
-1. A city of Galilee .The city of Philip, Andrew, and Peter John 1:44; 12:21 .Jesus visits Mark 6:45 .Jesus

cures a blind man in Mark 8:22 Jesus prophesies against Matthew 11:21; Luke 10:13

-2. Desert of, east of the sea of Galilee, Jesus feeds more than five thousand people in Luke 9:10; Matthew

14:13; Mark 6:32


-A city of the tribe of Manasseh 1 Chronicles 7:29; Joshua 17:11

-Not subdued Judges 1 :27

-Bodies of Saul and his sons exposed in 1 Samuel 31:10, 12

-Called BETH-SHAW 1 Samuel 31:10, 12; 2 Samuel 21:12

-District of, under tribute to Solomon\’s commissariat 1 Kings 4:12


-1. A priestly city of the tribe of Dan Joshua 21:16; 1 Samuel 6:15; 1 Chronicles 6:59 . On the northern

border of territory of the tribe of Judah Joshua 15:10; 1 Samuel 6:9, 12 .In later times transferred to the

tribe of Judah 2 Kings 14:11 .Mentioned in Solomon\’s commission districts 1 Kings 4:9 Amaziah taken

prisoner at 2 Kings 14:11-13; 2 Chronicles 25:21-23 .Retaken by the Philistines 2 Chronicles 28:18 .Called

BETH-SHMESH Joshua 19:41

-2. A city near Jerusalem Joshua 19:22

-3. A fortified city of the territory of the tribe of Naphtali Joshua 19:38; Judges 1:33

-4. An idolatrous temple Jeremiah 43:13


-A place near the Jordan River Judges 7:22


-A town of the territory of the tribe of Judah Joshua 15:53


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