Tag: Lectionary 152
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 11-03-2024
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we learn from the Book of Deuteronomy about the nature of God as One and the greatest commandment. We also discover the crucially important truths about God’s one time sacrifice He made on our behalf and learn something about the shadowy priest figure known Melchizedek. Finally,…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 10-31-2021
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we learn from the Book of Deuteronomy about the nature of God as One and the greatest commandment. We also discover the crucially important truths about God’s one time sacrifice He made on our behalf and learn something about the shadowy priest figure known Melchizedek. Finally,…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 11-04-2018
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we learn from the Book of Deuteronomy about the nature of God as One and the greatest commandment. We also discover the crucially important truths about God’s one time sacrifice He made on our behalf and learn something about the shadowy priest figure known Melchizedek. Finally,…