
-1. Son of Joseph and Asenath Genesis 41:50, 51; 46:20 Adopted by Jacob on his deathbed Genesis 48:1,

5-20 .Called MANASSES Revelation 7:6

-2. Tribe of .Descendants of Joseph -(The two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were reckoned

equally among the primogenitors of the twelve tribes (taking the places of Joseph and Levi)) Adopted by

Jacob Genesis 48:5 .Prophecy concerning Genesis 49:25, 26 .Enumeration of Numbers 1:34, 35; 26:29-34

.Place of, in camp and march Numbers 2:18, 20; 10:22, 23 .Blessing or Moses on Deuteronomy 33:13-17

. Inheritance of . One -half of tribe east of the Jordan River Numbers 32:33, 3 9-42 . One -half of tribe west of

Jordan River Joshua 16:9; 17:5-11 .The eastern half assists in the conquest of the country west of the

Jordan River Deuteronomy 3:18-20; Joshua 1:12-15; 4:12, 13 Join the other eastern tribes in erecting a

monument to testify to the unity of all Israel .Misunderstood .Make satisfactory explanation Joshua 22 Join

Gideon in war with the Midianites Judges 6; 7 .Malcontents of, join David 1 Chronicles 12:19,31 .Struck

down by Hazael 2 Kings 10:33 .Return from captivity 1 Chronicles 9:3 .Reallotment of the territory to, by

Hazael 2 Kings 10:33 .Return from captivity 1 Chronicles 9:3 .Reallotment of territory to, by Ezekiel

Ezekiel 48:4 Affiliate with the Jews in the reign of Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 30 .Incorporated into kingdom

of Judah 2 Chronicles 15:9; 34:6, 7


-3. (MOSES, R. V.) Father of Gershom Judges 18:30

-4. King of Judah .History of 2 Kings 21:1-18; 2 Chronicles 33:1-20


-5. Two Jews who put away (divorced) their Gentile wives after the captivity Ezra 10:30, 33


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