-13


-(A city of Macedonia) -Paul preaches in Acts 16:12-40; 20:1-6; 1 Thessalonians 2:2

-Contributes to the maintenance of Paul Philippians 4:10-18

-Paul sends Epaphroditus to Philippians 2:25

-Paul writes a letter to the Christians of Philippians 1 : 1


-The sea coast in the west of the territories of the tribes of Dan and Simeon Psalm 60:8; 87:4; 108:9


-Descendants of Mizraim Genesis 10:14; 1 Chronicles 1:12; Jeremiah 47:4; Amos 9:7

-Called CHERETHITES 1 Samuel 30:14-16; Ezekiel 25:16; Zep 2:5

-Called CASLUHIM Genesis 10:14; 1 Chronicles 1:12

-Called CAPHRIM Jeremiah 47:4; Amos 9:7

-Territory of Exodus 13:17; 23:31; Deuteronomy 2:23; Joshua 13:3; 15:47

-Lords of Joshua 13:3; Judges 3:3; 16:5, 30; 1 Samuel 5:8, 11; 6:4, 12; 7:7; 29:2, 6, 7

-Kings of Abimelech I Genesis 20 Abimelech II Genesis 26 Achish 1 Samuel 21:10-15; 27:2-12; 28:1, 2;


-Allowed to remain in Canaan Judges 3:3, 4

-Shamgar kills six-hundred men with an ox goad Judges 3:31

-For their history during the leadership of Samson see Judges 13; 14; 15; 16

-Defeat the Israelites; take the ark of the covenant; suffer plagues, and return the ark 1 Samuel 4:6

-Army of 1 Samuel 13:5

-Defeated .By Samuel 1 Samuel 7 .By Saul and Jonathan 1 Samuel 9:16; 13; 14

-Their champion, Goliath, killed by David 1 Samuel 17

-David kills two-hundred men 1 Samuel 18:22-30

-David finds refuge among 1 Samuel 27

-Defeat the Israelites and kill Saul and his sons 1 Samuel 31; 1 Chronicles 10:1

-Defeated by David 2 Samuel 5:17-25; 23:9-16; 1 Chronicles 14:8-16

-Pay taxes to Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 17:11

-Defeated by Hezekiah 2 Kings 18:8

-Prophecies against Isaiah 9:11, 12; 14:29-31; Jeremiah 25:17-20; 47; Ezekiel 25:15-17; Amos 1:6-8; Zep

2:4-7; Zechanah 9:5-7


-A disciple in Rome Romans 16:15


-The nature of things Ecclesiastes 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7

-A philosophical discussion about wisdom Job 28

-Philosophical inductions and deductions relating to God and His providence Job 5:8-20; 9; 10:2-21; 12:6-

24; 33:12-30; 37

-Reveals the mysteries of providence Proverbs 25:2; Romans 1:19, 20

-Is not sufficient for an adequate knowledge of God 1 Corinthians 1:21, 22

-Is not enough for salvation through the atonement of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

-Employment of, was not Paul\’s method of preaching the gospel 1 Corinthians 1:17, 19, 21; 2:1-5, 13

-Greek schools of Acts 17:18

-Rabbinical Colossians 2:8, 16-19; 1 Timothy 6:20


-High priest Exodus 6:25; 1 Chronicles 6:4, 50

-Religious zeal of, in killing the Israelitish woman who had committed abomination Numbers 25:7-15;


Psalm 106:30

-Chief of the Korahite Levites 1 Chronicles 9:19, 20

-Sent to sound the trumpets in the battle with the Midianites Numbers 31:6

-Sent, with other princes of the Israelites west of the Jordan River to inquire of the Israelites on the east of

the Jordan River what the monument they had erected signified Joshua 22: 13-32

-Inheritance allotted to Joshua 24:33

-Mediator in behalf of the people Judges 20:28


-A disciple in Rome Romans 16:14


-A servant of the congregation at Cenchrea Romans 16:1


-(An inland province of Asia Minor) -People from, in Jerusalem Acts 2:10

-Paul in Acts 16:6; 18:23


-A servant of Gideon Judges 7:10, 11


-Also called PUT -1. Son of Ham Genesis 10:6; 1 Chronicles 1:8

-2. The descendants of Phut, or the country inhabited by them Ezekiel 27:10; Na 3:9 .(Margin) Jeremiah

46:9; Ezekiel 30:5; 38:5


-Also called PUA and PUAH -Son of Issachar Genesis 46: 13; Numbers 26:23; 1 Chronicles 7:1

-Descendants of Numbers 26:23


-(A Christian in Asia Minor) -Turns away from Paul 2 Timothy 1:15


-A small box containing slips of parchment on which there were written portions of the law Exodus 13:9,

16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:18

-Worn ostentatiously by the Jews upon the head and left arm Matthew 23:5


-General scriptures concerning 2 Chronicles 16:12; Matthew 9:12; Mark 5:26; Luke 8:43

-Proverbs about Mark 2:17; Luke 4:23

-Luke, a physician Colossians 4: 14

-FIGURATIVE Job 13:4; Jeremiah 8:22; Luke 5:31


-(External aspect)) .Character revealed in Isaiah 3:9


-General scriptures concerning Job 10:1 1; Psalm 139:14-16; Proverbs 14:30

-FIGURATIVE Ephesians 4:16; Colossians 2:19


-(A city in lower Egypt) -Prophesied against by Ezekiel Ezekiel 30: 17



-General scriptures concerning Leviticus 26:1; Numbers 33:52; Proverbs 25:11; Isaiah 2:16




-Used as sacrifice Genesis 15:9; Leviticus 1:14; 5:7; 12:8; 14:22; Luke 2:24


-Lhe place on the west shore of the Red Sea where Pharaoh overtook the Israelites Exodus 14:2, 9;

Numbers 33:7, 8


-Roman governor of Judaea during the time of Jesus\’ ministry Matthew 27:2; Luke 3 : 1

-Causes the slaughter of certain Galileans Luke 13:1

-Pries Jesus and orders his crucifixion Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 18:28-40; 19; Acts 3:13; 4:27;

13:28; 1 Pimothy6:13

-Allows Joseph of Arimathaea to take Jesus\’ body Matthew 27:57, 58; Mark 15:43-45; Luke 23:52; John



-Son of Nahor Genesis 22:22


-One of those who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah Nehemiah 10:24


-Of Solomon\’s temple 1 Kings 7:13-22; 2 Kings 25:17

-Broken and carried to Babylon Jeremiah 52:17, 2 Kings 25:13; 20, 21

-Of Solomon\’s palaces 1 Kings 7:6

-Used to mark roads Jeremiah 31:21

-Pillar of salt, Lot\’s wife turned to Genesis 19:26; Luke 17:32

-Monuments erected to commemorate events .By Jacob, his vision of angels Genesis 28: 18 with Genesis

31:13; Genesis 35:14

-By Jacob, his covenant with Laban Genesis 31 :45

-By Moses, the covenant between Jehovah and Israel Exodus 24:4

-By Joshua, the crossing of the Jordan River Joshua 4:1-9; with Deuteronomy 27:2-6; Joshua 8:30

-By Joshua, at Shechem Joshua 24:25-27; with Judges 9:6

-By Samuel, the defeat of the Philistines 1 Samuel 7:12

-By Absalom, to keep his name alive 2 Samuel 18:18

-As a boundary Joshua 15:6 with Joshua 18: 17

-As a road sign 1 Samuel 20: 19

-As a landmark 2 Samuel 20:8; 1 Kings 1 :9

-Prophecy of one in Egypt Isaiah 19:19

-Monuments of idolatry, to be destroyed Deuteronomy 12:3


-FIGURALIVE Revelation 3:12


-1. A cushion 1 Samuel 26:7, Genesis 28:11, 18; 11, 16

-2. A support for the head .Stones used for Genesis 28: 11,18 .Called bolster 1 Samuel 26:7, 11, 12, 16

.Made of goats\’ hair 1 Samuel 19:13, 16 .Jesus sleeps upon Mark 4:38

-FIGURALIVE .Of false teachers Ezekiel 1 3 : 1 8, 20



-General scriptures concerning Ezekiel 27:8, 27-29


-A priest who returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon Nehemiah 12:17



-A tree Nehemiah 8:15; Isaiah 41:19; 60:13


-Of temple Matthew 4:5


-A leader of Edom Genesis 36:41; 1 Chronicles 1:52


-(A wind instrument of music) -Used in religious services 1 Samuel 10:5; Isaiah 30:29



-(A king of the Amorites) -Overcome and killed by Joshua Joshua 10:3, 16-18, 24-27


-A place in the land of Ephraim Judges 12:15

-Men of Judges 12:13; 2 Samuel 23:30; 1 Chronicles 11:31; 27:14



-(A ridge or mountain east of the Jordan River, opposite to Jericho) -The Israelites come to Numbers 21:20

-A boundary of the country assigned to the Reubenites and Gadites Deuteronomy 3:17; 4:49; Joshua 12:3

-Balaam prophesies on Numbers 23:14-24

-Moses views Palestine from Deuteronomy 3:27; 34:1-4


-(A province in Asia Minor) -Paul visits Acts 13:14; 14:24


-One of the rivers of Eden Genesis 2:11


-An Asherite 1 Chronicles 7:38


-Benaiah kills a lion in 2 Samuel 23:20

-FIGURATIVE Psalm 7:15, 16; 40:2; 57:6; 69:15; 1 19:85; Proverbs 23:27; 26:27; 28:10; Ecclesiastes 10:8;

Jeremiah 48:44 .The bottomless pit Revelation 9: 1,2, 11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1, 3


-(Something like tar) -An opaque mineral used as a plaster and cement Isaiah 34:9

-Used by Noah, in the ark (ship) Genesis 6:14

-In making the basket in which Moses was hidden Exodus 2:3



-Earthen Lamentations 4:2

-Used by Gideon in his battle with the Midianites Judges 7: 10-20


-A treasure city in lower Egypt Exodus 1:11


-Son of Micah 1 Chronicles 8:35; 9:41


-Of God Isaiah 63:9; James 5:1 1

-Of Jesus Mark 6:34


-Not to be shown to offenders Deuteronomy 7:16; 13:8; 19:13, 21; 25:11, 12

-STANCES .The master of the unforgiving servant Matthew 18:27


-As a judgment on the Egyptians Psalm 105; 135:8, 9; Acts 7:36

-The plague of .Blood Exodus 7:14-25 .Frogs Exodus 8:1-15 .Lice Exodus 8:16-19 .Flies Exodus 8:20

-On cattle Exodus 9:1-7

-Of boils and open sores Exodus 9:8-12

-Hail Exodus 9:18-34

-Locusts Exodus 10:1-20

-Darkness Exodus 10:21-23

-Death of the firstborn 12:17, Exodus 1 1 :4-7; 29, 30

-On the Israelites After eating the quail meat Numbers 11:33 After refusing to enter the promised land

Numbers 14:37 After complaining about the destruction of Korah and his family Numbers 16:41-50 .Of

serpents Numbers 21:6 .For the sin of Peor Joshua 22:17 .On account of David\’s sin 2 Samuel 24:10-25

-On the Philistines 1 Samuel 6:4, 5

-Denounced as a judgment Leviticus 26:21; Deuteronomy 28:59

-Foretold Revelation 1 1 :6; 15:1, 6-8; 16; 22:18, 19




-A tool Isaiah 44:13




-General scriptures concerning Leviticus 14:42, 43, 48; Deuteronomy 27:2; Daniel 5:5


-General scriptures concerning Deuteronomy 17:8

-Of the guilty Joshua 7:19-21


-Jesus declined to plead Matthew 26:62; Mark 15:2; Luke 23:3; John 18:33, 34

-Prisoners required to plead Acts 7 : 1


-WORLDLY Job 20:12-16; 21:12, 13; Proverbs 9:17; 15:21; 21:17; Ecclesiastes 1:17; 2:1-13; Isaiah 5:11,

12; 22:12, 13; 47:8, 9; Amos 6:1; Luke 8:14; Romans 1:32; 2 Thessalonians 2:12; 1 Limothy 5:6; 2

Limothy 3:4; Titus 3:3; Hebrews 1 1:25, 26; 2 Peter 2:13


-General scriptures concerning Genesis 38:17-20

-A creditor must not enter the house of a debtor to take Deuteronomy 24: 10-13


-General scriptures concerning Job 9:9; 38:31; Amos 5:8


-Shares of, sharpened by the smiths of the Philistines 1 Samuel 13:20

-Used by Elisha with twelve yoke (pairs) of oxen 1 Kings 19:19

-By Job\’s servants Job 1:14

-FIGURATIVE .Of afflictions Psalm 129:3


-General scriptures concerning Isaiah 2:4; Joel 3:10; Micah 4:3


-General scriptures concerning Amos 7:7, 8; Zechariah 4: 10

-FIGURATIVE Isaiah 28:17


-The ancestor of a family which returned to Jerusalem from the captivity in Babylon Ezra 2:57; Nehemiah



-Greek Acts 17:28; Titus 1:12



-ACROSTIC Psalm 25; 34; 37; 111; 112; 119; 145; Proverbs 31:10-31; Lamentations 1; 2; 3; 4; 5

– .Moses\’ song Deuteronomy 32

, , ,



– Upon the death of Saul 2 Samuel 1 : 19-27 Upon the death of Abner 2 Samuel 3:33, 34

-EPIC .Moses\’ song Exodus 15:1-19 .Miriam\’s song Exodus 15:21 .Song of Deborah Judges 5

-LYRICS, SACRED .Moses\’ and Miriam\’s songs Exodus 15 .Hannah\’s song 1 Samuel 2:1-10 .The song Of

Elizabeth Luke 1:42-45 .Of Mary Luke 1:46-55 .Of Zachanas Luke 1:68-79 .The Psalms, which see



-(Statecraft) -CORRUPTION Psalm 12:8 .In the court .Of Ahasuerus Esther 3 .Of Darius Daniel 6:4-15

-STANCES Absalom, electioneering for the throne 2 Samuel 15:2-6 .Pilate, condemning Jesus to


gratify the clamoring people Matthew 27:23-27; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38, 39; 19:4-13

– .Zadok the priest, a partisan of David 2 Samuel 15:24-29 Nathan, the prophet, influences

the selection of David\’s successor 1 Kings 1:11 -40

– .The wise woman of Abel who saved the city through diplomacy 2 Samuel 20:16-22 .Bath-

sheba, in securing the crown for Solomon 1 Kings 1 : 1 5-21 .Herodias, in influencing the administration of

Herod Matthew 14:3-11 ; Mark 6: 17-28 .Mother of Zebedee\’s children, in seeking favor for her sons

Matthew 20:20-23 .For influence in




-Forbidden Deuteronomy 17:17; Leviticus 18:18; Malachi 2:14, 15; Matthew 19:4, 5; Mark 10:2-8; 1

Timothy 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6

-Authorized 2 Samuel 12:8

-Tolerated Exodus 21:10; 1 Samuel 1:2; 2 Chronicles 24:3

-Practiced by Job 27 : 1 5

-Lamech Genesis 4:19

-Abraham Genesis 16

-Esau Genesis 26:34; 28:9

-Jacob Genesis 29:30

-Ashur 1 Chronicles 4:5

-Gideon Judges 8:30

-Elkanah 1 Samuel 1:2

-David 1 Samuel 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:2-5; 5:13; 1 Chronicles 14:3

-Solomon 1 Kings 11:1-8

-Rehoboam 2 Chronicles 11:1 8-23

-Abijah 2 Chronicles 13:21

-Jehoram 2 Chronicles 21:14

-Joash 2 Chronicles 24:3


-Jehoiachin 2 Kings 24: 1 5

-Belshazzar Daniel 5:2

-HoseaHosea 3:1, 2

-Mosaic law respecting the firstborn in Deuteronomy 21:15-17

-Sought by women Isaiah 4:1

-The evil effects of .Husband\’s favoritism in Deuteronomy 21:15-17 .Jacob\’s Genesis 29:30; 30:15

Elkanah\’s 1 Samuel 1:5 .Rehoboam\’s 2 Chronicles 11:21

-Domestic unhappiness .In Abraham\’s family Genesis 16; 21:9-16 .In Jacob\’s family Genesis 29:30-34;

30:1-23 .In Elkanah\’s family 1 Samuel 1:4-7

-With Solomon 1 Kings 1 1 :4-8


-General scriptures concerning Genesis 31:19; 35:2, 4; Joshua 24:2, 23; Judges 2:13; 3:7; 10:16; 17:5;

Jeremiah 2:28; 11:13; Daniel 4:8; 1 Corinthians 8:5


-(A fruit) -Abounded in the land of Canaan 1 Samuel 14:2

-Brought by the spies to show the fruitfulness of the land of Canaan Numbers 13:23

-Figures of the fruits of, were embroidered on the ephod Exodus 28:33, 34; 39:24

-Carved on the pillars of the temple 1 Kings 7:18, 20, 42; Jeremiah 52:22, 23

-Wine made of So 8:2




-A province of Asia Minor Acts 2: 9; 1 Peter 1 : 1

-Aquila lived in Acts 18:2


-Of Samaria 1 Kings 22:38

-Of Jerusalem .Upper pool 2 Kings 18: 17; Isaiah 36:2 .Lower pool Isaiah 22:9 .Siloam (Shelah) Nehemiah

3:15; John 9:7, 11 .Of Heshbon So 7:4


-Atonement money of, uniform with that of the rich people Exodus 30:15

-Inexpensive offerings of people who have very little money Leviticus 5:7; 12:8; 14:21, 22

-Also see

-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATG Exodus 23:3, 6; Leviticus 19:15; 1 Samuel 2:7;

Nehemiah 8:10, 12; Job 29:11-13, 15, 16; 30:25; 31:15-22; 34:19; Psalm 37:16; 82:3, 4; 109:16; 13:7,

Proverbs 10:15; 14:20, 8, 23; 21, 31; 18:23; 19:1,4,7, 17, 22; 20:13; 21:13; 22:2, 9; 28:6, 8, 23:21; 11, 19;

29:14; Ecclesiastes 4:6, 13; 6:8; 9:15, 16; Jeremiah 22:16; Ezekiel 16:49; Matthew 25:42, 45; 26:11; Mark

12:43,44; 14:7; Luke 6:30-35; 16:20, 21; John 12:6; James 1:9, 10

– Exodus 22:25-27; 23:11; Leviticus 19:9, 10; 23:22; 25:25-28, 35-37, 39-43; Deuteronomy

14:28, 29; 15:2-14; 24: 12-21 ; 26: 12, 13; Nehemiah 8: 10; Psalm 37:21, 26; 1 12:4, 41 : 1-3; 5, 9; Proverbs

28:27; 29:7; 31:9, 20; Isaiah 1:17; 16:3, 4; Ezekiel 18:7,58:7, 10; 16, 17; Daniel 4:27; Zechariah 7:10;

Matthew 5:42; 19:21; 25:35, 36; Mark 14:7; Luke 3:11; 6:30; 11:41; 12:33; 14:12-14; 18:22; 19:8; Acts

20:35; Romans 12:8, 13,20; 1 Corinthians 13:3; 16:1, 2; 2 Corinthians 6:10; 9:5-7; 8:9; Galatians 2:10;

6:10; 1 Timothy 5:9, Ephesians 4:28; 10, 16; Hebrews 13:3; James 1:27; 2:2-9, 15, 16; 5:4; 1 John 3:17-19

-FIGURATIVE .Poor in spirit Matthew 5:3; Luke 6:20; Isaiah 66:2

-\’S CARE 1 Samuel 2:7; Job 5:15, 16; 34:18, 31:15; 19, 28; 36:6, 15; Psalm 9:18; 10:14; 12:5;

14:6; 34:6; 35:10; 68:10; 72:2, 69:33; 4, 12-14; 74:21; 107:9, 102:17; 36, 41; 109:31; 113:7, 8; 132:15;

140: 12; Proverbs 22:2, 146:5, 7; 22, 23; 29: 13; Ecclesiastes 5:8; Isaiah 1 1 :4; 14:30, 32; 25:4; 29: 19; 41 : 17;

Jeremiah 20:13; Zep 3:12; Zechariah 11:7; Matthew 11:5; Luke 4:18; 7:22; 16:22; James 2:5




-KDNESS .STANCES .To Ruth Ru 2:23 .By Boaz Ru 2:14-16 .To the Widow of Zarephath 1

Kings 17:12-24 .Prophet\’s widow 2 Kings 4:1-7 Jews Esther 9:22 .By Job Job 29:11-16; 31:16-21, 38-40

.The Temanites Isaiah 21:14 Nebuzaradan Jeremiah 39:10 .The Good Samaritan Luke 10:33-35

.Zacchaeus Luke 19:8 .Congregations Acts 6:1; 11:29; Romans 15:25, 26; 2 Corinthians 8:1-4 .Dorcas Acts

9:36 .Cornelius Acts 10:2, 4 .The congregation at Antioch (in Syria) Acts 1 1 :29, 30 .Paul Romans 15:25

.Congregations of Macedonia and Achaia Romans 15:26; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

-OPPRESSIONS Nehemiah 5:1-13; 22:6, Job 20:19-21; 7, 9-11; 24:4, 7-10; Psalm 10:2, 8-10; 37:14;

Proverbs 14:20; 17:5; 19:7; 22:7, 16; 28:3, 15; 30:14; Ecclesiastes 5:8; Isaiah 3:14, 15; 10:1, 2; 32:6, 7;

Ezekiel 18:12; 22:29; Amos 2:6-8; 4:1, 2; 5:11, 12; 8:4, 6; Hab 3:14; James 2:6


-STANCES .The widow\’s son 2 Kings 4:1-7


-A tree Genesis 30:37; Hosea 4:13



-Laws against Exodus 23:2


-STANCES .David 2 Samuel 3:36 Absalom 2 Samuel 15:2-6, 13 .Job Job 29


-Son of Haman Esther 9:8




-General scriptures concerning Exodus 26:14; 36:19; 39:34

-(Margin, R. V.) Exodus 25:5


-Guards at the city gates, the doors of the king\’s palace, and doors of the temple 1 Chronicles 9:17-32; 2

Chronicles 34:13; 35:15

-Lodged round about the temple in order to be present for opening the doors 1 Chronicles 9:27

-One -third were porters of the temple 2 Chronicles 23:4

-One -third were porters of the king\’s house 2 Chronicles 23:5

-One -third were porters of the gate of the foundation 2 Chronicles 23:5

-They also served as porters of the gates of the walls Nehemiah 12:25

-They served in twenty-four courses 1 Chronicles 26:13-19

-Their posts were determined by lot 1 Chronicles 24:31; 26:13-19


-A bearer of a message Job 9:25; Jeremiah 51:31

-Of Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 30:6, 10

-Of Ahasuerus Esther 3:13, 15; 8:10, 14


-(An officer of Pharaoh. The LXX has \”eunuch\” even though he had a wife) -Joseph\’s master Genesis

37:36; 39:1


-(A priest of On) -Joseph\’s father-in-law Genesis 41:45, 50; 46:20


-Fragment of earthenware Job 2:8; Isaiah 45:9


-Clay prepared for, by treading Isaiah 41:25

-Vessels made of Jeremiah 18:3, 4

-Place for manufacture of, outside the wall of Jerusalem, bought as a burying ground for poor people

Matthew 27:7-10

-FIGURATIVE Isaiah 64:8; Romans 9:21 .Of weakness, in the idol in Nebuchadnezzars vision Daniel 2:41


-The Hebrew word \”maneh\” is translated \”pound,\” 1 Kings 10:17; Ezra 2:69; Nehemiah 7:71, 72

-And is equivalent to almost one pound (fourteen ounces) -In John the weight was equivalent to about

twelve ounces John 12:3


-In Luke the Greek word \”mina\” is translated \”pound,\” and worth approximately one-hundred denarii (more

than three months\’ wages) Luke 19:13-25


-General scriptures concerning Proverbs 6:11; 10:15; 15:16; 16:8; Ecclesiastes 4:6; Proverbs 20:13; 23:21;

24:33, 34; 28:19; 30:8, 9



As the Son of God, is the power of God John 5:17-19; 10:28-30 As man, is from the Father Acts 10:38

Described as supreme Ephesians 1:20, 21; 1 Peter 3:22 Unlimited Matthew 28:18 Over all flesh John 17:2

Over all things John 3:35; Ephesians 1:22 Glorious 2 Thessalonians 1:9 Everlasting 1 Timothy 6:16 Is able

to subdue all things Philippians 3:21 Exemplified in creation John 1 :3, 10; Colossians 1 : 16 Upholding all

things Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3 Salvation Isaiah 63: 1 ; Hebrews 7:25 His teaching Matthew 7:28, 29;

Luke 4:32 Performing miracles Matthew 8:27; Luke 5:17 Enabling others to work miracles Matthew 10:1;

Mark 16:17, 18; Luke 10:17 Forgiving sins Matthew 9:6; Acts 5:31 Giving spiritual life John 5:21, 25, 26

Giving eternal life John 17:2 Raising the dead John 5:28, 29 Rising from the dead John 2:19; 10:18

Overcoming the world John 16:33 Overcoming Satan Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14 Destroying the works

of Satan 1 John 3 : 8 Ministers should make known 2 Peter 1:16 Saints made willing by Psalm 110:3 Helped

by Hebrews 2:18 Strengthened by Philippians 4:13; 2 Timothy 4:17 Preserved by 2 Timothy 1:12; 4:18

Bodies of, will be changed by Philippians 3:21 Rests upon saints 2 Corinthians 12:9 Present in the

assembly of saints 1 Corinthians 5:4 Will be specially manifested at his second coming Mark 13:26; 2 Peter

1:16 Will subdue all power 1 Corinthians 15:24 The wicked will be destroyed by Psalm 2:9; Isaiah 11:4;

63:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:9


One of his attributes Psalm 62: 1 1

Expressed by . . . The voice of God Psalm 29:3, 5; 68:33 The finger of God Exodus 8:19; Psalm 8:3 The

hand of God Exodus 9:3, 15; Isaiah 48:13 The arm of God Job 40:9; Isaiah 52:10 The thunder of his power

Job 26:14

Described as . . . Great Psalm 79:11; Na 1:3 Strong Psalm 89:13; 136:12 Glorious Exodus 15:6; Isaiah

63:12 Mighty Job 9:4; Psalm 89:13 Everlasting Isaiah 26:4; Romans 1:20 Sovereign Romans 9:21

Effectual Isaiah 43:13; Ephesians 3:7 Irresistable Deuteronomy 32:39; Daniel 4:35 Incomparable Exodus

15:11, 12; Deuteronomy 3:24; Job 40:9; Psalm 89:8 Unsearchable Job 5:9; 9:10 Incomprehensible Job

26:14; Ecclesiastes 3:11 All things possible to Matthew 19:26 Nothing too difficult for Genesis 18:14;

Jeremiah 32:27 Can save by many or by few 1 Samuel 14:6 Is the source of all strength 1 Chronicles 29: 12;

Psalm 68:35

Exemplified … In the creation Psalm 102:25; Jeremiah 10:12 In establishing and governing all things

Psalm 65:6; 66:7 In the miracles of Christ Luke 1 1 :20 In the resurrection of Christ 2 Corinthians 13:4;

Colossians 2: 12 In the resurrection of saints 1 Corinthians 6: 14 In making the gospel effectual Romans

1:16; 1 Corinthians 1 : 1 8, 24 In delivering his people Psalm 106:8 In the destruction of the wicked Exodus

9:16; Romans 9:22 Saints long for exhibitions of Psalm 63:1, 2 Have confidence in Jeremiah 20:11 Receive

increase of grace by 2 Corinthians 9:8 Strengthened by Ephesians 6:10; Colossians 1:11 Upheld by Psalm

37: 17; Isaiah 41:10 Supported in affliction by 2 Corinthians 6:7; 2 Timothy 1 :8 Delivered by Nehemiah

1:10; Daniel 3:17 Exalted by Job 36:22 Kept by, unto salvation 1 Peter 1:5 Exerted in behalf of saints 1

Chronicles 16:9 Works in and for saints 2 Corinthians 13:4; Ephesians 1:19; 3:20 The faith that saints rely

on 1 Corinthians 2:5 Should be acknowledged 1 Chronicles 29: 1 1 ; Isaiah 33:13 Pleaded in prayer Psalm

79:11; Matthew 6:13 Feared Jeremiah 5:22; Matthew 10:28 Magnified Psalm 21 : 13; Jude 1 :25 Efficiency

of ministers is through 1 Corinthians 3:6-8; Galatians 2:8; Ephesians 3:7 Is a ground of trust Isaiah 26:4;

Romans 4:21

Wicked people . . . Do not know Matthew 22:29 Have against them Ezra 8:22 Will be destroyed by Luke

12:5 The heavenly host magnified Revelation 4:11; 5:13; 11:17




Is the power of God Matthew 12:28; with Luke 1 1 :20 Christ commenced his ministry in Luke 4:14 Christ

worked his miracles by Matthew 12:28

Exemplified in . . . The creation Genesis 1:2; Job 26:13; Psalm 104:30 The conception of Christ Luke 1:35

Raising Christ from the dead 1 Peter 3:18 Giving spiritual life Ezekiel 37:11-14; with Romans 8:11

Performing miracles Romans 15:19 Making the gospel effective 1 Corinthians 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:5

Overcoming all difficulties Zechariah 4:6, 7 Promised by the Father Luke 24:49 Promised by Christ Acts


Saints . . . Upheld by Psalm 51:12 Strengthened by Ephesians 3:16 Enabled to speak the truth boldly by

Micah 3:8; Acts 6:5, 10; 2 Timothy 1 :7, 8 Helped in prayer by Romans 8:26 Abound in hope by Romans

15:13 Qualifies ministers Luke 24:49; Acts 1 :8, 9 God\’s word the instrument of Ephesians 6: 17

-UAL Genesis 32:28; Isaiah 40:29-31; Mark 9:29; Luke 1:17; 4:32; 24:49; John 7:38, 39; Acts 1:8;

2:2-4; 6:8; Ephesians 1:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 1:24-28; 4:19, 20; 2 Corinthians 12:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2

Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 6:5


-Song of Moses, after the passage through the Red Sea Exodus 15:1-19

-Of Miriam Exodus 15:21

-Of Deborah, after defeating the Canaanites Judges 5

-Of Hannah 1 Samuel 2:1-10

-Of David .Celebrating his deliverance from the hand of Saul 2 Samuel 22 .On bringing the ark of the

covenant to Zion 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 At the close of his reign 1 Chronicles 29:10-19

-The chorus when Solomon brought the ark of the covenant into the temple 2 Chronicles 5:13

-Psalms of, for God\’s goodness to Israel Psalm 46; 48; 65; 66; 68; 76; 81; 85; 98; 105; 124; 126; 129; 135;





116; 118; 138; 144

-For God\’s attributes Psalm 8; 19; 22; 24; 29; 33; 47; 50; 65; 66; 76; 77; 92; 93; 95; 96; 97; 98; 99; 104;

111; 113; 114; 115; 134; 139; 147; 148; 150

-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATG Genesis 14:20; Exodus 15:1, 2; Deuteronomy 10:21;

Judges 5:3; 2 Samuel 22:4; 1 Chronicles 16:31, 33, 34, 36; 23:30; 2 Chronicles 7:3; Nehemiah 9:5, 6; Job

36:24; Psalm 7:17; 8:2; 9:11; 18:3; 22:22, 21:13; 23, 25; 24:7-10; 26:12; 28:6, 7; 30:4; 32:11; 33:1-3; 34:1-

3; 35:18, 28; 41:13; 42:4; 47:1, 43:3, 4; 6, 7; 48:1; 50:23; 51:15; 52:9; 56:10, 12; 57:7-9; 61:8; 63:3-6; 66:1,

2, 65:1; 4, 8; 67:3, 4; 68:4, 26, 32-34; 69:30, 34; 71:8, 14, 70:4; 15, 22; 75:1; 79:13; 81:1; 84:4; 86:12;

89:5, 52; 95:1, 2, 92:1-3; 6, 7; 96:1-4, 7-9; 97:12; 99:3, 98:4-6; 5, 9; 100:1-5; 101:1; 103:20-22; 104:33, 34;

105:1-5; 107:8,9, 15,21, 106:1, 48; 31, 32; 108:1-3; 109:30; 111:1, 10; 113:1,2; 115:18; 116:12-14, 17-

19; 117:1,2; 118:15, 119:7,62, 108, 164, 171,28,29; 172, 175; 134:1,2; 135:1-3, 19,21; 136:1-26; 138:1,

2; 144:1, 140:13; 2, 9; 145:1-21; 146:1-10; 147:1-20; 148:1-14; 149:1-9; 150:1-6; Isaiah 12:1-6; 24:14-16;

25:1; 35:10; 38:18, 19; 42:10-12; 43:21; 49:13; 51:3; 52:7-10; 61:3; Jeremiah 31:7; 33:11; Daniel 2:20, 23;

4:37; John 2:9; Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Luke 1:46-55, 67-75; 2:20; 17:15, 16; 19:37, 38; 24:52, 53;

Acts 2:46, 47; 4:24; 16:25;Romans 11:36; 16:27; 1 Corinthians 14:15; 15:57; Ephesians 1:3; 3:20, 21;

5:19; Philippians 4:20; 1 Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 2:12; 13:15; James 5:13; 1 Peter 1:3; 2:9; 4:11; 5:11; 2

Peter 3:18; Jude 1:25; Revelation 1:6; 14:7

– HEAVEN Nehemiah 9:6; Job 38:7; Psalm 103:20, 21; 148:2, 4; Isaiah 6:3; Ezekiel 3:12; Luke 2:13,

14; 15:7, 10; Revelation 1:6; 4:8-11; 5:9-14; 7:9-12; 11:16, 17; 14:2,3; 15:3,4; 19:1-7



Prayer test proposed by Elijah 1 Kings 18:24-39 Daily, in the morning Psalm 5:3; 88:13; 143:8; Isaiah 33:2

Twice daily Psalm 88: 1 Thrice daily Psalm 55: 17; Daniel 6:10 All night Luke 6:12 Without ceasing 1

Thessalonians 5:17

Boldness in . . . Enjoined Hebrews 4:16 Exemplified by Abraham in his inquiry concerning Sodom Genesis


18:23-32 By Moses, supplicating for assistance in delivering Israel Exodus 33:12, 18 Secret Genesis 24:63;

Matthew 6:6 Silent Psalm 5:1 Weeping in Ezra 10:1 In a loud voice, satirized by Elijah 1 Kings 18:27

Long . . . Of Pharisees Matthew 23: 14 Of scribes Mark 12:40; Luke 20:47 Profuse, to be avoided

Ecclesiastes 5:2; Matthew 6:7 Vain repetitions of, to be avoided Matthew 6:7

Lokens asked for, as assurance of answer … By Abraham\’s servant Genesis 24: 14 Gideon asks for a sign

of dew on a fleece Judges 6:36-40

Rebuked . . . Of Moses, at the Red Sea Exodus 14:15 When Moses prayed to see Canaan, the promised land

Deuteronomy 3:23-27

Of Joshua Joshua 7:10 Evils averted by Jeremiah 26:19 Unbelief in Job 21:15 \”Lhe Lord\’s Prayer,\”

Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:2-4

However, see John 17:1 -26

Answer to, withheld . . . Of Balaam Deuteronomy 23:5; Joshua 24: 10 Of Job Job 30:20 with Job 42: 12 Of

the Israelites, when attacked by the Amorites Deuteronomy 1 :45 Lhe prayer of Jesus, \”Let this cup pass

away,\” Matthew 26:39, 42, 44-75

And Matthew 27 Answer to, delayed Psalm 22:1, 2; 40:1; 80:4; 88:14; Jeremiah 42:7; Hab 1:2; Luke 18:7

Answer to, exceeds petition . . . Solomon asked for wisdom; the answer included wisdom, riches, honour,

and long life 1 Kings 3 :7- 1 4; 2 Chronicles 1:10-12 Lhe disciples prayed for Peter; the answer included

Peter\’s deliverance Acts 12:15 with Acts 12:5

Answer to, different from the request . . . Moses asked to be permitted to cross the Jordan River; the answer

was permission to view the land of promise Deuteronomy 3:23-27 Lhe Israelites lusted for the fleshpots of

Egypt; the answer gave them, flesh, but also leanness of soul Psalm 106: 14, 15 Martha and Mary asked

Jesus to come and heal their brother Lazarus; Jesus delayed, but raised Lazarus from the dead John 1 1 Paul

asked that the \”thorn in the flesh\” be removed; the answer was a promise of grace to endure it 2 Corinthians


In Behalf of Nations . . .


Penitential . . . Of David Psalm 51:1-17 Of the tax collector Luke 18:13

, ,

, IMPRECARY 16:15; 22:6-11; 23:7, 8; 24:9, 10; 11:29,

30; 27:11-13; 33:11; Joshua 8:33, 34; Judges 16:28; 2 Samuel 16:10-12; Nehemiah 4:4, 5; 5:13; Job 3:1-10;

27:7; Psalm 5:10; 6:10; 9:20; 10:2, 15; 25:3; 28:4; 35:4, 31:17, 18; 8, 26; 40:14, 15; 54:5; 55:9, 15; 56:7;

59:5, 58:7; 11, 15; 69:23, 24, 68:1, 2; 27, 28; 70:2, 3; 71:13; 79:10, 12; 83:13-17; 109:7, 9-20, 94:2; 28, 29;

119:78,84; 129:5; 140:9, 10; 143:12; 144:6; Jeremiah 11:20; 12:3; 15:15; 17:18; 18:21-23; 20:12;

Lamentations 1:22; 3:64-66; Galatians 1:8, 9; 2 Limothy 4:14, 15 Submission in, exemplified by Jesus

Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42 David 2 Samuel 12:22, 23 Job Job 1:20, 21 Private, enjoined

Matthew 6:6

Exemplified by . . . Lot Genesis 19:20 Eliezer Genesis 24:12 Jacob Genesis 32:9-12 Gideon Judges 6:22,

36, 39 Hannah 1 Samuel 1:10 David 2 Samuel 7: 18-29 Hezekiah 2 Kings 20:2 Isaiah 2 Kings 20: 1 1

Manasseh 2 Chronicles 33:18, 19 Ezra Ezra 9:5, 6 Nehemiah Nehemiah 2:4 Jeremiah Jeremiah 32:16-25

Daniel Daniel 9:3, 19 Jonah John 2: 1 Habakkuk Hab 1 :2 Anna Luke 2:37 Jesus Matthew 14:23; 26:36, 39;

Mark 1:35; Luke 9:18, 29 Paul Acts 9:11 Peter Acts 9:40; 10:9 Cornelius Acts 10:30

Family … By Abraham Genesis 12:5, 8 By Jacob Genesis 35:3 By Cornelius Acts 10:2 Social Matthew

18:19; Acts 1:13, 14; 16:25; 20:36; 21:5 Held in private houses Acts 1:13, 14; 12:12 Held in the temple

Acts 2:46; 3:1

Of Jesus . . . On a mountain Matthew 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12; 9:28 In the garden of Gethsemane

Matthew 26:36; Mark 14:32; Luke 22:45 Lhe Lord\’s prayer Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:1

However, see John 17: 1-26 Before daylight Mark 1 :35 In distress John 12:27; Hebrews 5:7 In the

wilderness Luke 5:16 In behalf of Peter Luke 22:31, 32 For the Comforter (the Holy Spirit) to come John

14:16 After the supper John 17 Of the apostles Acts 1 :24, 25 Lo idols 1 Kings 18:26-29

-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPLURES RELALG LO Genesis 32:24-28; Hosea 12:4; 1 Chronicles 16:11,35;

2 Chronicles 7:14; Nehemiah 4:9; Psalm 27:8; 105:3, 4; 145:18; Proverbs 15:8; Ecclesiastes 5:2; Isaiah

55:6; Lamentations 3:41; Zechariah 12:10; Matthew 6:5-13; 7:7, 8; 21:22; Mark 9:28, 29; 11:24; Luke

11:1-13; 18:1; Romans 8:26; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 3:11, 12; 6:18, 19; Philippians 4:6; Colossians

4:2; 1 Lhessalomans 5:17, 18; 1 Limothy 2:8; Hebrews 4:16; James 5:16; Jude 1:20; Revelation 5:8; 8:3, 4

-ANSWER LO, PROME Exodus 6:5; 22:23, 27; 33:17-20; Deuteronomy 4:7, 29-31; 1 Kings 8:22, 53; 1

Chronicles 28:9; 2 Chronicles 7:13-15; Job 8:5, 6; 12:4; 22:27; 33:26; Psalm 9:10, 12; 10:17; 18:3; 32:6;


34:15, 17; 37:4, 5; 38:15; 50:14, 15; 55:16, 17; 56:9; 65:2, 5; 69:33; 81:10; 86:5-7; 91:15; 102:17-20;

145:18, 19; Proverbs 2:3, 5; 3:6; 10:24; 15:8,29; 16:1; Isaiah 19:20; 30:19; 55:6; 58:9; 65:24; Jeremiah

29:12, 13; 31:9; 33:3; Lamentations 3:25; Joel 2:18, Ezekiel 36:37; 19, 32; Amos 5:4-6; Zep 2:3; Zechariah

10:1,6; 13:9; Matthew 6:5-13; 7:7-11; 18:19, 20; 21:22; Mark 11:24, 25; Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-8; 21:36;

John 4:10, 23, 24; 9:31; 14:13, 14; 16:23,24, 15:7, 16; 26, 27; Acts 7:34; 22:16; Romans 8:26; 10:12, 13;

Ephesians 2:18; 3:20; Hebrews 4:16; 10:22,23; 11:6; James 1:5-7; 4:8, 10; 5:16; 1 John 3:22; 5:14, 15

-ANSWERED Job 34:28; Psalm 3:4; 4:1; 6:8, 9; 18:6; 22:4, 21:2, 4; 5, 24; 28:6; 30:2, 3; 31:22; 34:4-6;

40:1; 66:19, 20; 77:1, 2; 81:7; 99:6-8; 107:6, 106:44; 7, 13-20; 116:1,2; 118:5,21; 119:26; 120:1; 138:3;

Lamentations 3:57, 58; John 2:1, Hosea 12:4; 2, 7; Luke 23:42, 43; Acts 4:31; 2 Corinthians 12:8, 9; James

5:17, 18


Cain Genesis 4:13-15 Abraham, for a son Genesis 15

Abraham entreating . . . For Sodom Genesis 18:23-33 For Ishmael Genesis 17:20 For Abimelech Genesis

20: 17 Hagar, for deliverance Genesis 16:7-13 Abraham\’s servant, for guidance Genesis 24: 12-52 Rebecca,

concerning her pains in pregnancy Genesis 25:22, 23 Jacob, for deliverance from Esau Genesis 32:9-32;

33:1-17 Moses, for help at the Red Sea Exodus 14:15, 16 Moses, at the waters of Marah Exodus 15:25

Moses, at Mount Horeb Exodus 17:4-6 Moses, in the battle with the Amalekites Exodus 17:8-14 Moses,

concerning the complaint of the Israelites for meat Numbers 11:11-35 Moses, on behalf of Miriam\’s leprosy

Numbers 12:13-15 Moses, Aaron, and Samuel Psalm 99:6

Israelites for deliverance . . . From bondage Exodus 2:23-25; 3:7-10; Acts 7:34 From Pharaoh\’s army

Exodus 14:10-30 From the king of Mesopotamia Judges 3:9, 15 Sisera Judges 4:3, 23, 24; 1 Samuel 12:9-

11 Ammon Judges 10:6-18; 11:1-33 For God\’s favor under the reproofs of Azariah 2 Chronicles 15:1-15

From Babylonian bondage Nehemiah 9:27 Gideon, asking for the token of dew Judges 6:36-40 Manoah,

asking about Samson Judges 13:8, 9 Samson, asking for strength Judges 16:28-30 Hannah, asking to give

birth to a child 1 Samuel 1:10-17, 1 9, 20 David, asking whether Keilah would be delivered into his hands 1

Samuel 23:10-12 David, asking about Ziklag 1 Samuel 30:8 David, asking whether he should go into Judah

after Saul\’s death 2 Samuel 2:1 David, asking whether he should go to war against the Philistines 2 Samuel

5:19-25 David, in adversity Psalm 118:5; 138:3 Solomon, asking for wisdom 1 Kings 3:1-13; 9:2, 3 Elijah,

raising the widow\’s son 1 Kings 17:22 Elijah, calling for fire to come down upon his sacrifice 1 Kings

18:36-38 Elijah, asking for rain 1 Kings 17:1; 18:1, 42-45; James 5:17 Elisha, leading the Syrian army 2

Kings 6: 17-20 Jabez, asking for prosperity 1 Chronicles 4:10 Abijah, for victory over Jeroboam 2

Chronicles 13:14-18Asa, for victory over Zerah 2 Chronicles 14:11-15 The people of Judah 2 Chronicles

15:15 Jehoshaphat, for victory over the Canaanites 2 Chronicles 18:31; 20:6-27 Jehoahaz, for victory over

Hazael 2 Kings 13:4 Priests and Levites, when blessing the people 2 Chronicles 30:27 Hezekiah and Isaiah,

for deliverance from Sennacherib 2 Kings 19:14-20; 2 Chronicles 32:20-23 To save Hezekiah\’s life 2 Kings

20: 1 -7, 1 1 ; 2 Chronicles 32:24 Manasseh, for deliverance from the king of Babylon 2 Chronicles 33:13, 19

The Reubenites, for deliverance from the Hagarites 1 Chronicles 5:20 The Jews, returning from the

captivity Ezra 8:21, 23 Ezekiel, to have the baking of his bread of affliction changed Ezekiel 4:12-15

Daniel, for the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars dream Daniel 2:19-23 Daniel, interceding for the people

Daniel 9:20-23 Daniel, in a vision Daniel 10:12 Zacharias, for a son Luke 1:13 The leper, for healing

Matthew 8:2, 3; Mark 1 :40-43; Luke 5:12, 13 Centurion, for his servant Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:3-10;

John 4:50, 51 Peter, asking that Tabitha (Dorcas) be restored to life Acts 9:40 The disciples, for Peter Acts

12:5-17 Paul, to be restored to health 2 Corinthians 1:9-11

– Leviticus 5:5; 26:40; Numbers 5:5-7; Judges 10:10, 15; 1 Samuel 12:10; 1 Kings 8:47;

Ezra 9:6, 15; Nehemiah 1 :6, 7; 9:2, 33-35; Job 7:20; 40:4, 5; Psalm 31:10; 38:4-8, 32:3, 5; 10, 18; 40: 12;

51:3, 4; 69:5; 106:6,7; 119:176; 130:3; Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 6:5; 59:12, 13; Jeremiah 3:13, 25; 14:7,20;

Lamentations 1:18; 3:42; 5:16; Daniel 9:5-15

-IMPORTUNITY Genesis 18:23-32; 32:24-29; Exodus 32:32; Deuteronomy 9:25; Judges 6:36-40;

16:28; 1 Samuel 1:10, 11; 12:23; 1 Kings 8:22-30; Ezra 9:5, 6; Nehemiah 1:4-6; 22:1, Psalm 17:1, 6; 2, 19;

28:1, 2; 55:1, 2, 35:22, 23; 16, 17; 57:2; 61:1, 2; 70:5; 88:1, 2, 86:3, 6; 9, 13; 102:1, 2; 119:58, 145-147;

130:1,2; 141:1,2; 142:1, 2; Isaiah 38:2, 3; 62:7; 64:12; Daniel 9:3, 16-19; John 1:14; Hab 1:2; Matthew

15:22-28; Mark 7:25-29; Luke 7:3; 11:5-8; 18:1-7; 22:44; Romans 8:26; 2 Corinthians 12:8; Ephesians

6:18; Hebrews 5:7


Jacob Genesis 32:24-30 Moses Exodus 33:12-16; 34:9 Elijah 1 Kings 18:22-44 The two blind men of

Jericho Matthew 20:30, 31; Mark 10:48; Luke 18:39 The non- Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman Matthew


15:22-28; Mark 7:25-30 The Roman centurion Matthew 8:5; Luke 7:3, 4






-PLEAS FERED Genesis 32:9-12; Exodus 32:11-13; 33:13; Numbers 14:13-18; 16:22;

Deuteronomy 3:24, 25; 9:18, 25-29; Joshua 7:8, 9; 2 Samuel 7:25-29; 1 Kings 8:25, 26, 59, 60; 18:36, 37; 2

Kings 19:15-19; 2 Chronicles 14:11; Nehemiah 1:8, 9; 9:32; Psalm 4:1; 9:19, 20; 25:6; 27:9; 31:3; 69:6,

38:16; 13, 16; 74:10, 71:18; 11, 18-23; 83:1, 79:10-12; 2, 18; 86:1-5, 17; 89:49-51; 106:47; 109:21-27;

115:1,2; 119:38,42,43,49,73,94, 116, 124, 145, 146, 149, 153, 173-176; 143:11, 12; Isaiah 37:15-20;

63:17-19; Jeremiah 14:21; 18:20, 21; Lamentations 3:56-63; Joel 2:17

-THANKSGIVG , BEE RECEIVG FOOD Joshua 9:14; 1 Samuel 9:13; Matthew 14:19;

15:36; 26:26, 27; Mark 6:41; 8:6, 7; 14:22, 23; Luke 9:16; 22:19; John 6:11, 23; Acts 27:35; Romans 14:6;

1 Corinthians 10:30, 31; 11:24; 1 Timothy 4:3-5


-General scriptures concerning Psalm 5:1-3; 42:8; 109:4; 116:2; Daniel 6:10; Luke 2:37; Acts 6:4; 10:2,9;

Romans 1:9; 12:12; Ephesians 1:15, 16; Colossians 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 3:10; 5:17; 1 Timothy 5:5; 2

Timothy 1:3


-General scriptures concerning Job 15:4; 21:14, 15; 27:10; Psalm 14:4; 53:4; 79:6; Isaiah 43:22; 64:7;

Jeremiah 10:21, 25; Daniel 9:13; Hosea 7:7; John 1:6; Zep 1:6


-(The act of exhorting, prophesying, reproving, teaching) -Solomon called \”the preacher\” (Koheleth)

Ecclesiastes 1:1, 12

-Noah called \”preacher,\” 2 Peter 2:5

-Sitting while Matthew 5:1; Luke 4:20; 5:3

-Moses was slow of speech Exodus 4:10-12

-Repentance, the subject of John the Baptist\’s Matthew 3:2; Mark 1:4, 15; Luke 3:3

-Repentance, the subject of Christ\’s Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15

-Repentance, the subject of the apostles Mark 6:12

-\”The Gospel of the Kingdom of God,\” the subject of Christ\’s Mark 1:14, 15; 2:2; Luke 8:1

-Christ crucified and risen, the burden of Paul\’s Acts 17:3

-Effective .By Azariah 2 Chronicles 15:1-15 .By Jonah John 3 .By Peter and other apostles Acts 2: 14-41

.By Philip Acts 8:5-12, 27-38 .By Paul Acts 9:20; 13:16-43

-Impenitence under .Of Asa 2 Chronicles 16:7-10 .Of Ahab 2 Chronicles 18:7-26 .Of the Jews Acts 13:46


-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATG Psalm 8:2; Matthew 11:25, 26; 1 Corinthians 1:17, 18,

21, Luke 10:21; 23, 27-29; 2:1-8, 14:1-20, 12, 13; 24, 25; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16; 3:12, 13; Colossians 1:23-

29; 1 Thessalonians 1:5; 2:3-12; 1 Timothy 6:20, 21; 2 Timothy 2:15, 16; Titus 1:3; 3:8, 9






-General scriptures concerning Genesis 21:12, 13; Exodus 9:16; 33:19; Deuteronomy 4:37; 7:7, 8; 10:15;

32:8; Joshua 11:20; 1 Samuel 12:22; 1 Kings 12:15; 20:42; 2 Kings 19:25; 2 Chronicles 6:6; Job 23:13, 14;


Psalm 33:12; 78:67, 65:4; 68, 70-72; 105:17-22; 135:4; Isaiah 44:1, Proverbs 16:4; 2, 7; Jeremiah 1:4, 5;

Malachi 1:2, 3; Matthew 11:25, 26; 20:16, 23; 24:22, 22:14; 40, 41; 25:34; 26:24; Mark 13:20, 22; 14:21;

Luke 4:25-27; 8:10; 10:20; 17:34-36; 18:7; John 6:37, 39, 22:22; 44, 45; 17:2, 15:16, 19; 6, 9; 21:23; Acts

1:7; 2:23, 39, 47; 3:18; 4:28; 13:48; 17:26; 22:14; Romans 1:6; 8:28-30, 33; 11:5, 9:7-33; 7, 8; 1

Corinthians 1:26-29; 2:7; Galatians 1:15; Ephesians 1:4, 5, 9-11; 2:10; 3:11; Colossians 3:12; 1

Thessalonians 1:4; 2:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:1,2; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:2, 20; 2

Peter 1:10; Jude 1:4; Revelation 13:8

-EXEMPLIFIED .In the destruction of Eli\’s sons 1 Samuel 2:25 .The Hivites Joshua 1 1 :20 .The Philistines

Judges 14:4 .Ahaziah 2 Chronicles 22:7 Amaziah and the idolatrous Jews 2 Chronicles 25:20 .In the

covenant with Abraham to have posterity Genesis 21:12; Nehemiah 9:7, 8 .Zerubbabel Hag 2:23 .The

apostles John 13:18; 15:19 .Jacob Romans 9:12, 13 .Rufus Romans 16:13 .Paul Galatians 1:15



-General scriptures concerning Matthew 27:62; Mark 15:42; John 19:14, Luke 23:54; 31, 42


-Of God





-General scriptures concerning Exodus 5:2; 14:11, 12; 17:7;Numbers 15:30; 16:41; 21:5; Deuteronomy

6:16; 29:19, 20; 1 Kings 20:28; 22:24; Job 15:25; Psalm 19:13; 1 3 1 : 1 ; Proverbs 18:12, 13; 25:6, 7; Isaiah

5:18-25; 10:15; 14:13, 14; 28:14-18, 22; 29:15, 16, 20; 45:9, 10; 58:3; 65:5; Jeremiah 23:34; Matthew 4:5-

7;Luke4:9-ll; 12:18-20; 14:7-11; 18:11, 12; Romans 1:32; 9:20, 21; 1 Corinthians 10:9-12; 2

Thessalonians 2:3; James 4:13-16; 2 Peter 2:10, 1 1

-STANCES .Satan, when he said to Eve, \”You will surely not die,\” Genesis 3:1-5 .Builders of Babel

Genesis 11:4 Abraham, in questioning about Sodom Genesis 18:23-32 .Moses, in rebuking Jehovah

Numbers 11:11-15, 22 Nadab and Abihu Leviticus 10:1, 2 .Israelites, in ascending to the top of the hill

against the Amalekites Numbers 14:44, 45 .Complaining at Meribah Exodus 17:2, 7 .In reviling God

Malachi 1:6, 3:7, 7, 12; 8, 13 .Korah, Dathan, and Abiram Numbers 16:3 .Saul, in sacrificing 1 Samuel

13:8-14 .Sparing the Amalekites 1 Samuel 15:3, 9-23 .Men of Beth-shemesh 1 Samuel 6:19 .Uzzah, in

steadying the ark of the covenant 2 Samuel 6:6, 7 .David\’s anger on account of Uzzah\’s death 2 Samuel 6:8

.David, in numbering Israel 2 Samuel 24:1-17 .Jeroboam 1 Kings 13:4 .Ben-hadad 1 Kings 20:10 .Uzziah 2

Chronicles 26:16 .Sennacherib 2 Chronicles 32:13, 14 .Job, in cursing the day of his birth Job 3 .Reproved

by Eliphaz Job 4; 5 Jonah John 4:1-8 .Peter .In objecting to Jesus\’ statement that Jesus must be killed

Matthew 16:21-23; Mark 8:32 .In reflecting upon his knowledge when he asked, amid a throng, who

touched Jesus Luke 8:45 .In objecting to Jesus washing Peter\’s feet John 13:8 .In asking Jesus, \”What will

this man do?\” John 21 :20-22 .The disciples, in rebuking those who brought little children to Jesus Matthew

19:13;Mark 10:13, 14;Luke 18:15 .The disciples, in their indignation at the anointing of Jesus Matthew

26:8, 9; Mark 14:4, 5; John 12:5 .Reproving Jesus John 7:3-5 .James and John, in desiring to call down fire

upon the Samaritans Luke 9:54 .Those who reviled Jesus Matthew 27:42, 43; Mark 15:29-32 .Theudas Acts

5:36 .The sons of Sceva Acts 19:13, 14 .Diotrephes 3 John 1 :9




-Also called PRAERIUM, COMMON H, H, and PALACE Matthew 27:27;

Mark 15:16; John 18:28, 33; 19:9; Acts 23:35; Phihppians 1:13


-General scriptures concerning Exodus 18:10, 11; Leviticus 26:19; Deuteronomy 8:11-14, 17-20; Judges

9:14, 15; 1 Samuel 2:3-5; 1 Kings 20:11; 2 Kings 14:9, 10; 2 Chronicles 25:18, 19; Job 11:12; 12:2,3;


13:2,5; 15:1-13; 18:3; 21:31, 32; 32:9-13; 37:24; Psalm 9:20; 10:2-6, 11; 12:4; 18:27; 31:23; 49:11; 73:6,

52:7; 8, 9; 75:4-6; 119:21,69, 101:5; 70, 78; 138:6; Proverbs 3:34; 6:16, 17; 8:13; 10:17; 11:2, 12; 12:9,

15; 13:10; 14:21; 15:5, 10, 12, 16:5,25,32; 18, 19; 17:19; 18:11, 12; 20:6; 21:4, 24; 26:5, 25:14, 27; 12,

16; 27:2; 28:11, 25; 29:8, 23; 30:12, 13; Isaiah 2:11-17; 3:16-26; 5:8, 15; 9:9, 10; 10:5-16; 13:11; 14:12-16;

16:6, 7; 22:16, 19; 23:7, 9; 24:4, 21; 26:5; 28:3; 47:4-10; 13:9, Jeremiah 9:23, 24; 48:7, 14, 15, 17; 15, 29;

49:4, 16;50:31,32;Ezekiel 16:56; 28:2-9, 17; 30:6; 31:10-14; Daniel 4:37; 11:45; Hosea 5:5; 7:10; 10:11;

Ob 1:3, 4; Na 3:19; Hab 2:4, 5, 9; Zep 2:10, 15; 3:11; Malachi 4:1; Matthew 20:26, 27; 23:6-8, 10-12;

Mark 7:21; 10:43; 12:38, 39;Luke 1:51, 52; 9:46; 11:43; 14:8,9; 18:14;Romans 1:22, 20:45-47; 29, 30;

11:17-21,25; 12:3, 16; 1 Corinthians 1:29; 3:18; 4:6-8, 10; 5:2, 6; 8:1, 2; 10:12; 13:4; 2 Corinthians 10:5,

14:38; 12, 18; 12:7; Galatians 6:3; Ephesians 4:17; Phihppians 2:3; 1 Timothy 2:9; 6:3, 3:6; 4, 17; 2

Timothy 3:2, 4; James 3:1; 4:6; 1 Peter 5:3, 5; 1 John 2:16; Revelation 3:17, 18; 18:7,8

-STANCES .Ahithophel 2 Samuel 17:23 Naaman, refusing to wash in the Jordan River 2 Kings

5:11-13 .Hezekiah, in displaying his resources 2 Kings 20:13; 2 Chronicles 32:31; Isaiah 39:2 .Uzziah 2

Chronicles 26:16-19 .Haman Esther 3:5; 5:11, 13; 6:6; 7:10 .Kings of Tyre Ezekiel 28:2 Nebuchadnezzar

Daniel 4:30-34; 5:20


-BEE Melchizedek Hebrews 5:6, Genesis 14:18; 10, 1 1; 6:20; 7:1-21 Jethro Exodus 2:16

Priests in Israel before the giving of the law Exodus 19:22, 24 Called \”angel,\” Ecclesiastes 5:6

– TIME Exodus 28:1-4; 29:9, 44; Numbers 3:10; 18:7; 1 Chronicles 23:13

Hereditary, descent of office Exodus 27:21; 28:43; 29:9 Consecration of Exodus 29:1-9, 19-35; 40:12-16;

Leviticus 6:20-23; 8:6-35; Hebrews 7:21 Is holy Leviticus 21:6, 7; 22:9, 16 Ablutions of Exodus 40:30-32;

Leviticus 16:24


Must be without blemish Leviticus 21:17-23 Vestments of Exodus 28:2-43; 39:1-29; Leviticus 6:10, 11;

8:13; Ezekiel 44:17-19 Don vestments in the temple area Ezekiel 42:14; 44:19 Atonement for Leviticus

16:6, 24; Ezekiel 44:27 Defilement and purification of Ezekiel 44:25, 26 Marriage of Leviticus 21:7-15;

Ezekiel 44:22 Chambers for, in the temple area Ezekiel 40:45, 46 Exempt from tax Ezra 7:24 Armed and

organized for war at the time of the disaffection toward Saul 1 Chronicles 12:27, 28 Beard and hair of

Ezekiel 44:20 Twenty -four divisions (shifts) of 1 Chronicles 24:1-19; 28:13, 21; 2 Chronicles 8:14; 31:2;

35:4, 5; Ezra 2:36-39; Nehemiah 13:30 Chosen by lot Luke 1:8, 9, 23 Usurpations of office of Numbers

3:10; 16; 18:7; 2 Chronicles 26:18 Priests who were not from the sons of Levi were appointed by Jeroboam

1 Kings 12:31; 13:33


To offer sacrifices Leviticus 1:4-17; 3:5, 11, 2:2, 16; 4:5-12, 17, 25, 13, 16; 26, 30-35; 1 Chronicles 16:40;

2 Chronicles 13:11; 29:34; 35:11-14; Ezra 6:20; Hebrews 10:11


To offer the firstfruits Leviticus 23:10, 11; Deuteronomy 26:3, 4 Pronounce benedictions Numbers 6:22-27;

Deuteronomy 21:5; 2 Chronicles 30:27 Teach the law Leviticus 10:11; Deuteronomy 24:8; 27:14; 31:9-13;

33:10; Jeremiah 2:8; Malachi 2:7 Light the lamps in the tabernacle Exodus 27:20, 21; 2 Chronicles 13:11;

Leviticus 24:3, 4 Keep the sacred fire always burning Leviticus 6:12, 13 To furnish a quota of wood for the

sanctuary Nehemiah 10:34 Responsible for the sanctuary 18:1, Numbers 4:5-15; 5, 7 To act as scribes Ezra

7:1-6; Nehemiah 8:9 Be present at and supervise the tithing Nehemiah 10:38 Sound the trumpet in

summoning assemblies and in battle Numbers 10:2-10; 31:6; Joshua 6; 2 Chronicles 13:12 Examine lepers

– See Purify the unclean Leviticus 15:31

THGS 27:8, 12 FICIATE 9:6

Chiefs of Levites 4:19, Numbers 3:9, 32; 28, 33; 1 Chronicles 9:20 To act as magistrates Numbers 5:14-31;

Deuteronomy 17:8-13; 19:17; 21:5; 2 Chronicles 19:8; Ezekiel 44:23, 24 To encourage the army on the eve

of battle Deuteronomy 20:2-4

Carry the ark of the covenant, Through the Jordan River Joshua 3; 4:15-18 Carry the ark of the covenant, In

battle 1 Samuel 4:3-5

No part of the land of Canaan allowed to Numbers 18:20; Deuteronomy 10:9; 14:27; 18: 1, 2; Joshua 13:14,

33; 14:3; 18:7; Ezekiel 44:28 Provided with cities and suburbs Leviticus 25:32-34; Joshua 21:1-4, 13-19,


Numbers 35:2-8; 41, 42; 1 Chronicles 6:57-60; Nehemiah 11:11, 20; Ezekiel 45:1-6; 48:8-20 Own lands

sanctified to the Lord Leviticus 27:21 Tithes of the tithes Numbers 18:8-18, 26-32; Nehemiah 10:38 Part of

the plunder of war, including captives Numbers 31:25-29 Firstfruits Leviticus 23:20; Numbers 18:12, 13,

24:9; 17, 18; Deuteronomy 18:3-5; Nehemiah 10:36 Redemption money Leviticus 27:23 Of the firstborn

Numbers 3:46-51; 18:15, 16 Things devoted Leviticus 27:21; Numbers 5:9, 10; 18:14 Fines Leviticus 5:16;

22: 14; Numbers 5:8 Trespass money and other trepass offerings Leviticus 5:15, 18; Numbers 18:9; 2 Kings

12:16 The shewbread Exodus 25:30; Leviticus 24:5-9; 2 Chronicles 2:4; 13:11; Nehemiah 10:33; Matthew

12:4; Hebrews 9:2 Portions of sacrifices and offerings Leviticus 2:2, 3, Exodus 29:27-34; 5: 12, 9, 10; 13,

16; 6:15-18, 26; 7:6-10, 31-34; 10:12-14; 14:12, 13; Numbers 6:19, 20; 18:8-19; Deuteronomy 18:3-5; 1

Samuel 2:13, 14; Ezekiel 44:28-31; 45:1-4; 1 Corinthians 9:13 Regulations by Hezekiah concerning

benefits to the priests 2 Chronicles 31:4-19 Portion of land allotted to, in redistribution in Ezekiel\’s vision

Ezekiel 48:8-14For the sustenance of their families Leviticus 22 : 1 1 – 1 3 ; Numbers 18:11, 19

-FIGURATIVE Exodus 19:6; Isaiah 61:6; 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 20:6

-(Moses did not denominate Aaron chief or high priest)

-(The function he served was superior to that of other priests)

The title appears after the institution of the office Leviticus 21:10-15; Numbers 3:32 For qualifications,

consecration, etc

PIC , , STITUTION 28:2-43;

39:1-31; Leviticus 8:7-9 Respect due to Acts 23:5


Had charge of the sanctuary and altar Numbers 18:2, 5, 7 To offer sacrifices Hebrews 5:1; 8:3 To designate

subordinate priests for duty Numbers 4:19; 1 Samuel 2:36 To officiate in consecrations of Levites Numbers

8:1 1-21 To have charge of the treasury 2 Kings 12:10; 22:4; 2 Chronicles 24:6-14; 34:9 To light the lamps

of the tabernacle Exodus 27:20, 21; 30:8; Leviticus 24:3, 4; Numbers 8:3 To burn incense Exodus 30:7, 8;

1 Samuel 2:28; 1 Chronicles 23: 13 To place shewbread on the table every Sabbath Leviticus 24:8 To offer

for his own sins of ignorance Leviticus 4:3-12 On the Day of Atonement Exodus 30:10; Leviticus 16; 9:7,

Hebrews 5:3; 22, 23 Judicial Numbers 5:15; Deuteronomy 17:8-13; 1 Samuel 4:18; Matthew 26:3, 50,

Hosea 4:4; 57, 62; Acts 5:21-28; 23:1-5 To count the people Numbers 1:3 Officiate at the choice of a ruler

Numbers 27 : 1 8, 19,21 Distribute the plunder of war Numbers 3 1 : 26-29 Benefits of

, , A , 3:32; 4: 16; 3 1 :6; 1

Chronicles 9:20; 2 Samuel 15:24; 2 Kings 25:18; Luke 3:2


Loyal to Rehoboam at the time of the revolt of the ten tribes 2 Chronicles 11:13 Zeal of, in purging the

temple 2 Chronicles 29:4-17 Wickedness of 2 Chronicles 36: 14 Taken with the captivity to Babylon

Jeremiah 29:1 Return from the captivity 2:36-39, Ezra 1:5; 61, 70; 3:8; 7:7; 8:24-30; Nehemiah 7:39-42,

63-73; 10:1-8; 12:1-7 Polluted by marrying idolatrous wives 10:5, Ezra 9:1, 2; 18, 19; Nehemiah 10:28

Restore the altar, and offer sacrifices Ezra 3:1-7 Supervise the building of the new temple Ezra 3:8-13

Inquire of John the Baptist to see if he might be the Messiah John 1:19 Conspire to destroy Jesus Matthew

26:3-5, 14, 15, Mark 14:10, 11, 47, 51; 43-47, 53-66; 15:1; Luke 22:2-6, 50, 54, 66-71; 23:1, 2; 19:15, John

11:47; 16, 18 Put on trial and condemn Jesus Matthew 26:57-68; 27:1, 2; Mark 14:53-65; Luke 22:54-71;

23:13-24; John 18:15-32 Incite the people to ask that Barabbas be released and Jesus be destroyed Matthew

27:20; Mark 15:11; Luke 23:18 Persecute the disciples Acts 22:5 Reprove and threaten Peter and John Acts

4:6-21; 5:17-41 Put on trial, condemn, and stone Stephen Acts 6:12-15; 7 Paul brought before Acts 22:30;

23:1-5 Corrupt Jeremiah 23:1 1, 12; Ezekiel 22:26; Luke 10:31

Instances of. . . Eli\’s sons 1 Samuel 2:12-17, 22 Of the captivity Ezra 9:1, 2; Nehemiah 13:4-9, 13, 10:18-

22; 28, 29 Zealous 1 Chronicles 9:10-13 Priestly office performed by prophets 1 Samuel 16:5





-Taught in household duties 2 Samuel 13:8, 9


-A female disciple in Ephesus 2 Timothy 4:19


-(Wife of Aqmla) -A disciple at Corinth Acts 18:1-3, 18, 19, 26; Romans 16:3, 4; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2

Timothy 4:19


-General scriptures concerning Genesis 39:20; 42:16-19; Leviticus 24:12; Numbers 15:34; Ezra 7:26;

Jeremiah 52: 11; Luke 23: 19; Acts 4:3; 12:4,5

-Public ward of Acts 5:18

-Cells of Acts 16:24

-Court of Jeremiah 33:1

-Dungeon in




-Joseph Genesis 39:20-23; 40; 41:1-44

-Jeremiah Jeremiah 38:6-28; 39:14

-John the Baptist Matthew 1 1 :2; 14:3-12; Mark 6: 17; Luke 3:20

-Jesus Matthew 26:47-75; 27; Mark 14:43-72; 15; Luke 22:47-71; 23; John 18:3-40; 19

-The apostles Acts 5: 17-42

-Peter Acts 12:3-19

-Paul Acts 16:19-40; 21:27-40; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28

-Silas Acts 16:19-40

-Required to labor Judges 16:21

-Sustained on bread and water of affliction 1 Kings 22:27

-In chains Acts 12:6

-In stocks Proverbs 7:22; Jeremiah 29:26; Acts 16:24

-Confined .In the court of the palace Jeremiah 32:2 .In the house of the scribe Jeremiah 37:15 .In the house

of the captain of the guard Genesis 40:3

-Visited by friends Matthew 1 1 :2; Acts 24:23

-Bound to soldiers Acts 12:6, 7

-Severe hardships of, mitigated Jeremiah 37:20, 21

-Cruelly to Jeremiah 38:6; Lamentations 3:53, 54

-Guards responsible for Acts 12:18, 19

-Tortured to extort self-incriminating testimony Acts 22:24

-Scourged Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Acts 16:23, 33; 2 Corinthians 6:5; 11:23, 24

-Permitted to make defense Acts 24:10; 25:8, 16; 26:1; 2 Timothy 4:16

-Kindness to .By the prison guard to Jeremiah Jeremiah 38:7-28 .By the Philippian jailer to Paul Acts 16:33

.By Felix Acts 24:23 .By Julius, the centurion 28:16, Acts 27:1, 3; 30, 31

-To be visited and ministered to Matthew 25:35-46

-Released at feasts Matthew 27:15-17; Mark 15:6; Luke 23:17; John 18:39

– WAR .Put to death Joshua 10: 16-27; 1 Samuel 15:33; 27:11; 2 Samuel 12:31; 2 Kings 25:7; 1

Chronicles 20:3; Hosea 13:16; Amos 1:13; Lamentations 3:34 .By divine command Numbers 31:9, 17

.Thumbs and toes cut off Judges 1 :6, 7 .Blinded 2 Kings 25:7


69:33; 79:11; 102:19,20; 146:7


-FIGURATIVE Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18





-A reward of merit 1 Corinthians 9:24

-FIGURATIVE Philrppians 3:14


-General scriptures concerning Romans 5:4

-Adam on Genesis 2:15-17; 3:3

-Amorites Genesis 15:16

-Solomon 1 Kings 3:14; 1 Kings 9:4-9 with 1 Kings 11:9-12

-Taught in parables of the talents and pounds Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27

-The fig tree Luke 13:6-9

-The embezzling steward Luke 16:1-12

-Taught by Paul Hebrews 6

-None after death Matthew 12:32; 25:10-13; 26:24


-An early Christian servant (Greek: diakonos) Acts 6:5


-Imperial 2 Chronicles 30:1-10; Esther 1:22; 6:9; 8:10-14; Isaiah 40:3, 9; Daniel 3:4-7; 4:1; 5:29

-Emancipation 2 Chronicles 36:23; Ezra 1:1-4


-General scriptures concerning Exodus 22:29; Proverbs 27: 1 ; 12:22, Ezekiel 1 1 :2, 3; 27, 28; Matthew 8:21 ;

24:48-51; 25:2-13; Luke 9:59-62; Acts 24:25; 1 Thessalomans 5:2, 3; Hebrews 3:7-19; 4:1-7

-STANCES .Pharaoh Exodus 8:10 Ehsha 1 Kings 19:20, 21 Esther Esther 5:8




-General scriptures concerning Luke 15:1 1-32




-Of the name of God


-Of the Sabbath


-False Proverbs 20:6; Hosea 8:2

-Of faith in Jesus


-By astrologers Isaiah 47: 13



-(Of the use of intoxicating liquors) -To priests \”on duty,\” Leviticus 10:9

-To Nazarites Numbers 6:3,4




-To the afflicted



-To backsliders

-To children

-To orphans

-To widows

-To penitents .See, PENITENT

-To the righteous

-To seekers






-General scriptures concerning Psalm 75:6, 7; 78:70, 71; 1 13:7, 8

-As a reward of merit 1 Chronicles 11:6

-STANCES Abraham Genesis 12:2 Joseph, from imprisoned slave to prince Genesis 41 : 1-45

.Moses, from exile to lawgiver



obscurity to a scepter

., A

., A

slave to the throne 1 Kings 1 1 :26-35 .Baasha, \”out of the dust\” to the throne 1 Kings 16:1,2 .Daniel, from a

captive to premier Daniel 2:48

., , – 3:30


-Of species, enjoined Genesis 1:11, 12, 21-25, 28; 9:1, 7


– REAL ESTATE Genesis 23:17, 18; 26:20 .Rights m, violated Genesis 21:25; 26:18-22 .Dedicated

Leviticus 27:16-25

L .DWELLGS 25:29, 30 . 2 KGS

8:1-6 .In villages, inalienable Leviticus 25:31-33 .Dedicated Leviticus 27:14, 15 .Confiscation of (Naboth\’s

vineyard) 1 Kings 21:15, 16 .Priests exempt from taxes Genesis 47:22 Entail of Numbers 27:1-11; 36:1-9

.Inherited Ecclesiastes 2:21 .Landmarks of, not to be removed Deuteronomy 19:14; 27:17

– .Rights in, sacred Exodus 20: 17; Deuteronomy 5:21 .Laws concerning trespass of, and

violence to Exodus 21 :28-36; 22:9; Deuteronomy 23:25 .Strayed, to be returned to owner Leviticus 6:3, 4;

Deuteronomy 22:1-3 .Hired Exodus 22:14, 15 .Loaned Exodus 22:10-15 .Soldfor debt Proverbs 22:26, 27

.Rights of redemption of Jeremiah 32:7 .Dedicated to God, redemption of Leviticus 27:9-13, 26-33 .In

slaves Exodus 21:4


-Concerning Jesus

-Concerning the church . See CHURCH


-(Relating to various countries, nations, and cities, see under their respective titles)

-(Respecting individuals, see under their names)

.Inspired Isaiah 28:22; Luke 1 :70; 2 Timothy 3: 16; 2 Peter 1 :21

\”The word of the Lord came to,\” etc., to . . . Elijah 1 Kings 17:8; 21:17, 28 Isaiah Isaiah 2:1; 8:5; 13:1;

14:28; 38:4 Jeremiah Jeremiah 1:4; 7:1; 11:1; 13:8; 16:1; 18:1; 25:1, 2; 26:1; 27:1; 29:30; 32:1, 30:1, 4;

33:1, 6, 26; 19, 23; 34:12; 35:12; 36:1; 37:6; 40:1; 43:8; 44:1; 46:1; 49:34; 50:1 Ezekiel Ezekiel 3:16; 6:1;

7:1; 12:1,8, 11:14; 17,21; 13:1; 14:12; 15:1; 16:1; 17:1, 11; 18:1; 21:1, 20:45; 22:1, 8, 18; 17, 23; 24:1,


23:1; 15, 20; 25:1; 26:1; 28:1, 27:1; 11, 20; 29:1, 17; 30:1, 20; 31:1; 32:1, 17; 33:1, 23; 34:1; 35:1; 36:16;

37:15; 38:1 Amos Amos 7:14, 1 5 Jonah John 3 : 1 Haggai Hag 2:1, 10, 20 Zechanah Zechanah 1:7; 4:8; 7:1,

6:9; 4, 8; 8:1, 18

Publicly proclaimed Jeremiah 11:6 Exemplified in pantomime Ezekiel 4; 5:1-4; Acts 21:11 Written by an

amanuensis (copyist, transcriber) Jeremiah 45: 1 Written in books Jeremiah 45: 1 ; 51 :60 Proof of God\’s

foreknowledge Isaiah 43:9 Sure fulfillment of Ezekiel 12:22-25, 28; Hab 2:3; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Acts

13:27, 29 Cessation of Lamentations 2:9 Of apostasy 1 John 2:18; Jude 1:17, 18 False teachers 2 Peter 2; 3

Tribulations of the righteous Revelation 2:10



Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; with Acts 3:25; Galatians 3:8 Genesis 17:7, 19; 22:16, 17; withLuke 1:55, 72-

74 Deuteronomy 18: 15, 18; with Acts 3:22, 23 Psalm 2:1,2; with Acts 4:25, 26 Psalm 2:7; with Acts

13:33; Hebrews 1 :5; 5:5 Psalm 8:2; with Matthew 21:16 Psalm 8:4-6; with Hebrews 2:6-8 Psalm 16:8-11;

with Acts 2:25-28, 31 Psalm 16:10; with Acts 13:35 Psalm 22:1; with Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34 Psalm

22: 18; with Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:24 Psalm 22:22; with Hebrews 2: 12 Psalm

31:5; with Luke 23:46 Psalm 41:9; with John 13:18; Acts 1 : 16 Psalm 45:6, 7; with Hebrews 1 :8, 9 Psalm

68:18; with Ephesians 4:8-10 Psalm 69:21; with Matthew 27:48; Mark 15:36; Luke 23:36; John 19:28, 29

Psalm 69:25; 109:8; with Acts 1 :20 Psalm 95:7-1 1; with Hebrews 3:7-11; 4:3, 5-7 Psalm 102:25-27; with

Hebrews 1:10-12 Psalm 110:1; with Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42; Acts 2:34, 35; Hebrews 1:13

Psalm 110:4; with Hebrews 5:6 Psalm 118:22, 23; with Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10, 11; Luke 20:17; Acts

4:11 Psalm 118:25, 26; with Matthew 21:9; Mark 11:9; John 12:13 Psalm 132:11, 17; with Luke 1:69; Acts

2:30 Isaiah 7:14; with Matthew 1 :23 Isaiah 9:1,2; with Matthew 4: 15, 16 Isaiah 9:7; with Daniel 7:14, 27;

withLuke 1:32, 33 Isaiah 11:10; with Romans 15:12 Isaiah 25:8; with 1 Corinthians 15:54 Isaiah 28:16;

with Romans 9:33; 1 Peter 2:6 Isaiah 40:3-5; with Matthew 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4-6 Isaiah 42:1-4; with

Matthew 12:17-21 Isaiah 49:6; with Luke 2:32; Acts 13:47, 48; 26:23 Isaiah 53:1; with John 12:38;

Romans 10:16 Isaiah 53:3-6; with Acts 26:22, 23 Isaiah 53:4-6, 1 1; with 1 Peter 2:24, 25 Isaiah 53:4; with

Matthew 8:17 Isaiah 53:9; with 1 Peter 2:22 Isaiah 53:12; with Mark 15:28; Luke 22:37 Isaiah 54:13; with

John 6:45 Isaiah 55:3; with Acts 13:34 Isaiah 59:20, 21; with Romans 11:26, 27 Jeremiah 31:31-34; with

Hebrews 8:8-12; 10:16, 17Hosea 1:10; with Romans 9:26 Hosea 2:23; with Romans 9:25; 1 Peter 2:10

Joel 2:28-32; with Acts 2:16-21 Amos 9:11, 12; with Acts 15:16, 17 Micah 5:2; with Matthew 2:5, 6; John

7:42 Hab 1 :5; with Acts 13:40, 41 Hag 2:6; with Hebrews 12:26 Zechariah 9:9; with Matthew 21:4, 5; John

12:14, 15 Zechariah 11:13; with Matthew 27:9, lOZechanah 12:10; with John 19:37 Zechariah 13:7; with

Matthew 26:31, 56; Mark 14:27, 50 Malachi 3:1; with Matthew 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27 Malachi 4:5, 6;

with Matthew 11:13, 14; 17:10-13; Mark 9:11-13; Luke 1:16, 17



The birth and zeal of Josiah 1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 23:1-20 Death of the prophet of Judah 1 Kings 13:21,

22, 24-30 Extinction of Jeroboam\’s house 1 Kings 14:5-17 Extinction of Baasha\’s house 1 Kings 16:2, 3, 9-

13 Concerning the rebuilding of Jericho Joshua 6:26; 1 Kings 16:34 The drought, foretold by Elijah 1

Kings 17:14 Destruction of Ben-hadad\’s army 1 Kings 20: 13-30 The death of a man who refused to strike a

prophet 1 Kings 20:35, 36 The death of Ahab 1 Kings 20:42; 21:18-24; 22:31-38 The death of Ahaziah 2

Kings 1:3-17 The transporting of Elijah to the heavens 2 Kings 2:3-11 Cannibalism among the people of

Israel Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53; 2 Kings 6:28, 29; Jeremiah 19:9; Lamentations 4: 10 The death

of the Samaritan lord 2 Kings 7:2, 19, 20 The end of the famine in Samaria 2 Kings 7:1-18 Jezebel\’s tragic

death 1 Kings 21:23; 2 Kings 9:10, 33-37 The striking of Syria by Joash 2 Kings 13:16-25 Conquests of

Jeroboam 2 Kings 14:25-28 Four generations of Jehu\’s descendants to sit upon the throne of Israel 2 Kings

10:30 with 2 Kings 15:12 Destruction of Sennacherib\’s army, and his death 2 Kings 19:6, 7, 20-37 The

captivity of the southern kingdom (Judah,) 2 Kings 20:17, 18; 24:10-16; 25:11-21 Concerning Christ


Concerning John the Baptist (as the forerunner of the Messiah) Matthew 3:3 Rachel weeping for her

children (the slaughter of the infants in Bethlehem predicted and fulfilled) Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:17,

18 The deliverance of Jeremiah predicted and fulfilled Jeremiah 39:15-18 The invasion of the southern

kingdom (Judah) by the Chaldeans predicted Hab 1:6-11 The invasion of Judah by the Chaldeans fulfilled 2

Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36: 17-21 The betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot predicted Psalm 41:9 The betrayal


of Jesus by Judas fulfilled John 13:18; 18:1-9 Judas Iscariot\’s self-destruction predicted Psalm 69:25; Acts

1 : 1 6, 20 Judas\’ self-destruction fulfilled Matthew 27:5; Acts 1 : 1 6-20 The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

predicted Joel 2:28, 29 The outpouring of the Spirit fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (thirty A. D.) Acts 2:1,

6-21 Spiritual blindness of the Jewish leaders predicted Isaiah 6 : 9 ; 29 : 1 3 That blindness fulfilled Mark 7:6,

7; Acts 28:25-27 The mission of Jesus predicted Psalm 68: 18 That purpose fulfilled Ephesians 4:8, 10

, MSION 25:1 1, 12; 29: 10, 14;

32:3-5; Daniel 9:2; with 2 Kings 25:1-8; Ezra 1 The destruction of the ship (on which Paul and the others

sailed) predicted and fulfilled Acts 27:10, 18-44


-Called RS 1 Samuel 9:19; 2 Samuel 15:27; 24:11; 2 Kings 17:13; 1 Chronicles 9:22; 29:29; 2

Chronicles 9:29; 12:15; 29:30; Isaiah 30:10; Micah 3:7

-Schools of 1 Kings 20:35; 2 Kings 2:3-15; 4:1, 38; 9:1

-Kept the chronicles 1 Chronicles 29:29; 2 Chronicles 9:29; 12:15

-Counselors to kings Isaiah 37:2, 3

-Not honored in their own country Matthew 13:57; Luke 4:24-27; John 4:44

-Inspired by angels Zechariah 1:9, 13, 14, 19; Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 2:2

-Persecutions of 2 Chronicles 36:16; Amos 2:12

-Martyrs Jeremiah 2:30; Matthew 23:37; Mark 12:5; Luke 13:34; 1 Thessalonians 2:15; Hebrews 11:37;

Revelation 16:6

– Presents 1 Samuel 9:7, 8; 1 Kings 14:3; 2 Kings 4:42; 8:8, 9; Ezekiel 13:19 Presents

refused by Numbers 22:18; 1 Kings 13:7, 8; 2 Kings 5:5, 16

1 Kings 13:18; Nehemiah 6:12; Jeremiah 23:25-27, 30-32; Lamentations 2:14 Warnings to Deuteronomy

13:1-3 Denunciations against Deuteronomy 18:20; Jeremiah 14:15 Punishment of Jeremiah 14:13-16; 20:6;

28:16, 17; 29:32; Zechariah 13:3

Instances of . . . Noadiah Nehemiah 6:14 400 In Samaria 1 Kings 22:6-12; 2 Chronicles 18:5


-SPIRATION 41:16, Genesis 40:8; 38, 39; 4:12, Exodus 3:14, 15; 15, 27; 6:13, 29; 7:2; 19:3, 9, 19;

24:16; 25:9, 22; 26:30; 33:9, 11; 35:31, 35; Numbers 1:1; 7:89; 9:8-10; 11:17, 25; 12:6-8; 16:28, 29; 22:18,

38; 23:5, 12, 24:2-4, 20, 26; 15, 16; Leviticus 1:1; Deuteronomy 1:5, 6; 5:4-6, 31; 34:9-11; Joshua 3:7;

Judges 6:7-10, 34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 1 Samuel 3:1, 4-10, 20, 21; 10:6,9:6, 15-20; 7, 10; 19:20, 16:13;

23, 24; 2 Samuel 7:3-7; 12:1; 23:2, 3; 1 Kings 13:20; 14:5; 17:1,24; 18:36,46; 19:9; 22:14, 28; 2 Kings

1:12; 3:11, 2:9, 15; 12, 15; 4:27; 5:8; 6:8-12, 17,32; 10:10; 1 Chronicles 12:18; 28:11, 21:18; 12, 19; 2

Chronicles 8:14; 15:1; 18:27; 20:14; 24:20; 26:5; 33:18; 36:12, 15; Ezra 5:1, 2; Nehemiah 9:30; Job 32:8;

33:14-16; Psalm 103:7; Isaiah 6: 1-9; 8:11; 44:26; Jeremiah 1:1, 63:11; 2, 4-10; 2:1; 7:1, 25; 11:1, 18; 13:1-

3; 16:1; 18:1; 20:9; 23:9; 24:4; 26:1, 25:3; 2, 12; 27:1, 2; 29:30; 33:1; 34:1; Ezekiel 1:1, 42:4, 7; 2:1, 2, 3,

20; 4, 5; 3:10-12, 14, 16, 17,22,24,27; 11:1, 4, 8:1; 5, 24; 33:22; 37:1; 40:1; 43:5; Daniel 1:17; 2:19; 7:16;

8:16; 9:1-22; 10:7-9; Hosea 1:1, 2; 12:10; Joel 2:28, 29; 7:7, Amos 3:7, 8; 14, 15; 9:1; Ob 1:1; John 1:1;

3:1, 2; Micah 1:1; 3:8; Hab 3:2, 16; Hag 1:13; Zechariah 1:1, 7; 2:9; 7:12; Luke 1:15, 41, Mark 12:36; 67,

70; 2:25-27; 3:2; John 1:6; Acts 2:2-4, 30; 3:18; 7:55, 56; 8:29, 39; 11:28; 21:4, 10, 11; 28:25; Romans 1:1,

2; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11; 14:32; Hebrews 1:1; 3:5; James 5:10; 1 Peter 1:10, 11; 2 Peter 1:21; Jude 1:14;

Revelation 2:7; 10:7; 14:13; 22:6, 8



-General scriptures concerning Ezekiel 13:17; Joel 2:28, 29

-Miriam Exodus 15:20

-Deborah Judges 4:4

-Huldah 2 Kings 22:14

-Noadiah Nehemiah 6:14

-Isaiah\’s wife Isaiah 8:3

-Elizabeth Luke 1:41-45

-Anna Luke 2:36-38

-Daughters of Philip Acts 21:9


-Jezebel Revelation 2:20


-(Expiation, sin-offering)) 5:1, Romans 3:25; 10, 11; 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19; Colossians 1:20-22; 1 John

2:2; 4:10

-(R. V., margin, reads, \”And over it the propitiatory.\”) Hebrews 9:5



-From God Genesis 33:11; 49:24-26; Psalm 127:1; 128:1, 2

-Design of Ecclesiastes 7:14

-Dangers of Deuteronomy 8:10-18; 31:20; 32:15; Jeremiah 5:7; Hosea 13:6

-Evil effects of Hosea 4:7

-Pride in 2 Chronicles 32:25

-Forgetfulnesss of God in 2 Chronicles 12:1; 26: 16

-The prosperous people despise the unfortunate people Job 12:5

-Promised to the righteous Job 22:23-27

-Prudence in -Instances of .Joseph and Daniel, as deduced from their general conduct



-(Lascivious behavior) -Forbidden Leviticus 19:29; Deuteronomy 23:17


-General scriptures concerning 1 Kings 8:65; 2 Chronicles 7:8-10; 30:23



-Design of Proverbs 1:1-4

-Written by Solomon Proverbs 1 : 1 ; 25: 1

-MCELLANY 1 Samuel 10:12; 24:13, 14; 2 Samuel 3:8; 20:18; 1 Kings 20:11; Proverbs 1:17;

Ezekiel 12:22, 23; 16:44; 18:2-4; Jeremiah 31:29; Hosea 4:9; Matthew 12:33; Luke 4:23; 6:44; 14:34; John

1:46; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Galatians 6:7





-In priest\’s service 2 Chronicles 30: 17




-General scriptures concerning Job 34:3, 4; Psalm 39:1; 112:5; Proverbs 6:1, 2; 11:13,8:12; 15,29; 12:8,

16, 23; 14:8, 15, 13:16; 16, 18; 15:5, 22; 16:20, 21; 17:2, 18; 18:15, 16; 20:5, 19:2; 21:5, 16, 18; 20, 23;

22:3, 7, 26, 27; 23:1-3, 9; 24:6, 27; 25:8-10; 26:4, 5; 27:12; 29:8, 1 1 ; Ecclesiastes 7:16, 17; 8:2, 3; 10:1, 10;

Hosea 14:9; Amos 5:13; Matthew 5:25, 26; 7:6; Luke 14:28-32; Romans 14:16; 1 Corinthians 6:12; 8:8-13;

10:23, 25-33; Colossians 4:5; James 1:19



-STANCES Jacob, in his conduct toward Esau Genesis 32:3-21 Jacob, toward his sons, after

Dinah\’s defilement Genesis 34:5, 30 .Joseph, in the affairs of Egypt Genesis 41 :33-57 Jethro\’s advice to

Moses Exodus 18:17-23 . The Israelites, in the threatened war with the two and one -half tribes Joshua

22:10-34 .Saul, in not killing the Jabesh-gileadites 1 Samuel 11:13 .David, in his conduct toward Saul 1

Samuel 18:5-30 .David, in overthrowing Ahithophel\’s shrewd advice 2 Samuel 15:33-37 .Abigail, in

averting David\’s anger 1 Samuel 25:18-31 Achish, in dismissing David 1 Samuel 29 Elijah, in his escape

from Jezebel 1 Kings 19:3, 4 .Rehoboam\’s advisers 1 Kings 12:7 Jehoram, in suspecting a Syrian

stratagem 2 Kings 7:12, 13 Nehemiah, in conduct of affairs at Jerusalem Nehemiah 2:12-16; 4:13-23

.Daniel Daniel 1:8-14 .Certain elders of Israel Jeremiah 26: 17-23 .Of Jesus .In charging those who were

healed not to \”advertise\” his miracles Matthew 9:30; 16:20; Mark 3:12; 5:43; 7:36; 8:30; 9:9 .Going to the

feast secretly John 7:10 .In walking \”no longer openly,\” John 1 1 :54; 12:36 .In avoiding his enemies

Matthew 12:14-16; Mark 3:7; John 11:47-54 .Joseph, in his conduct toward Mary Matthew 1:19 .Peter, in

escaping from Herod Agrippa I Acts 12:17 .Paul .In circumcising Timothy Acts 16:3 .In performing temple

rites Acts 21 :20-26 .In turning the Jewish sects against each other Acts 23:6 Avoiding suspicion in

administering the gifts of the congregations 2 Corinthians 8:20 .His lack of, in his persistence in going to

Jerusalem despite the warnings of the Spirit and his friends Acts 20:22-25, 37, 38; 21 : 10-14 .Paul and

Barnabas, in escaping persecution Acts 14:6 .Paul and Silas, in escaping from Berea Acts 17:10-15 .The

town clerk of Ephesus, in averting a riot Acts 19:29-41


-General scriptures concerning Leviticus 25:3, 4; Isaiah 5:6; 18:5; John 15:2-6

-Pruninghook Isaiah 2:4; 18:5; Joel 3:10; Micah 4:3


-Of Moses, celebrating the deliverance at the Red Sea Exodus 15:1-19

-Didactic songs composed by Moses, celebrating the providence, righteousness, and judgments of God

Deuteronomy 32:1-43; Psalm 90

-Song of Deborah, celebrating Israel\’s victory over Sisera Judges 5

-Of Hannah, in thankfulness for a son 1 Samuel 2:1-10

-Of David .In celebrating his deliverance 2 Samuel 22 .Upon the occasion of moving the ark of the

covenant 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 At the close of his reign 2 Samuel 23:2-7; 1 Chronicles 29:10-19

-Of Isaiah Isaiah 12; 25; 26

-Of Hezekiah, celebrating deliverance from death Isaiah 38:9-20

-Of Mary Luke 1:46-55

-Elisabeth Luke 1:42-45

-Zacharias Luke 1 :68-79

– Psalm 3; 4; 5; 7;

60; 61; 62; 63; 64; 69; 70; 71; 74;

141; 142; 143

– Psalm 1; 5; 7; 9; 10;

82; 84; 90; 91; 92; 94; 101; 112; 1

-HRICAL Psalm 78; 105; 106



-TERCESSIONAL Psalm 20; 67; 122; 132; 144


– Psalm 6; 25; 32; 38; 51; 102; 130; 143

-PRAE .For God\’s attributes Psalm 8; 19; 24; 29; 33; 47; 50; 65; 66; 76; 77; 93; 95; 96; 97; 99; 104; 111;

113; 114; 115; 134; 139; 147; 148; 150

-PROPHETIC Psalm 2; 16; 22; 40; 45; 68; 69; 72; 87; 97; 110; 118

-THANKSGIVG Psalm 21; 46; 48; 65; 66; 68; 76; 81; 85; 98; 105; 124; 126; 129; 135; 136; 149 .For

God\’s goodness to good men Psalm 23; 34; 36; 91; 100; 103; 107; 117; 121; 145; 146 .For God\’s Mercies to

Individuals Psalm 9; 18; 30; 34; 40; 75; 103; 108; 1 16; 118; 138; 144


13; 16; 17; 22;

26; 27; 28; 31;

35; 41; 42; 43;

44; 54; 55; 56;

57; 59;


79; 80; 83; 84;

86; 88; 89; 94;

102; 109; 120;

123; 129; 137;



12; 14; 15; 17;

24; 25; 32; 34;

36; 37; 39; 49;

50; 52; 53; 58;

73; 75;


121; 125; 127;

128; 131; 133



-(A harp) -Used in religious services 2 Samuel 6:5; 1 Chronicles 13:8; 25:1, 16:5; 5, 6; 2 Chronicles 29:25;

Psalm 33:2; 57:8; 71:22; 81:2; 92:3; 108:2; 144:9; 150:3; Revelation 5:8

-At the dedication of the new wall when the captivity returned Nehemiah 12:27

-Used in idolatrous worship Daniel 3:5, 7, 10, 15



-(A seaport in the territory of the tribe of Asher) -Formerly called ACCHO, which see ntb00060.htm –


-Paul visits Acts 21:7



-1 . A Hebrew midwife Exodus 1:15

-2. Father of Tola Judges 10: 1

-3. See


-(Tax collectors for the Romans) -Disreputable Matthew 5:46, 47; 9:11; 11:19; 18:17; 21:31; Luke 18:11

-Change their ways because of the preaching of John the Baptist Matthew 21:32; Luke 3:12; 7:29

-Matthew, the tax collector of Capernaum, becomes an apostle Matthew 9:9; 10:3; Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27

-Parable concerning Luke 18:9-14

-Zacchaeus, chief among, receives Jesus into his house Luke 19:2-10


-(An important man on the island of Melita (Malta)) -Father of, healed by Paul Acts 28:7, 8


-A Christian in Rome 2 Timothy 4:21


-1. King of Assyria Eorced taxes from Menahem, king of Israel 2 Kings 15:19; 1 Chronicles 5:26

-2. A place or tribe in Africa Isaiah 66: 19


-General scriptures concerning Nehemiah 8:4; 2 Chronicles 6: 13


-A sort of food Daniel 1:12, 16


-DEATH PENALTY .Will not be commuted Numbers 35:31 .In the Mosaic law the death penalty was

inflicted .For murder Genesis 9:5, 6; Numbers 35:16-21, 30-33; Deuteronomy 17:6 .For adultery Leviticus

20:10; Deuteronomy 22:24 .For incest Leviticus 20:11, 12, 14 .For bestiality Exodus 22:19; Leviticus

20:15, 16 .For sodomy Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 .For sexual immorality Deuteronomy 22:21-24 .For the rape

of a betrothed (engaged) virgin Deuteronomy 22:25 .For perjury Zechariah 5:4 .For kidnapping Exodus

21:16; Deuteronomy 24:7 .For the promiscuousness of a priest\’s daughter Leviticus 21:9 .For witchcraft

Exodus 22:18 .For offering human sacrifice Leviticus 20:2-5 .For striking or cursing one\’s father or mother

Exodus21:15, 17; Leviticus 20:9 .For disobedience to parents Deuteronomy 21:18-21 .For stealing

Zechariah 5:3, 4 .For blasphemy Leviticus 24:11-14, 16, 23 .For desecrating the Sabbath day Exodus 35:2;

Numbers 1 5 : 32-36 .For prophesying falsely, or propagating false doctrines Deuteronomy 13:1-10 .For

sacrificing to false gods Exodus 22:20 .For refusing to abide by the decision of the court Deuteronomy

17:12 .For treason 1 Kings 2:25; Esther 2:23 .For sedition Acts 5:36, 37 .MODES EXECUTION

DEATH PENALTY .Burning Genesis 38:24; Leviticus 20: 14; 21:9; Jeremiah 29:22; Ezekiel 23:25; Daniel

3:19-23 .Stoning Leviticus 20:2, 27; 24:14; Numbers 14:10; 15:33-36; Deuteronomy 13:10; 17:5; 22:21,

24; Joshua 7:25; 1 Kings 21:10; Ezekiel 16:40 .Hanging Genesis 40:22; Deuteronomy 21:22, 23; Joshua


8:29 .Beheading Mark 6:16, Matthew 14:10; 27, 28 .Crucifixion Matthew 27:35, 38; Mark 15:24, 27; Luke

23:33 .The sword 1 Kings 2:25, Exodus 32:27, 28; 34, 46; Acts 12:2 .Executed by the accusing witnesses

Deuteronomy 13:9; 17:7; Acts 7:58 .Executed by the entire congregation Numbers 15:35, 36; Deuteronomy

13:9 .Not inflicted by the testimony of less than two witnesses Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15

-MOR FENSES .Punishable by .Scourging Leviticus 19:20; Deuteronomy 22: 18; 25:2, 3; Proverbs

17:10; 19:29; 20:30; Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:16; John 19:1; Acts 22:24, 29 .Imprisonment

Genesis 39:20; 40


-ENTAILED .Upon children Exodus 34:7; Jeremiah 31:29; Lamentations 5:7; Ezekiel 18:2, 3





-ACCORDG DEEDS Job 34:11; Psalm 62:12; Proverbs 12:14; 24:12; Isaiah 59:18; Jeremiah 17:10;

Ezekiel 7:3, 27; 16:59; 39:24; Zechanah 1:6; Matthew 5:22; 16:27; 23:14; Luke 12:47, 48; 20:47 .Seethe

parable of the vineyard Isaiah 5:1-7

MATW 21:33-41

the talents Matthew 25: 14-30


-DELAYED Psalm 50:21; 55:19; Proverbs 1:24-30; Ecclesiastes 8:11-13; Hab 1:2-4

– .To secure obedience Genesis 2:17; Exodus 20:3-5; Leviticus 26:14-39; Deuteronomy 13:10,

11; 17:13; 19:20; 21:21; Proverbs 19:25; 21:11; 26:3


-DIVE No Escape from Job 1 1 :20; Proverbs 1:24-31; 11:21; 16:5; 29:1; Jeremiah 11:11; 15:1; 25:28,

29; Ezekiel 7:19; Amos 2:14-16; Zep 1:18; Matthew 10:28; 23:33; Romans 2:3; Colossians 3:25; Hebrews

2:3; 12:25

-ETERNAL Isaiah 34:8-10; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 3:12; 10:28; 18:8; 25:41, 46; Mark 3:29; Luke 3:17;

John 5:29; Hebrews 6:2; 10:28-31; Revelation 14:10, 11; 19:3; 20:10



-(A city of Edom) -A camping ground of the Israelites, in their forty years of wandering Numbers 33:42, 43


-The lot Esther 3:7


-(Sanitary and symbolical) -For women .Before marriage Esther 2: 12 After childbirth Leviticus 12:6-8;

Luke 2:22 After menstruation Leviticus 15:19-33; 2 Samuel 11:4

-Of the Jews before the Passover celebration John 11:55

-For those who had recently killed someone in battle Numbers 31:1 9-24

-Of Levites, see below -Of lepers

-By fire, for things that resist fire Numbers 3 1 :23

-By blood Exodus 24:5-8; Leviticus 14:6, 7; Hebrews 9:12-14, 19-22

-By abstaining from sexual intercourse Exodus 19:15

-Washing parts of animal sacrifices in water Leviticus 1:9, 13; 9:14; 2 Chronicles 4:6

-Penalty to be imposed upon those who do not observe the ordinances concerning Leviticus 7:20, 21 ;

Numbers 19:13,20

-Water of Numbers 19:17-21; 31:23

-Washing hands in water, symbolical of innocency Deuteronomy 21:6; Psalm 26:6; Matthew 27:24

-Traditions of the elders concerning Mark 7:2-5, Matthew 15:2; 8, 9; Luke 1 1 :38

-Of Paul, to show his fidelity to the law Acts 21 :24, 26

-FIGURATIVE Psalm 26:6; 51:7; Ezekiel 36:25; Hebrews 10:22

-SCRIPTURES RELATG Genesis 35:2; Exodus 19:10, 14; 29:4; 30:18-21; 40:12, 30-32; Leviticus

8:6; 14:8, 9; 16:4, 24, 15:4-13, 16-27; 26, 28; 17:15; 22:3; Numbers 8:6, 19:7, 7, 21; 8, 19; 2 Chronicles

4:6; Matthew 15:2; Mark 7:2-9; Hebrews 9:10


-A feast instituted to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from the plot of Haman Esther 9:20-32


– HEART Psalm 12:6; 19:8; 24:3-5; 51:7; 65:3; 119:140; Proverbs 15:26; 20:9; 21:8; 30:12; Isaiah 1:18,


25; 6:7; Daniel 12:10; Micah 6:11; Malachi 3:2, 3; Matthew 5:8; John 15:2; Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 1:5;

3:9; 5:22; 2 Timothy 1:3; 2:21, 22; Titus 1:15; Hebrews 9:13, 14; 10:2; James 4:8; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 John 3:3

.For the symbolisms of purity


, .


-For Solomon 1 Kings 4:7-19, 27



-(A seaport of Italy) -Paul stays a week at Acts 28:13, 14


-The father-in-law of Eleazar the priest Exodus 6:25


-Probably a species of antelope Deuteronomy 14:5



-The miracle of, in the Wilderness of Sin Exodus 16:13

-The miracle of, at Kibroth-hattaavah Numbers 11:31, 32; Psalm 105:40




-General scriptures concerning Judges 3 : 1 9, 26


-A Christian man in Corinth Romans 16:23


-A squad of four soldiers Acts 12:4


-The wife of a king 1 Kings 11:19

-Crowned Esther 1 : 1 1 ; 2: 17

-Divorced Esther 1 : 10-22

-Sits on the throne with the king Nehemiah 2:6

-Makes feasts for the women of the royal household Esther 1 :9

-Exerts an evil influence in public affairs

-Counsels the king Daniel 5:10-12

-Of Sheba, visits Solomon 1 Kings 10:1-13

-Candace, of Ethiopia Acts 8:27

-The reigning sovereign, Athaliah

-The moon was called \”the queen of heaven,\” Jeremiah 7:18; 44:7-19, 25



-(Enlivening) -Of God\’s people .By the Father Psalm 71:20; 80:18; Romans 4:17; 8:11; Ephesians 2:1; 1


Timothy 6:13 .By the Son John 5:21; 1 Corinthians 15:45 .By the Holy Spirit John 6:63; Romans 8:11; 2

Corinthians 3:6; 1 Peter 3:18


-Governor of Syria when Jesus was born Luke 2:2


-For arrows Genesis 27:3; Isaiah 22:6


– NEW TESTAMENT , , OLD TESTAMENT Matthew 1 :23; with Isaiah

7:14 Matthew 2:6; with Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:15; with Hosea 11:1 Matthew 2:18; with Jeremiah 31:15

Matthew 3:3; with Isaiah 40:3 Matthew 4:4; with Deuteronomy 8:3 Matthew 4:6; with Psalm 91:11,12

Matthew 4:7; with Deuteronomy 6:16 Matthew 4:10; with Deuteronomy 6 : 1 3 ; 1 : 20 Matthew 4:15,16;

with Isaiah 9:1, 2; 42:7 Matthew 5:21; with Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17 Matthew 5:27; with Exodus

20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18 Matthew 5:31; with Deuteronomy 24:1 Matthew 5:33; with Exodus 20:7;

Leviticus 19:12; Deuteronomy 5:11 Matthew 5:38; with Exodus 21:24 Matthew 7:23; with Psalm 6:8

Matthew 8:17; with Isaiah 53:4 Matthew 9:13; with Hosea 6:6 Matthew 11:10; with Malachi 3:1 Matthew

12:7; with Hos 6:6 Matthew 12:17-21; with Isaiah 42:1-4 Matthew 13:14, 15; with Isaiah 6:9, 10 Matthew

13:35; with Psalm 78:2 Matthew 15:4; with Exodus 20:12; 21:17 Matthew 15:7-9; with Isaiah 29:13

Matthew 19:4; with Genesis 1 :27; 2:24 Matthew 19:18, 19; with Exodus 20: 12-16 Matthew 21:5; with

Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:9; with Psalm 1 18:26 Matthew 21:13; with Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:1 1 Matthew

21:16; with Psalm 8:2 Matthew 21 :42; with Psalm 1 18:22, 23 Matthew 22:24; with Deuteronomy 25:5

Matthew 22:32; with Exodus 3:6 Matthew 22:37; with Deuteronomy 6:5 Matthew 22:38, 39; with Leviticus

19:18 Matthew 22:39; with Exodus 20:12-16 Matthew 22:44; with Psalm 1 10:1 Matthew 23:39; with

Psalm 118:26 Matthew 26:31; with Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 27:9, 10; with Zechariah 11:12, 13Matthew

27:35; with Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:46; with Psalm 22:1 Mark 1:2; with Malachi 3:1 Mark 1:3; with

Isaiah 40:3 Mark 4:12; with Isaiah 6:9, 10 Mark 7:6, 7; with Isaiah 29: 13 Mark 7:10; with Exodus 20: 12;

21:17 Mark 9:44; with Isaiah 66:24 Mark 10:6; with Genesis 1:27 Mark 10:7, 8; with Genesis 2:24 Mark

10:19; with Exodus 20:12-17Mark 11:9; with Psalm 118:26 Mark 11:17; with Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11

Mark 12:10; with Psalm 1 18:22, 23 Mark 12:19; with Deuteronomy 25:5 Mark 12:26; with Exodus 3:6

Mark 12:29; with Deuteronomy 6:4 Mark 12:30; with Deuteronomy 6:5 Mark 12:31; with Leviticus 19:18

Mark 12:36; with Psalm 110:1 Mark 14:27; with Zechariah 13:7Mark 15:28; with Isaiah 53:12 Mark

15:34; with Psalm 22:1 Luke 1:17; with Malachi 4:6 Luke 2:23; with Exodus 13:2, 12 Luke 2:24; with

Leviticus 12:8 Luke 2:32; with Isaiah 9:1, 2; 42:7 Luke 3:4-6; with Isaiah 40:3-5 Luke 4:4; with

Deuteronomy 8:3 Luke 4:8; with Deuteronomy 6:13; 10:20 Luke 4:10, 11; with Psalm 91:11, 12Luke

4:12; with Deuteronomy 6:16 Luke 4:18, 19; with Isaiah 61:1,2 Luke 7:27; with Malachi 3:1 Luke 8:10;

with Isaiah 6:9 Luke 10:27; with Leviticus 19:18 Luke 13:35; with Psalm 1 18:26 Luke 18:20; with Exodus

20: 12-16 Luke 19:46; with Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11 Luke 20: 17; with Psalm 1 18:22, 23 Luke 20:37; with

Exodus 3:6 Luke 20:42, 43; with Psalm 1 10: 1 Luke 22:37; with Isaiah 53:12 Luke 23:30; with Hosea 10:8

Luke 23:46; with Psalm 31:5 John 1:23; with Isaiah 40:3 John 2:17; with Psalm 69:9 John 6:31; with Psalm

78:24 John 6:45; with Isaiah 54:13 John 7:38; with Proverbs 18:4; Isaiah 58:11 John 10:34; with Psalm

82:6 John 12:13; with Psalm 1 18:26 John 12:15; with Zechariah 9:9 John 12:38; with Isaiah 53:1 John

12:40, 41; with Isaiah 6:9, 10 John 13:18; with Psalm 41:9 John 15:25; with Psalm 35:19; 69:4; 109:3;

119:161; Lamentations 3:52 John 19:24; withPsalm 22:18 John 19:36; with Exodus 12:46; Psalm 34:20

John 19:37; with Zechariah 12:10 Acts 1:20; with Psalm 69:25; 109:8 Acts 2:17-21; with Joel 2:28-32 Acts

2:25-28; with Psalm 16:8-11 Acts 2:34, 35; with Psalm 110:1 Acts 3:22, 23; with Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Acts 3:25; with Genesis 12:3; 22:18 Acts 4:1 1; with Psalm 1 18:22, 23 Acts 4:25, 26; with Psalm 2:1, 2

Acts 7:3; with Genesis 12:1 Acts 7:6, 7; with Genesis 15:13, 14 Acts 7:14; with Genesis 46:26 Acts 7:26-

28; with Exodus 2:13, 14 Acts 7:31, 32; with Exodus 3:6 Acts 7:33, 34; with Exodus 3:5-10 Acts 7:37;

with Deuteronomy 18:15 Acts 7:40, 41; with Exodus 32:1-6 Acts 7:42, 43; with Amos 5:25-27 Acts 7:49,

50; with Isaiah 66:1, 2 Acts 8:32, 33; with Isaiah 53:7, 8 Acts 13:22; with 1 Samuel 13:14; Psalm 89:20

Acts 13:33; with Psalm 2:7 Acts 13:34; with Isaiah 55:3 Acts 13:35; withPsalm 16:10 Acts 13:41;with

Hab 1:5 Acts 13:47; with Isaiah 49:6 Acts 15:16, 17; with Amos 9:11, 12 Acts 23:5; with Exodus 22:28

Acts 28:25-27; with Isaiah 6:9, 10 Romans 1 : 17; with Hab 2:4 Romans 2:24; with Isaiah 52:5 Romans 3:4;


with Psalm 51:4 Romans 3:10-12; with Psalm 14:1-3 Romans 3:13; with Psalm 5:9; 140:3 Romans 3:14;

with Psalm 10:7 Romans 3:15-17; with Isaiah 59:7, 8 Romans 3:18; with Psalm 36:1 Romans 4:3; with

Genesis 15:6 Romans 4:7, 8; with Psalm 32:1, 2 Romans 4:17; with Genesis 17:5 Romans 4:18; with

Genesis 15:5 Romans 7:7; with Exodus 20: 17 Romans 8:36; with Psalm 44:22 Romans 9:7; with Genesis

21:12 Romans 9:9; with Genesis 18:10 Romans 9:12; with Genesis 25:23 Romans 9:13; with Malachi 1:2,

3 Romans 9:15; with Exodus 33:19 Romans 9:17; with Exodus 9:16 Romans 9:25; with Hosea 2:23

Romans 9:26; with Hosea 1:10 Romans 9:27, 28; with Isaiah 10:22, 23 Romans 9:29; with Isaiah 1:9

Romans 9:33; with Psalm 118:22, 23; Isaiah 8:14; 28:16 Romans 10:5; with Leviticus 18:5 Romans 10:6-8;

with Deuteronomy 30:12-14 Romans 10:13; with Joel 2:32 Romans 10:15; with Isaiah 52:7 Romans 10:16;

with Isaiah 53:1 Romans 10:18; with Psalm 19:4 Romans 10:19; with Deuteronomy 32:21 Romans 10:20,

21; with Isaiah 65:2 Romans 11:3; with 1 Kings 19:14Romans 11:4; with 1 Kings 19:18Romans 11:8;

with Isaiah 6:9, 10; 29:10; Ezekiel 12:2 Romans 11:9; with Psalm 69:22 Romans 11:10; with Psalm 69:23

Romans 1 1 :26, 27; with Isaiah 27:9; 59:20, 21 Romans 1 1 :34; with Isaiah 40: 13 Romans 12:19; with

Deuteronomy 32:35 Romans 12:20; with Proverbs 25:21, 22 Romans 13:9; with Exodus 20:13-17;

Leviticus 19:18 Romans 14:1 1; with Isaiah 45:23 Romans 15:3; with Psalm 69:9 Romans 15:9; with Psalm

18:49 Romans 15:10; with Deuteronomy 32:43 Romans 15:11; with Psalm 117:1 Romans 15:12; with

Isaiah 11:1, 10 Romans 15:21; with Isaiah 52:15 1 Corinthians 1:19; with Isaiah 29:14 1 Corinthians 1:31;

with Jeremiah 9:24 1 Corinthians 2:9; with Isaiah 64:4 1 Corinthians 2:16; with Isaiah 40:13 1 Corinthians

3:19; with Job 5:13 1 Corinthians 3:20; with Psalm 94:11 1 Corinthians 6:16; with Genesis 2:24 1

Corinthians 9:9; with Deuteronomy 25:4 1 Corinthians 10:7; with Exodus 32:6 1 Corinthians 10:20; with

Deuteronomy 32:17 1 Corinthians 10:26; with Psalm 24:1; 50:12 1 Corinthians 14:21; with Isaiah 28:1 1,

12 1 Corinthians 15:25; with Psalm 110:1 1 Corinthians 15:27; with Psalm 8:6 1 Corinthians 15:32; with

Isaiah 22:13 1 Corinthians 15:45; with Genesis 2:7 1 Corinthians 15:54; with Isaiah 25:8 1 Corinthians

15:55; with Hosea 13:14 2 Corinthians 3:13; with Exodus 34:33 2 Corinthians 4:13; with Psalm 1 16:10 2

Corinthians 6:2; with Isaiah 49:8 2 Corinthians 6:16; with Leviticus 26: 11, 12 2 Corinthians 6:17; with

Isaiah 52:11, 12 2 Corinthians 6:18; with 2 Samuel 7:14 2 Corinthians 8:15; with Exodus 16:18 2

Corinthians 9:9; with Psalm 1 12:9 2 Corinthians 10:17; with Jeremiah 9:24 2 Corinthians 13:1; with

Deuteronomy 19:15 Galatians 3:6; with Genesis 15:6 Galatians 3:8; with Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Galatians

3:10; with Deuteronomy 27:26 Galatians 3:11; withHab 2:4 Galatians 3:12; with Leviticus 18:5 Galatians

3:13; with Deuteronomy 21:23 Galatians 3:16; with Genesis 22:18 Galatians 4:27; with Isaiah 54:1

Galatians 4:30; with Genesis 21:10 Galatians 5:14; with Leviticus 19:18 Ephesians 4:8; with Psalm 68:18

Ephesians 4:25; with Zechariah 8:16 Ephesians 4:26; with Psalm 4:4 Ephesians 5:31; with Genesis 2:24

Ephesians 6:2, 3; with Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16 1 Limothy 5:18; with Leviticus 19:13;

Deuteronomy 24:14, 15; 25:4 2 Limothy 2:19; with Numbers 16:5 Hebrews 1:5; with 2 Samuel 7:14; Psalm

2:7 Hebrews 1 :6; with Psalm 97:7 Hebrews 1 :7; with Psalm 104:4 Hebrews 1:8, 9; with Psalm 45:6, 7

Hebrews 1:10-12; with Psalm 102:25-27 Hebrews 1:13; with Psalm 110:1 Hebrews 2:6-8; with Psalm 8:4-6

Hebrews 2:12; with Psalm 22:22 Hebrews 2:13; with Isaiah 8:17, 18 Hebrews 3:7-10; with Psalm 95:7-1 1

Hebrews 4:3; with Psalm 95: 1 1 Hebrews 4:4; with Genesis 2:2; Exodus 20: 1 1 Hebrews 4:7; with Psalm

95:7-11 Hebrews 5:5; with Psalm 2:7 Hebrews 5:6; with Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 6:14; with Genesis 22:16,

17 Hebrews 8:5; with Exodus 25:40 Hebrews 8:8-12; with Jeremiah 31:31-34 Hebrews 9:20; with Exodus

24:8Hebrews 10:5-7; with Psalm 40:6-8 Hebrews 10:13; withPsalm 110:1 Hebrews 10:16, 17; with

Jeremiah 31:33, 34 Hebrews 10:30; with Deuteronomy 32:35, 36 Hebrews 10:38; with Hab 2:3, 4 Hebrews

11:18; with Genesis 21 : 12 Hebrews 12:5; with Proverbs 3:11 Hebrews 12:6; with Proverbs 3:11, 12

Hebrews 12:26; with Hag 2:6 Hebrews 13:5; with Deuteronomy 31:8; Joshua 1:5 Hebrews 13:6; with

Psalm 118:6Hebrews 13:15; with Hosea 14:2 James 2:8; with Leviticus 19:18 James 2:11; with Exodus

20: 13, 14 James 2:23; with Genesis 15:6 James 4:6; with Proverbs 3:34 1 Peter 1 : 16; with Leviticus 1 1 :44;

19:2; 20:7 1 Peter 1:24, 25; with Isaiah 40:6-8 1 Peter 2:6, 7; withPsalm 118:22, 23; Isaiah 8:14; 28:16 1

Peter 2:9; with Exodus 19:6 1 Peter 2:22; with Isaiah 53:9 1 Peter 2:24; with Isaiah 53:5 1 Peter 3:10-12;

withPsalm 34:12-16 1 Peter3:14, 15; with Isaiah 8:12, 13 1 Peter 5:5; with Proverbs 3:34 2 Peter 2:22;

with Proverbs 26: 1 1 Revelation 2:27; with Psalm 2:9



-1. Son of Cush Genesis 10:7; 1 Chronicles 1:9

-2. A place in Arabia Ezekiel 27:22


-One of those who returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon Nehemiah 7:7

-Called REELAIAH in Ezra 2:2



-1. Also called BATH A city east of the Jordan River, originally belonging to the Ammonites Joshua

1 3 :25 .Bedstead of the giant named Og, kept at Deuteronomy 3:11 .Captured by David 2 Samuel 11:1;

12:26-31; 1 Chronicles 20:1-3 .Possessed again by the Ammonites; prophesied against Jeremiah 49:2, 3;

Ezekiel 21:20; 25:5; Amos 1:14

-2. A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah Joshua 15:60



-(Literally, the Hebrew word means \”my great one.\”) -The title of a Jewish teacher Matthew 23:7, 8; John


-Ostentatiously used by the Pharisees Matthew 23:7

-Used in addressing John the Baptist John 3:26

-Used in addressing Jesus John 1:38, 49; 3:2; 6:25

-R. V Matthew 26:25, 49; Mark 9:5; 11:21; 14:45; John 4:31; 9:2; 11:8

-Jesus called \”Rabbom,\” Mark 10:51

-R. V.) John 20:16

-Forbidden by Jesus as a title to his disciples Matthew 23:8


-A city in the territory of the tribe of Issachar Joshua 19:20


-An Assyrian prince, or, possibly, a second name given to Nergal-sharezer Jeremiah 39:3, 13


-1 . A title of an Assyrian officer

– () 04020. – 04028

. AGAST 2 KGS 18:17

-2. An Assyrian prince during the time of Nebuchadnezzar, or, possibly, a second name given to

Nebushazban (also spelled NEBO-SARSEKIM or SARSEKIM, N. I. V.) Jeremiah 39:3, 13

– ()

-(A title of an Assyrian officer) -Sent by Sennacherib against Jerusalem; undertakes to cause disloyalty to

Hezekiah and the surrender of Jerusalem by a speech in the Jews\’ native language 2 Kings 18:17-36; 19:4,

8; Isaiah 36; 37


-(Roughly translated \”fool\” but means \”You good-for-nothing moron!\”)) Matthew 5:22


-1. Human Unity of Genesis 3:20; Malachi 2:10

-2. FOOT RACE .Figurative Psalm 19:5; Ecclesiastes 9:11; 1 Corinthians 9:24; Galatians 5:7; Philippians

2:16; Hebrews 12:1, 2




-A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah 1 Samuel 30:29


-(Daughter of Laban and the favorite wife of Jacob) -Meets Jacob at a well Genesis 29:9-12

-Jacob serves Laban for an additional seven years to obtain her as his wife Genesis 29: 15-30

-Sterility of Genesis 29:31

-Her grief in consequence of her sterility; gives her maid, to Jacob in order to obtain children in her own

name Genesis 30:1-8, 15, 22-34

-Later productiveness of; becomes the mother of Joseph Genesis 30:22-25 .Benjamin Genesis 35:16-18, 24

-Steals the household images (teraphim, legal deed) of herfather Genesis 31:4, 14-19, 33-35

-Her death and burial Genesis 35: 18-20; 48:7; 1 Samuel 10:2


-Son of Jesse 1 Chronicles 2:14


-Also called REU -Son of Peleg and an ancestor of Jesus Genesis 11:18-21; 1 Chronicles 1:25; Luke 3:35


-Also called REUEL and -Moses\’ father-in-law Numbers 10:29


-1. Also called RACHAB -(A woman of Jericho) Assists the spies of the Israelites Joshua 2 .Is spared

when the Israelites captured Jericho Joshua 6: 17-25 An ancestor of Joseph of Nazareth Matthew 1 :5 .Lhe

faith of, commended Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25

-2. A symbolic name applied to Egypt Psalm 87:4; 89:10; Isaiah 30:7; 51:9


-Son of Shema 1 Chronicles 2:44


-(Reviling, using harsh, insolent, or vituperative language; scoffing) -Forbidden 1 Corinthians 5:11; 1

Limothy 6:4; 1 Peter 3:9; 2 Peter 2:11; Jude 1:9



-SLANCES 1 Samuel 25:14; 2 Samuel 16:7; Mark 15:29



-Forty days of, at the time of the great flood of Noah Genesis 7:4, 10-12, 17-24

-Lhe plague of, upon Egypt Exodus 9:22-26, 33, 34

-Miraculously caused .By Samuel 1 Samuel 12:16-19 .By Elijah 1 Kings 18:41-45

-David delivered by 2 Samuel 5:17-21; Isaiah 28:21

-North wind unfavorable to Proverbs 25:23

-Withheld as judgment Deuteronomy 11:17; 28:24; 1 Kings 8:35; 2 Chronicles 7:13; Jeremiah 3:3; Amos

4:7; Zechanah 14:17

-Lhe earth will never again be destroyed by Genesis 9:8-17

-Sent by God Deuteronomy 11:13, 14; Job 37:6; Isaiah 30:23; Jeremiah 5:24; 14:22

-Contingent upon obedience Leviticus 26:3, 4; Deuteronomy 11:13, 14

-Prayer for 1 Kings 8:35, 36; 2 Chronicles 6:26, 27


-Answer to prayer for, promised 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14; Zechariah 10:1

-Withheld, in answer to prayer James 5:17, 18

-Rainy season in Palestine is in the ninth month, corresponding to December Ezra 10:9, 13

-FIGURATIVE Psalm 72:6


-A sign that the earth will no longer be destroyed by flood Genesis 9:8-16; Ezekiel 1 :28

-Symbolical Revelation 4:3; 10:1


-(Dried grapes) -Given by Abigail to David 1 Samuel 25:18

-Given to the starving Egyptian to revive him 1 Samuel 30: 12

-Given by Ziba to David 2 Samuel 16:1

-Given to David at Ziklag 1 Chronicles 12:40


-From death


-A descendant of Machir, son of Manasseh 1 Chronicles 7:16


-A city in the territory of the tribe of Naphthali Joshua 19:35


-A city in the territory of the tribe of Dan Joshua 19:46


-1. SonofHezron and an ancestor of Jesus Ru 4: 19; 1 Chronicles 2:9, 10 .Called ARAM Matthew 1:3, 4;

Luke 3:33

-2. Son of Jerahmeel 1 Chronicles 2:25, 27

-3. An ancestor, probably of Elihu, mentioned in Job 32:2

-4. A sheep . Skins of, used for the roof of the tabernacle Exodus 26: 14; 39:34 . Seen in Daniel\’s vision

Daniel 8:3, 20 Used in sacrifice




-1. Called RAMA Matthew 2:18 A city allotted to the tribe of Benjamin Joshua 18:25; Judges 19:13

Attempted fortification of, by King Baasha; destruction of, by Asa 1 Kings 15:17-22; 2 Chronicles 16:1-6

.People of, return from the Babylonian captivity Ezra 2:26; Nehemiah 7:30; 1 1 :33 .Jeremiah imprisoned in

Jeremiah 40:1 .Prophecies concerning Isaiah 10:29; Jeremiah 31:15; Hosea 5:8; Matthew 2:18

-2. A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher Joshua 19:29

-3. A city of the territory of the tribe of Naphthali Joshua 19:36

-4. Also called RAMATHAIM-ZOPHIM A city near Mount Ephraim Jude 1 :4, 5; 1 Samuel 1 : 1 .Home of

Elkanah 1 Samuel 1:1, 19; 2:11 .Home of Samuel 1 Samuel 1:19, 20; 7:17; 8:4; 15:34; 16:13 .David flees

to 1 Samuel 19:18 .Samuel dies and was buried in 1 Samuel 25:1; 28:3



-A city of the tribe of Simeon Joshua 19:8





-The place where Samson killed one -thousand Philistines with the j awbone of a donkey Judges 15:17


-A town in the territory of the tribe of Gad Joshua 13:26


-(Called also Raamses.) -The district in Egypt which was inhabited by the Israelites Genesis 47: 1 1 ; Exodus

1:11; 12:37; Numbers 33:3, 5 .City of, built by the Israelites as a treasure city for one of the Pharaohs

Exodus 1:11


-(An Israelite at the time of Ezra) -Had taken a non-Israelite wife Ezra 10:25


-1 . An Israelite at the time of Ezra .Had taken a non-Israelite wife Ezra 10:29

-2. Called RAMATH SOUTH A place probably in the south of the tribe of Simeon Joshua 19:8; 1

Samuel 30:27

-3. A city of the territory of the tribe of Issachar, allotted to the Levites 1 Chronicles 6:73

-4. Ramoth in Gilead

-Also called 2 Kings 8:2; 2 Chronicles 22:6

-A city of the territory of the tribe of Gad, and one of the cities of refuge Deuteronomy 4:43; Joshua 20:8; 1

Chronicles 6:80

-One of Solomon\’s commissaries there 1 Kings 4:13

-In the possession of the Syrians 1 Kings 22:3

-Besieged by Israel and Judah; Ahab killed there 1 Kings 22:29-36; 2 Chronicles 18

-Recovered by Joram; Joram wounded there 2 Kings 8:28, 29; 9:14, 15; 2 Chronicles 22:5, 6

-Elisha anoints Jehu to be king there 2 Kings 9:1-6


-Of a man\’s life Exodus 21:30; 30:12; Job 36:18; Psalm 49:7, 8; Proverbs 6:35; 13:8;Hosea 13:14

-FIGURATIVE Job 33:24; Isaiah 35:10; 51:10; Matthew 20:28; 1 Timothy 2:6


-The law of Moses imposed death penally for Deuteronomy 22:25-27

-Captives afflicted with Isaiah 13:16; Lamentations 5:11; Zechariah 14:2

-STANCES .Of the servant of a Levite, by Benjamites; the tribe of Benjamin nearly exterminated by

the army of the other tribes, punishment for Judges 19:22-30; 20:35 .Of Tamar by Amnon; avenged in the

death of Amnon at the hand of Absalom, Tamar\’s brother 2 Samuel 13:6-29, 32, 33


-1. Son of Benjamin 1 Chronicles 8:2

-2. Also called REPHAIAH A descendant of Jonathan 1 Chronicles 8:37; 9:43

-3. An ancestor of certain Philistine warriors, (margins) 2 Samuel 21:16, 1 Chronicles 20:4, 20, 22; 6, 8


-A Benjamite Numbers 13:9


-General scriptures concerning Psalm 116:11; Proverbs 14:29; 19:2; 21:5; 25:8; 29:20; Ecclesiastes 5:2; 7:9

-STANCES .Moses, in killing the Egyptian Exodus 2: 1 1, 12; Acts 7:24, 25 .When he struck the rock

Numbers 20:10-12 Jephthah\’s vow Judges 11:31-39 .Israel\’s vow to destroy the Benjamites Judges 21:1-23

Uzzah, in steadying the ark of the covenant 2 Samuel 6:6, 7 .David, in his generosity to Ziba 2 Samuel

16:4 with 2 Samuel 19:26-29 .Rehoboam, in forsaking the counsel of the old men 1 Kings 12:8-15 Josiah,


in fighting against Pharaoh-necho 2 Chronicles 35:20-24 .Naaman, in refusing to immerse (LXX: baptizo)

himself in the Jordan River 2 Kings 5:11, 12 James and John, in desiring to call down fire upon the

Samaritans Luke 9:54 .Paul, in persisting in going to Jerusalem, against the repeated admonitions of the

Holy Spirit Acts 21 :4, 10-15 .Julius, the Roman centurion, in rejecting Paul\’s counsel Acts 27: 1 1


-A black carnivorous bird Proverbs 30: 17; So 5: 1 1

-Forbidden as food Leviticus 11:15; Deuteronomy 14:14

-Preserved by Noah in the ark Genesis 8:7

-Fed Elijah 1 Kings 17:4-6

-Cared for by divine providence Luke 12:24



-Nazarite forbidden to use Numbers 6:5

-FIGURALIVE Psalm 52:2; Isaiah 7:20; Ezekiel 5:1


-L aught Deuteronomy 6:9; 1 1 :20


-JUDAH\’S Genesis 44: 18-34

– REVEALG H IDENTILY Genesis 45: 1-15



-\’S LAMENL OVER ABSALOM 2 Samuel 18:19-33



-ELHA LHE \’S OIL 2 Kings 4:1-7

-NAAMAN LHE LEPER 2 Kings 5:1-14

-ESLHER\’S LRIUMPH Esther 4:1-17; 7:1-10



-\’S CHENGE LO Job 38





-MANKD EXLREMILY Psalm 18:1-19


-LHE KG GLORY Psalm 24

-LHE GLORY Psalm 29

-, OUR REFUGE Psalm 46

-LHE MAJESLY Psalm 77: 13-20



-LHE NEW Psalm 98

-LHE MAJESLY Psalm 104

– CAPLIVILY Psalm 137


-OLD AGE Ecclesiastes 12: 1-7



-LHE WRALH Amos 9:1-6

-LHE MAJESLY Hab 3:3-12


-MARY\’S MAGNIFICAT Luke 1 :46-56


– BEATITUDES Matthew 5:1-16

-\’S Matthew 6:26-34

-WE FOOLH BUILDERS Matthew 7:21-27

– GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10:25-37

– PRODIGAL SON Luke 15:11-32

– RAIG LAZARUS John 11:1-3,1 8-46


– CHRT Luke 24:1-12


-STEPHEN\’S Acts 7: 1-56

-PAUL SILAS PRON Acts 16:16-40

-PAUL ON MARS\’ HILL Acts 17:22-31



-CHARITY 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

– NEW HEAVEN NEW EARTH Revelation 2 1 : 1 -27

– RIVER LIFE Revelation 22: 1-21

-For other selections


-Son of Micah, a Reubenite 1 Chronicles 5:5


-1. A man of Judah, son of Shobal 1 Chronicles 4:2 Apparently called HAROEH 1 Chronicles 2:52

-2. Ancestor of a family which returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon Ezra 2:47; Nehemiah 7:50


-General scriptures concerning Psalm 129:7

-The ark of the covenant returned by the Philistines at the time of 1 Samuel 6:13

-Laws concerning gleaning at the time of


-FIGURATIVE Psalm 126:6; Hosea 10:12, 13


-With God Job 13:3, 17-28

-God reasons with men Exodus 4:1 1; 20:5, 11; Isaiah 1:18; 5:3, 4; 43:26; Hosea 4:1; Micah 6:2

-Natural understanding Daniel 4:36

-To be applied to godly living 1 Corinthians 10:15; 1 Peter 3:15

-Not a sufficient guide in human affairs Deuteronomy 12:8; Proverbs 3:5; 14:12

-Of the Pharisees Luke 5:21, 22; 20:5

-Of Paul from the Scriptures Acts 17:2; 18:4, 19; 24:25

-The gospel cannot be explained by 1 Corinthians 1:18-28; 2:1-14



-(A king of Midian) -Killed by the Israelites Numbers 31:8; Joshua 13:21



-The daughter of Bethuel, the grandniece of Abraham Genesis 22:20-23

-Becomes Isaac\’s wife Genesis 24:15-67; 25:20

-Mother of Esau and Jacob Genesis 25:21-28


-Passes as Isaac\’s sister Genesis 26:6-1 1

-Displeased with Esau\’s wives Genesis 26:34, 35

-Prompts Jacob to deceive Isaac Genesis 27:5-29

-Sends Jacob to Laban, her brother Genesis 27:42-46

-Burial place of Genesis 49:3 1

-Called REBECCA Romans 9: 10


-Treasonable Proverbs 17:11

-STANCES Absalom 2 Samuel 15; 16; 17; 18 .Sheba 2 Samuel 20 .Revolt of the ten tribes 1 Kings

12:16-20; 2 Chronicles 10; 13:5-12


-1. Son of Rimmon .Murders Ish-bosheth, son of Saul; put to death by David 2 Samuel 4:5-12

-2. Father of Jehonadab 2 Kings 10:15, 23; Jeremiah 35:6, 8, 1 Chronicles 2:55; 16, 19 Ancestor of the

Rechabites Jeremiah 35

-3 . Father of Malchiah Nehemiah 3:14


-A family of Kenites descended from Rechab, through Jonadab 1 Chronicles 2:55; Jeremiah 35:6

-Enjoined by Jonadab to drink no wine Jeremiah 35:6

-Adhere to the injunction of abstinence; perpetuation of the family promised as a reward Jeremiah 35



-A city of unknown location 1 Chronicles 4:12


-General scriptures concerning Romans 15:27; 1 Corinthians 9:1 1; Galatians 6:6


-Between man and man Matthew 5:23-26

-Between Esau and Jacob Genesis 33:4, 1 1

-Between Pilate and Herod Antipas Luke 23:12

-BETWEEN MAN Leviticus 8:15; Ezekiel 45:15; Daniel 9:24; Romans 5:1, 10; 1 1:15; 2

Corinthians 5:18-21; Ephesians 2:15-18; Colossians 1:20-22; Hebrews 2:17



(, -FERG)


-Of Jericho Joshua 2: 1 -24

-Beth-el Judges 1 :23

-Laish Judges 18:2-10



-Jesus takes, from the pressures of his ministry Mark 6:31, 32; 7:24



-Of persons or property Leviticus 25:25-34; 27:2-13, 14-33; Ru 4:3-10

-Redemption money paid to priests Numbers 3:46-51

-Of the firstborn


-Of land

– OUR SOULS Psalm 111:9; 130:7; Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45; Luke 2:38; Acts 20:28; Romans 3:24-

26; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 6:20; 7:23; Galatians 1:4; 2:20; 4:4, 5; Ephesians 1:7; 5:2; Colossians 1:14, 20-22; 1

Timothy 2:6; Titus 2:14; Hebrews 9:12, 15; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; Revelation 5:9, 10



-Of purification Numbers 19


-The locusts which devastated Egypt destroyed in Exodus 10:19

-Israelites cross; Pharaoh and his army drowned in 15:1, 4, Exodus 14; 11, 19; Numbers 33:8;

Deuteronomy 11:4; Joshua 2:10; 4:23; 24:6, 7; Judges 11:16; 2 Samuel 22:16; Nehemiah 9:9-11; Psalm

66:6; 78:13, 53; 106:7-11,22; 136:13-15; Isaiah 43:16, 17;Acts7:36; 1 Corinthians 10:1, 2; Hebrews


-Israelites camp beside Exodus 14:2, 9; Numbers 14:25; 21:4; 33:10, 11; Deuteronomy 1:40; 2:1-3

-The boundary of the promised land Exodus 23:31

-Solomon builds ships beside 1 Kings 9:26

-The wilderness of Exodus 13:18


-A water plant Isaiah 19:6, 7; 35:7; Jeremiah 51:32

-Used as a measuring device (six cubits) Ezekiel 40:3-8; 41:8; 42:16-19; 45:1; Revelation 11:1; 21:15, 16

-Mockingly given to Jesus as a symbol of royally Matthew 27:29

-Jesus hit with Matthew 27 : 30; Mark 15:19

-FIGURATIVE .Of weakness 1 Kings 14:15; 2 Kings 18:21; Isaiah 36:6; 42:3; Ezekiel 29:6; Matthew

11:7; 12:20


-A returned captive from Babylon Ezra 2:2

-Called RAAMIAH Nehemiah 7:7


-(The process of eliminating impurities by fire) -Of gold 1 Chronicles 28: 1 8

-Of silver 1 Chronicles 29:4

-Of wine Isaiah 25:6

-FIGURATIVE .Of the corrective judgments of God Isaiah 1:25; 48:10; Jeremiah 9:7; Zechanah 13:9;

Malachi 3:2, 3 .Of the purity of the word of God Psalm 18:30; 119:140


-CITIES .From the avenger of blood Exodus 21:13, 14; Numbers 35:11-32; Deuteronomy 4:41-43;

19:2-13; Joshua 20:1-6 List of Joshua 20:7-9 .Roads made to Deuteronomy 19:3

-FIGURATIVE .Of Christ Hebrews 6: 18


-Laws concerning Deuteronomy 23: 15, 16


-Son of Jahdai 1 Chronicles 2:47


-A captive sent as a messenger from the Jews in Babylon to Jerusalem Zechariah 7:2


-General scriptures concerning 1 Kings 22:47; 2 Kings 15:5



-General scriptures concerning Deuteronomy 29:4; 30:6; 1 Kings 8:58; 51:2, Psalm 36:9; 7, 10; 65:3;

68:18; 87:4, 6; 110:3; Proverbs 4:23; 12:28; 14:27; Isaiah 1:16, 16:1; 17, 25; 4:4; 12:3; 26:12; 32:3, 4,

29:23; 15, 17; 35:5, 6; 42:16; 43:7; 44:3-5; 49:9; 55:1-3; Jeremiah 13:23; 17:13, 14; 31:3, 24:7; 33, 34;

32:38-40; 33:6; Ezekiel 11:19, 20; 16:9; 36:26, 18:31; 27, 29; 37:1-14; 44:7, 9; Matthew 12:33-35,

Zechariahl2:10;43,44; 13:23,33; 18:3; Mark 4:20, 26-29; 5:19, 20; 10:15; 8:35, Luke 1:16, 17; 38, 39;

13:21; John 1:4, 18:17; 13, 16; 3:3-8; 4:10, 14; 5:24; 6:44, 45, 47, 50, 8:12, 51, 57; 32, 36; 10:9, 10; 13:8

28, 29; 7:6, 6:3-23; 8:2-

11; 12:6, 13; 15:10; 2

1,5,4:7,8,8, 10; 16,

15:1,3; 17:2; Acts 2:38, 47; 3:26; 11:17,21; 15:9; 16:14; 21:19; 26:18; Romans 2:

6, 24, 25; 9, 13-16; 12:2; 15:16; 1 Corinthians 1:9, 24, 30; 3:6, 2:12, 14-16; 7, 9; 6:

Corinthians 1:21, 22; 3:3, 18; 4:6; 5:5, 17; Galatians 2:20; 4:29; 6:15; Ephesians 2:

21-24; 5:14; Philippians 1:6; Colossians 2:11-13; 3:9, 10; 2 Thessalomans 2:13; Titus 3:5, 6; Hebrews 4:1-

12; 8:10, 11; 10:16, 17, 22, 23; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:2, 3, 5:19, 20; 22, 23; 2:3; 2 Peter 1:3, 4; 1 John 2:27,

29; 3:9, 14; 5:1, 4, 5, 11,4:7; 12, 18



-STANCES .Jacob Genesis 32:29 .King Saul 1 Samuel 10:9 .Saul of Tarsus Acts 9:3-18 All

righteous persons


-(Assassinating a king) -Of Ehud Judges 3:16-23

-Of King Saul 2 Samuel 1:16

-Of Ish-bosheth 2 Samuel 4:5-8

-OfNadab 1 Kings 15:27-29

-OfElah 1 Kings 16:9-11

-Of Joram 2 Kings 9:24

-Of Ahaziah 2 Kings 9:27

-Of Joash 2 Kings 12:20,21

-Of Amaziah 2 Kings 14:19, 20

-Of Zachariah 2 Kings 15:10

-Of Shallum 2 Kings 15:14

-OfPekahiah 2 Kings 15:25

-Of Pekah 2 Kings 15:30

-Of Sennacherib 2 Kings 19:36, 37; Isaiah 37:37, 38


-Of citizens Isaiah 4:3


-Son of Eliezer 1 Chronicles 23:17; 24:21; 26:25


-1. Father of Hadadezer, king of Zobah 2 Samuel 8:3, 12

-2. A Levite who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah Nehemiah 10:11

-3. A town in northern Palestine .The limit of the investigation made by the twelve spies Numbers 13:21

.Possessed by the Syrians 2 Samuel 10:6, 8 .Called BETH-REHOB 2 Samuel 10:6

-4. An unlocated town of Asher Joshua 19:28

-5. A Levitical city of Asher Joshua 19:30; 21:31; 1 Chronicles 6:75 .Canaanites not driven from Judges



-Successor to Solomon as king 1 Kings 11:43; 2 Chronicles 9:31

-Refuses to reform abuses 1 Kings 12:1-15; 2 Chronicles 10:1-15

-Ten tribes, under the leadership of Jeroboam, successfully revolt from 1 Kings 12: 16-24; 2 Chronicles


10:16-19; 11:1-4

-Builds fortified cities; is temporarily prosperous 2 Chronicles 1 1 :5-23

-Invaded by the king of Egypt and plundered 1 Kings 14:25-28; 2 Chronicles 12:1-12

-Death of 1 Kings 14:31; 2 Chronicles 12:16

-Genealogy and descendants of 1 Chronicles 3; Matthew 1

-Called ROBOAM Matthew 1 :7


-1 . A city built by Asshur Genesis 10:11

-2. A city of the Edomites Genesis 36:37; 1 Chronicles 1:48

-3. The name given to a well that was dug by Isaac and his servants Genesis 26:22


-1 . A captive who returned to Jerusalem from Babylon Ezra 2:2 .Called NEHUM Nehemiah 7:7

-2. A chancellor who wrote a letter to Artaxerxes, influencing him against the Jews Ezra 4:8, 9, 17, 23

-3 . A Levite who repaired part of the wall of Jerusalem Nehemiah 3:17

-4. A Jew of the exile who signed the covenant with Nehemiah Nehemiah 10:25

-5. A priest who returned to Jerusalem from the captivity in Babylon Nehemiah 12:3


-An Israelite who remained loyal to David at the time of the usurpation of Adonijah 1 Kings 1 :8


-Of God





-1. A king of the Midianites, killed by the Israelites Numbers 31:8; Joshua 13:21

-2. A son of Hebron 1 Chronicles 2:43, 44

-3. A city in territory of Benjamin Joshua 18:27




– Deuteronomy 32:31-33



-NATIONAL .Supported by taxes Exodus 30: 11-16; 38:26 .Priests supported by the State 1 Kings 18:19; 2

Chronicles 11:13-15 .Subverted by Jeroboam 1 Kings 12:26-33; 2 Chronicles 11:13-15 .Established by

Jeroboam 1 Kings 12:26-33

-NATURAL Job 12:7-16; 35:10-12; 37:1-24; Psalm 8:1-9; 19:1-6; Acts 14:17; 17:23-28; Romans 1:18-20;

10: 16-18. See

-TRUE Matthew 5:1-48; 6:1-34; 7:1-29; 22:36-40; Acts 10:34, 35; Romans 8:1-18; 10:1-13; 12:1-21; 1

Corinthians 13:1-13; Galatians 5:22-25; 1 Thessalonians 5:15-23; James 1:27; 2:8-26; 2 Peter 1:5-9; Jude

1:20, 21




-STANCES OUTSTG PERSONS Abel Genesis 4:4-8; Hebrews 1 1 :4 Noah

Genesis 6; 7; 8; 9 Abraham Genesis 12:1-8; 15; 17; 18:22-33 .Jacob Genesis 28:10-22; 32:24-32 .Moses

Exodus 3:2-22; Deuteronomy 32; 33 Jethro Exodus 18:12 .Joshua Joshua 1 .Gideon Judges 6; 7 .Samuel 1

Samuel 3 .David

PS . 1 KGS 5:3-5; 2 6 . 2 KGS 10:16-

30 .Hezekiah 2 Kings 18:3-7; 19:14-19 Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 17:3-9; 19; 20 Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:9,

10 Asa 2 Chronicles 14; 15 Josiah 2 Kings 22; 23 .Daniel Daniel 6:4-22 .The three Hebrews (Shadrach,

Meshach, and Abed-nego) Daniel 3 .Zacharias Luke 1:13, 67-79 .Simeon Luke 2:25-35 Anna, the

prophetess Luke 2:36, 37 .The Roman centurion Luke 7:1-10 .Cornelius, another centurion Acts 10 Eunice

and Lois 2 Timothy 1 :5 .See, for additional instances, each of the apostles, disciples, and JOHN, PAUL,

PETER, STEPHEN; also see each of the prophets



-Father of Pekah, king of Israel 2 Kings 15:25, 27, 30; 16:1, 5; 2 Chronicles 28:6; Isaiah 7:1, 4; 8:6






-General scriptures concerning Psalm 31:10; 38:2-6; 51:1-4, 7-17; Proverbs 1:25-27; 5:7-13; 28:1; Isaiah

2:19, 21; 6:5; 48:22; 57:20, 21; Lamentations 1:20; Ezekiel 7:16-18, 25, 26; 33:10; Luke 13:28; Acts 2:37;

9:6; 1 John 3:20

-STANCES .David Psalm 51 .Peter Matthew 26:75 .Judas Matthew 27:3-5





-(Ripping, tearing)) .Of garments, an outward sign of affliction Genesis 37:29, 34; 44:13; Numbers 14:6;

Judges 11:35; 2 Samuel 1:2, 11; 3:31; 13:19,31; 15:32; 2 Kings 2:12; 5:8; 6:30; 11:14; 19:1; 22:11, 19;

Ezra 9:3, 5; Job 1:20; 2:12; Isaiah 36:22; 37:1; Jeremiah 41:5; Matthew 26:65; Acts 14:14

-FIGURATIVE Joel 2:13 . Symbol of the dissolution of a kingdom 1 Samuel 15:27,28


-L and Matthew 21:33-41; Luke 20 : 9- 1 6

-Houses Acts 28:30


-(A complete reversal of one\’s attitude and values, i. e. a turning toward God) -Attributed to God Genesis

6:6, 7; Exodus 32:14; Deuteronomy 32:36; 1 Samuel 15:11, Judges 2:18; 29, 35; 2 Samuel 24:16; 1

Chronicles 21:15; Psalm 106:45; 110:4; 135:14; Jeremiah 15:6; 18:8, 10; 26:3; 42:10; Joel 2:13; Amos 7:3,

6; John 3:9, 10

-The burden of the preaching .Of John the Baptist Matthew 3 .Of Jesus Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15

-Exhortation to Proverbs 1:23-33; Jeremiah 7:3, 5; 26:3; Hosea 14:1-3; Amos 5:4-6; Matthew 3:2

-Condition of God\’s favor Leviticus 26:40-42; 2 Chronicles 7:14

-Unavailing .To Israel Numbers 14:39-45 .To Esau Hebrews 12:16, 17

-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATG Leviticus 26:40-42; Deuteronomy 4:29-31; 10:16; 30:1-

3, 8-10; 32:29; 1 Kings 8:33-50; 2 Chronicles 6:36-39; 7:14; 30:6-9; Nehemiah 1:9; Job 11:13-15; 22:23;

33:26-28; 34:31, 32; 36:10; Psalm 22:27; 34:14, 18; 51:17; 95:7, 8; 147:3; Proverbs 1:22, 23; 9:6; 28:13;

Isaiah 10:21; 22:12; 31:6; 44:22; 46:8; 55:6, 7; 57:15; 59:20; 61:1, 2; Jeremiah 3:4, 12-14, 19; 4:1-4, 14;

6:8, 16; 7:5, 7; 13:15, 16; 18:8, 11; 24:7; 25:5; 26:3, 13; 31:9; 36:3, 7; 50:4, 5; Ezekiel 7:16; 11:18-20;

12:3; 14:6; 18:21-23, 27, 16:61-63; 28, 30-32; 20:43; 33:10-12, 14-16, 19; 36:31; 37:23; Daniel 4:27;

Hosea 2:7; 3:5; 5:15; 10:12; 12:6; 14:1, 2; 2:12, Joel 1:14; 13, 15-18; Amos 4:12; 5:6, 15; John 3:8, 9; Hag

1:7; Zechariah 1:3; 12:10; Malachi 3:7; Matthew 3:2, 7, 8; 4:17; 5:4; 9:13; Mark 1:4, 15; 2:17; 6:12; Luke

3:3; 5:32; 6:21; 10:13; 13:1-5; 15:1-10; 18:10-14; 24:47; Acts 2:38, 40; 3:19; 5:31; 8:22; 17:30; 20:21;

26:20; Romans 2:4; 11:23; 14:11; Ephesians 5:14; 2 Timothy 2:25; Hebrews 6:1; James 4:8-10; 1 John 1:9;

3:2, Revelation 2:5; 3, 19




-STANCES .Joseph\’s brothers, of their maltreatment of Joseph Genesis 42:21; 50:17, 18 .Pharaoh, of

his hardness of heart Exodus 9:27; 10:16, 17 .Balaam, of his spiritual blindness Numbers 22:34 with

Numbers 22:24-35 .Israelites . Of worshiping the golden calf Exodus 33:3, 4 .Of their complaining because

of lack of bread and water, when the plague of fiery serpents came upon them Numbers 21:4-7 .When

rebuked by an angel for not expelling the Canaanites Judges 2:1-5 .Of their idolatry, when afflicted by the

Philistines Judges 10:6-16; 1 Samuel 7:3-6 .In asking for a king 1 Samuel 12:16-20 .In the time of Asa, by

the preaching of Azariah 2 Chronicles 15:1-15 .By the preaching of Oded 2 Chronicles 28:9-15 Under the

influence of Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 30:11 Achan, because of his theft Joshua 7:20 .Saul, at the rebuke of

Samuel for not destroying the Amalekites 1 Samuel 15:24 with 1 Samuel 15:6-31 .David, at the rebuke of


Nathan, the prophet, for his sins of adultery and murder 2 Samuel 12:11, 2 Samuel 13 with 2 Samuel 12:7-



besieged 2 Chronicles 12:1-12 .Hezekiah, at the time of his sickness 2 Chronicles 32:26 .When reproved by

the prophet Micah Jeremiah 26 : 1 8, 19 . Ahab, when reproved by Elij ah for Ahab\’s idolatry 1 Kings 2 1 : 27

with 1 Kings 21:17-29 Jehoahaz 2 Kings 13:4 Josiah, when he heard the law of God which had been

discovered in the temple by Hilkiah 2 Kings 22:1 1-20 .Manasseh, when he was carried away captive to

Babylon by the king of Assyria 2 Chronicles 33:12, 13 .The Jews of the exile At the dedication of the

second temple Ezra 6:21 .Because of their idolatrous marriages Ezra 10 .Because of their oppressive usury

Nehemiah 5:1-13 After hearing the law expounded by EzraNehemiah 8:1-12; 9:1-3 .By the preaching of

Haggai Hag 1 .Jonah, after his punishment John 2:2-9 .The Ninevites, by the preaching of Jonah John 3:5-9

.The Jews, by the preaching of John the Baptist Matthew 3:6 .The woman who anointed Jesus with oil Luke

7:37-48 .The disobedient son Matthew 21:29 .The Prodigal Son Luke 15:17-21 .Peter, because of his denial

of Jesus Matthew 26:75; Mark 14:72; Luke 22:62 .Judas Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:16, 18 .The Ephesians, by

the preaching of Paul Acts 19:18

-EXEMPLIFIED Numbers 21:7; 2 Samuel 24:10, 17; 1 Chronicles 21:17; 2 Chronicles 29:6; Ezra 9:4, 6,

10, 13, 14; Nehemiah 1:6, 7; 9:16-37; Job 7:20; 9:20; 13:23; 40:4; 42:5; 38:3, Psalm 32:5; 4, 18; 40:12;

41:4; 51:1-4, 7-17; 69:5, 10; 73:21, 22; 106:6; 119:59, 176; 130:1-3; Isaiah 6:5; 38:15, 17; 59:12-15;

Jeremiah 3:21, 64:5-7; 22, 25; 8:14; 14:7, 20; 31:18, 19; Lamentations 3:40, 41; Daniel 9:5-7; 10:12; Hosea

6:1; 14:3, 8; John 3:10; Micah 7:9; Luke 15:17-20; 1 Corinthians 15:9; 2 Corinthians 7:9-11; 1 Peter 2:25



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