-DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST Numbers 14:11, 12, 22-24; 32:8-13; Deuteronomy 18:19; 28:15-68;
Leviticus 26:14-46
– .Of the Egyptians by plagues
-INSTANCES .Of Adam and Eve, eating the forbidden fruit Genesis 3:6-1 1 .Of Lot, in refusing to go
to the mountain, as commanded by the angels Genesis 19:19, 20 .Of Lot\’s wife, in looking back upon
Sodom Genesis 19:26 .Of Moses .In making excuses when commissioned to deliver Israel Exodus 4:13, 14
.When he struck the rock Numbers 20:1 1, 23, 24 .Of Aaron, at the hitting of the rock by Moses Numbers
20:23, 24 .Of Pharaoh, in refusing to let the people of Israel go 7:13, Exodus 5:2; 8:15, 22, 23; 19, 32; 9:12,
34; 10:20, 27; 11:10; 14:8 .Of the people of Israel, in gathering excessive quantities of manna Exodus
16:19, 20 .In refusing to enter the promised land Deuteronomy 1:26; with Numbers 14:1-10; Joshua 5:6;
Psalm 106:24, 25 .Of Nadab and Abihu, in offering strange fire Leviticus 10:1, 2 .Of Balaam, in
accompanying the messengers from Balak Numbers 22:22 .Of Achan, in hiding the wedge of gold and the
Babylonian garment Joshua 7:15-26 .Of Saul .In offering a sacrifice 1 Samuel 13:13 .In sparing Agag and
the spoils of the Amalekites 1 Samuel 1 5; 28: 1 8 .Of David, in his adultery, and in arranging for the death of
Uriah 2 Samuel 12:9 .Of Solomon, in building places for idolatrous worship 1 Kings 1 1 :7-10 .Of the
prophet of Judah, in not keeping the commandment to deliver his message to Jeroboam without delay 1
Kings 13 .Of a man of Israel, who refused to strike the prophet 1 Kings 20:35, 36 .Of Ahab, in suffering the
king of Assyria to escape out of his hands 1 Kings 20:42 .Of priests, in not performing their functions after
the due order 1 Chronicles 15:13 .Of the people of Judah Jeremiah 43:7 .Of the people of Judah, in going to
live in Egypt contrary to divine command Jeremiah 44: 12-14 .Of Jonah, in refusing to deliver the message
to the Ninevites John 1 .Of the blind men Jesus healed, and ordered them not to proclaim their healing
Matthew 9:30, 31 .Of the leper whom Jesus healed, and ordered him not to proclaim the fact Mark 1 :45 .Of
Paul, in going to Jerusalem contrary to repeated warnings Acts 21 :4, 10-14 .
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