Tag: hell
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 9-25-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 9-25-2016. This week we examine a reading from Amos and learn about the dangers of luxurious living when it brings people further away from God. In the Gospel reading, we learn from Jesus through the story of Lazarus and the rich man. We see how important it…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 9-27-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 9-27-2015. Over the years, I began to keep in my computer a folder in which I filed obituaries and death notices. As I am getting a bit “long in the tooth” myself, this folder has been growing larger and larger. From time to time, I look through…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 10-12-2014
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 10-12-2014. This week we open with the first reading from Isaiah 25 in which we see a song of praise and a promise of redemption of the fallen earth and its people in a future age. Then we move to the second reading that is a continuation…