Tag: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-04-2024
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with the first reading from the Old Testament Book of Job where we see Job’s cry to God about the futility and brevity of life. Although his ancient message is somber, it provides us with tremendous wisdom in our day. Then we move to…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-05-2023
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass Study Notes. This week we will begin with the Gospel reading where we will study a portion of Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus’ teaching in that portion of Saint Matthew’s Gospel has led many people, including me, to leave the Sunday Mass with a tremendous feeling of…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-06-2022
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. Once or twice in a lifetime God allows events to occur in the life of a person for reasons that they may not understand at the moment, but later see how God used them to reveal their pride and sinfulness and need for salvation through faith in Jesus.…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-07-2021
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with the first reading from the Old Testament Book of Job where we see Job’s cry to God about the futility and brevity of life. Although his ancient message is somber it provides us with tremendous wisdom in our day. Then we move to…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 02-09-2020
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass Study Notes. This week we will begin with the Gospel reading where we will study a portion of Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus’ teaching in that portion of Saint Matthew’s Gospel has led many people, including me, to leave the Sunday Mass with a tremendous feeling of…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 02-10-2019
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. Once or twice in a lifetime God allows events to occur in the life of a person for reasons that they may not understand at the moment but later see how God used them to reveal their pride and sinfulness and need for salvation through faith in Jesus.…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 02-04-2018
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with the first reading from the Old Testament Book of Job where we see Job’s cry to God about the futility and brevity of life. Although his ancient message is somber it provides us with tremendous wisdom in our day. Then we move to…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 2-5-2017
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass Study Notes. This week we will begin with the Gospel reading where we will study a portion of Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus’ teaching in that portion of Saint Matthew’s Gospel has led many people, including me, to leave the Sunday Mass with a tremendous feeling of…