Month: December 2022
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-22-2023
Welcome back to the Study Note for the Sunday Mass. This week we will again return to Isaiah and see in the Gospel lesson how the prophecy was fulfilled through Jesus. As in Isaiah’s day, we too are living in a land of deep spiritual darkness, one in which we need both spiritual and physical…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-15-2023
This week we will open with another of Isaiah’s “Servant Songs. We will look at the introduction to Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians them move onto the Gospel lesson in which we will see the event when John the Baptist announced the promised Messiah.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-08-2023
Although the gift-giving season of Christmas has just passed from our radar screens, the tradition of gift giving is found in each of the readings of the mass this week. In the Old Testament reading, we see that people will give gifts to Jesus, the King, who will reign on earth during His second advent.…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-01-2023
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week begins with an Old Testament reading that expresses a wonderful benediction on God’s people. The second reading is most appropriate for this season of the year. Paul writes to the church in Galatia and encourages them with the marvelous truth that God sent His Son, Jesus,…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 12-25-202
These readings are for “The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): Mass at Dawn.” Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes and Merry Christmas to you. Today, as we celebrate Christmas, we look at some readings from Isaiah and Luke which reveal the blessings granted to us both today and in the future as believers in…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 12-18-2022
This week as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, like last week, we will be studying some important prophetic voices from the Old Testament. We will also be reading from the Gospel of Saint Matthew to hear how he confirmed that the coming birth of Jesus would fulfil these predictions…