Author: Christy Hill
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 12-05-2021
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week’s reading begins with a passage from the Apocrypha. We begin our exposition with the second reading, which then from Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi concludes with the Gospel reading from the third chapter of Luke. The Philippians passage allows us to see into the…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 6-25-2017
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we learn about suffering and persecution, first from the Prophet Jeremiah, then from Saint Paul and Jesus.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 11-27-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we will learn about the importance of responding to God’s revelation of what will happen in the future. Each Scripture passage deals with a dimension of what will take place in the future. Knowing the future gives clarity to the present and helps us to interpret…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 8-21-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 8-21-2016. This week our first reading is from the final chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah. The passage is prophetic in nature, that is, it touches on events in the last days of God’s plan for redemption. The second reading from the Epistle to the Hebrews deals…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 6-12-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 6-12-2016. This week we will read about the confrontation and consequences that King David experienced after his sin of adultery with Bathsheba, killing Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, and then taking Bathsheba as his own wife. The second reading is from the letter to the Galatians, which reminds us…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 1-3-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 1-3-2016. The gift-giving season of Christmas has just passed from our radar screens. However, the tradition of gift giving is found in each of the readings of the mass this week. In the Old Testament reading, we see that people will give gifts to Jesus, the King,…
Reflecting Upon God’s Grace
When we think about God’s grace, we must approach it with the splendor and complexity inherent in how God manifests and expresses Himself. God’s grace is theologically defined as God’s unmerited favor. I like to define grace in these terms: “Getting something good when I don’t deserve it.” But is there more to grace than…
Book of Revelation Downloadable Bible Study
Please download a PDF version of the Bible study of the Book of Revelation here. Please download an MS Word version of the Bible study of the Book of Revelation here. Permission is granted for you to use the Bible study as you wish. Christy Hill, PhD
The Role of Weakness in Spiritual Formation
The Role of Weakness in Spiritual Formation Reflections by Christy Hill, Ph.D. Who wants to feel weak? Who enjoys bumping up against one’s own inadequacies? Why would I desire to get in touch with the many times (a day) I don’t live up to my own standards, let alone God’s? Isn’t the Christian life supposed…