Tag: how to be saved
Dewey’s Testimony
My Testimony *Note: The text and numbers that are included in parenthesis are references to verses in The Bible. They are included for support and encouragement to all who read this testimony. This is my personal testimony regarding how Jesus Christ has changed my life:
Do Catholics and Everyone Need to Be Born Again and How Does it Happen?
Revised and corrected on 2/24/2013 In an article[i] by Roman Catholic apologist Mark Brumley the author answers the question, do Catholics need to be born again?” He opened the article with the headline, “‘Have you been born again?’ the Fundamentalist at the door asks the unsuspecting Catholic.’ Brumley goes on to explain that as a…
The Sandwich
All he really wanted was a sandwich. The newspaper story on the bottom of page E12 read “Man Found Dead Near City Mission.”
The Inside Story
Originally by J. Vernon McGee (http://www.ttb.org) Would you really like to know how to get to heaven?
Introductory Bible Study
Introductory Bible Study In referring to angels, the Bible has this verse in it: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14) Please consider the following thought material: (1) Can you ever remember a time when you had something which you could describe as…
What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
In the Bible, the book of The Acts of the Apostles records a story about an encounter that Paul had with a slave girl that was possessed by a “spirit of divination” who made her masters money by fortune telling (Acts 16:16). At the time, Paul, a new minister of the Gospel, was staying in…
Where does Spiritual Life Really Come From?
Where does Spiritual Life Come From? Spiritual Sally loved going to her Bible-believing church—she was the one that everyone called when they needed someone to pray for them. Why do some people seem to develop spiritual insights while others or even whole churches full of people seem to remain in the dark? What do these…