Tag: Second Sunday of Lent
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-25-2024
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we begin with the first reading from Genesis in which we see Abraham’s journey to sacrifice his son Isaac and discuss the typology of Isaac. Then we move to the second reading from Romans where we discover more about God’s special relationship with His believers. We…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 03-05-2023
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we return to Genesis, the first Book in the Bible to see God’s unconditional promise of blessing on Abram, whose name God later changed to the more familiar Abraham. Then we will study Saint Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy and conclude with the Gospel lesson from…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 03-13-2022
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with a reading from the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the book of beginnings. Today’s study reveals God’s gracious plan to make Abraham the progenitor of a physical line of the chosen people and the spiritual line of God-followers. The second reading is…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-28-2021
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we begin with the first reading from Genesis in which we see Abraham’s journey to sacrifice his son Isaac and discuss the typology of Isaac. Then we move to the second reading from Romans where we discover more about God’s special relationship with His believers. We…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 03-08-2020
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we return to Genesis, the first Book in the Bible to see God’s unconditional promise of blessing on Abram, whose name God later changed to the more familiar Abraham. Then we will study Saint Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy and conclude with the Gospel lesson from…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 03-17-2019
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with a reading from the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the book of beginnings. Today’s study reveals God’s gracious plan to make Abraham the progenitor of a physical line of chosen people and the spiritual line of God-followers. The second reading is from…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 02-25-2018
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we begin with the first reading from Genesis in which we see Abraham’s journey to sacrifice his son Isaac and discuss the typology of Isaac. Then we move to the second reading from Romans where we discover more about God’s special relationship with His believers. We…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 3-12-2017
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we return to Genesis, the first Book in the Bible to see God’s unconditional promise of blessing on Abram, whose name God later changed to the more familiar Abraham. Then we will study Saint Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy and conclude with the Gospel lesson from…