Month: January 2022
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 02-06-2022
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. Once or twice in a lifetime God allows events to occur in the life of a person for reasons that they may not understand at the moment, but later see how God used them to reveal their pride and sinfulness and need for salvation through faith in Jesus.…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-30-2022
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with two passages from the prophecy of Jeremiah, who served during the time of Judah’s spiritual downfall, preparing them for captivity and removal from the land. The second reading is from the familiar, but remarkable chapter on love in Paul’s first letter to the…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-23-2022
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with a reading from the Book of Nehemiah in which we learn about rebuilding of the people of God through their learning from the Word of God. Then we move to the second reading from Saint Paul in which we learn about spiritual gifts…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 01-16-2022
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. This week we open with an Old Testament reading from the prophecy of Isaiah, speaking about the future restoration of Israel. Then we move to Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church. In this portion he writes about the variety of spiritual gifts that God has given the…