Tag: escatology
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 11-12-2017
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we study two readings dealing with the second coming of the Lord. We go into some detail about the signs and events that will precede His coming.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 11-27-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we will learn about the importance of responding to God’s revelation of what will happen in the future. Each Scripture passage deals with a dimension of what will take place in the future. Knowing the future gives clarity to the present and helps us to interpret…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 11-22-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 11-22-2015. This week we will see the rulership of Jesus from three different angles in the readings from the Mass. The first reading is an Old Testament prophecy about His dominion and kingdom being an everlasting establishment. The second reading, from the book of Revelation in the…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 11-15-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 11-15-2015. This week we open with a reading from Daniel 12 in which we study the combined event known as the rapture of the church, the return of the Lord, and the resurrection of the dead. Then we examine in the second reading how Jesus died for…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 11-1-2015
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 11-1-2015. This week we open with a reading from the mysterious Book of Revelation where we will explain in detail some of the background and context to bring out the meaning of the text. Then we move to another reading written by John from the Book of…
An Examination of the Escatolical View of Scripture Emerging from Hanegraaf and Brouwer’s First Book in the Last Disciple Series
AN Examination of the ESCATOLOGICAL View of SCRIPTURE Emerging from Hanegraaff and Brouwer’s FIRST BOOK IN THE Last Disciple Series by Jim Hill The Last Disciple (hereafter LD) is a fictional novel set in the Roman Empire during the reign of Nero. The main character is Vitas, a trusted advisor of Nero that attempts…