Tag: forgiveness
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 11-20-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we learn about the appointment of godly King David. In the second reading, we learn about our position in Christ as believers. In the Gospel lesson, we see how faith in Christ leads us to eternal life the moment we believe, even if we have committed…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 9-11-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 9-11-2016. This week in the first two readings we find some very important insights into the nature of God. This then helps us to come to a proper understanding of the Gospel lesson.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 9-04-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 9-4-2016. This week we learn about forgiveness from Paul’s Letter to Philemon. Then we study Jesus’ teaching on the cost of being His disciple. Have you ever acted like an idiot? We are going to talk about that today in the context of forgiveness.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 6-12-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 6-12-2016. This week we will read about the confrontation and consequences that King David experienced after his sin of adultery with Bathsheba, killing Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, and then taking Bathsheba as his own wife. The second reading is from the letter to the Galatians, which reminds us…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 4-10-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 4-10-2016. This week we will examine the readings first looking at how the apostles were energized through God’s power in the Book of Acts. We will see in the Gospel reading how Jesus restored Peter’s position after his denial of Him during his trial. We will also…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 3-13-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 3-13-2016. This week we open with the Old Testament reading from Isaiah in which we see his foretelling of an aspect of the New Covenant. In the second reading, we learn about Paul’s passion in running the race for Jesus in opposing the false teachers of his…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 7-12-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 7-12-2015. This week we open with Amos 7: 12-15 as Amos, a simple farmer, is called by God to prophesy in Israel. Then we move to Ephesians 1:3-14 where Paul explains all the blessings that are available to those who are in Christ. Finally we conclude with…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday 6-8-2014
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 6-8-2014, Pentecost Sunday. We open with the first reading from Acts that chronicled the Day of Pentecost when God sent the Holy Spirit to indwell the believers in the early church. Then we move onto the second reading from Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians and…