Pierre’s Testimony (July 2012)
Born & raised in Compton, California (in August, 1989), life didn’t begin so easy for me. I was surrounded by gangs, drugs, fornication & violence my entire life – not knowing the relevancy of my being, I dabbled in all of it.
I got Saved as an early teen. Not knowing the importance of being Saved, I inevitably backslid (went back into a life of sin). In the year 2008, I was still living in poverty. Because I didn’t know God to be my Jehovah-Jireh (my provider), I began to “do me” – attempting to make things happen on my own. I was a musician (alias: Too Much On The Beat)… rapping, singing & producing songs that glorified sin – the very thing that my God hates.
In 2009, I produced a song for music group The Vixenz called “I Need That” (later remixed by rap artist Snoop Dogg & aired on Power 106). The song ushered in the “Jerk Movement” – beginning in Los Angeles, California, then spreading to neighboring states and eventually the East Coast. In my mind, I was on top of the world, unaware that I was wretched, miserable, poor, blind & naked (Revelation 3:17).
After a random night out with friends (drinking alcohol accompanied by foolishness), I decided to stand inside the car (hanging out of the car with the door still open). The driver pulls off & begins to speed down the street, that’s when I fell off the car – scraping my entire face, arms & legs… busting my skull in 2 places & fracturing my collar bone & index finger. I should have died in my sins, but my God was merciful!
Near-death STILL wasn’t enough to cause me to forsake sin & before I was done healing, I was back composing secular music, smoking weed, abusing drugs & drinking alcohol. I was a slave to sin (John 8:34).
One night, during a deep conversation with my sister, Vixen Monai, the Lord had removed the scales from my eyes – revealing that I was heading down a path already marked for destruction. I had quit doing music many times in the past, but I felt the Lord telling me “This is your LAST chance”. My career ended that night.
I went on a 2-year hiatus, chasing after the lusts of the flesh (decided to “do me”). Within this 2 year span, I tried to define my being with success – pursuing a career in acting, dancing, singing, modeling, marketing & advertisement, graphic design, phone application development & a few other job titles. Trying to “find yourself” outside the will of God is impossible, but that’s a lesson I learned later in life.
In 2011, I hit rock-bottom (again), but I STILL didn’t acknowledge God in my ways (Proverbs 3:6). To help pay rent, I began a career in Photography (alias: Pierre Gerard aka Pierre G Visions).
Although this career began as “innocent”, I later allowed myself to be used by devil. I took sensual photographs of women, promoting & causing men to lust (Matthew 5:28). I photographed many celebrities & a reputation was made, but it was all vanity (Mark 8:36).
I met a guy who, rather persuasively, inducted me into the “party life”. 4 nights a week, I was partying in some of Hollywood & Long Beach’s “hottest” Hip-Hop & Techno clubs… for FREE!
Romans 13:13 – “Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness…”. The Bible describes this sort of reveling as “orgies”, which is exactly what nightclubs have become – sex with clothes on. “Dance” originated as a form of worshiping God, & in no way, form or fashion was I pleasing the Lord by
gratifying my own flesh (1 Peter 1:16).
I was engulfed by sin! It took for EVERYTHING to come crashing down on me before I realized how much I needed God’s help. I recall 2 days where I literally cried out to God, saying “Lord, why am I here?” ……… *No answer* ……… I had this blameful attitude that if God will just tell me why He create me, I would straighten up (not the best attitude to have toward God). The very week I completely surrendered to His will, He revealed to me the calling on my life – that I was predestined to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I wasn’t waiting on God, He was waiting on me!
I rededicated my life back to Christ in February, 2012, & have been enjoying my walk with Him more & more each day. I used to hear about the peace of God which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and now I have it! I now preach the Gospel, sing in the Praise Team & Choir, dance as a member of the Greater Shiloh “Alpha & Omega” Mime Team, & oversee the Homeless Ministry at my church – all to the glory of God!
God is still allowing me to fulfill all of my dreams – not for self-gratification, but I’m using my talents to glorify His name. So be on the lookout for Christian Rap artist named “Just Pierre”, and many other avenues in which the Lord leads me!
A lot of pain & anguish could have been avoided in my life had I given it to Christ much sooner. My God waited 22 LONG years for me, and to show my gratitude, I will live out the rest of my days serving Him. Forever grateful.
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