Tag: Lectionary 148
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 10-29-2023
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with the first reading from Moses’ Book of Exodus in which we see God’s concern for widows, orphans, and the poor. Then we move to the second reading, which is a continuation of the study we began last week from 1 Thessalonians. We conclude…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 10-25-2020
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with the first reading from Moses’ Book of Exodus in which we see God’s concern for widows, orphans, and the poor. Then we move to the second reading, which is a continuation of the study we began last week from 1 Thessalonians. We conclude…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 10-29-2017
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with the first reading from Moses’ Book of Exodus in which we see God’s concern for widows, orphans, and the poor. Then we move to the second reading, which is a continuation of the study we began last week from 1 Thessalonians. We conclude…