
-General scriptures concerning Psalm 19:7-9; 119:1-8; Proverbs 28:4, 5; Matthew 22:21; Luke 16:17;

20:22-25; 7:7, Romans 2: 14, 15; 12, 14; 13:10; 1 Timothy 1:5, 8-10; James 1:25; 1 John 3:4; 5:3

– MOSES -(Contained in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) .Given at Sinai

Exodus 19; Deuteronomy 1:1; 4:10-13; 33:2; Hab 3:3 .Received by the disposition of angels Deuteronomy

33:2; Psalm 68:17; Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 2:2 .Was given because of transgressions until the

Messiah arrived Galatians 3:19 Engraved on stone Exodus 20:3-17 with 24:12; 31:18; 32:16; 34:29; 40:20;

Deuteronomy 4:13; 5:4-22; 9:10


covenant Exodus 25:16; Deuteronomy 31:9, 26 .Found by Hilkiah in the house of the Lord 2 Kings 22:8

.Engraved upon monuments Deuteronomy 27:2-8; Joshua 8:30-35 .To be written .On door posts


Deuteronomy 6:9; 1 1 :20 .On frontlets for the forehead, and parchment for the hand Exodus 13:9, 16;

Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:18-21 .Children instructed in . See CHILDREN . See STRUCTION .Expounded

by .The priests andLevites Leviticus 10:11; Deuteronomy 33:10; 2 Chronicles 35:3 .Princes, priests, and

Levites publicly taught Ezra 7:10; Nehemiah 8:1-18 .From city to city 2 Chronicles 17:7-10 .In synagogues

Luke 4:16, 32; Acts 13:14-52; 15:21 with 9:20; 14:1; 17:1-3; 18:4, 26 .Expounded to the assembled nation

at the Feast of Tabernacles in the sabbatic year Deuteronomy 31:10-13 .Renewed by Moses Deuteronomy

4:44-46 .Curses of, responsively read by Levites and people at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim

Deuteronomy 27:12-26; Joshua 8:33-35 .Formed a constitution on which the civil government of the

Israelites was founded, and according to which rulers were required to rule Deuteronomy 17:18-20; 2

Kings 11:12; 2 Chronicles 23:11


19:16-24; 20:1-17; 24:12-18; 31:18; 32:15, 16; 34:1-4, 27, 28; Leviticus 26:46; Deuteronomy 4:10-13, 36;

5:1-22; 9:10; 10:1-5; 33:2-4; 1 Kings 8:9; Ezra 7:6; Nehemiah 1:7; 8:1; 9:14; Psalm 78:5; 103:7; Isaiah

33:22; Malachi 4:4; Acts 7:38, 53; Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 9:18-21 .Prophecies in, of the Messiah Luke

24:44; John 1:45; 5:46; 12:34; Acts 26:22, 23; 28:23; Romans 3:21, 22


CONCERNG .Epitomized by Jesus Matthew 22:40; Mark 12:29-33; Luke 10:27 .Book of, found by

Hilkiah in the temple 2 Kings 22:8; 2 Chronicles 34: 14

-TEMPORARY Jeremiah 3:16; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 5:17-45; Luke 16:16, 17; John 1:17; 4:20-24; 8:35;

Acts 6: 14; 10:28; 13:39; 15:1-29; 21:20-25; Romans 3:1, 2; 7:1-6; 8:3; 10:4; 2 Corinthians 3:7-14;

Galatians 2:3-9; 4:30, 31; Ephesians 2:15; Colossians 2:14-23; Hebrews 8:4-13; 9:8-24; 10:1-18; 11:40;

12:18, 19,27


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