Month: January 2020
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 02-02-2020
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass Study Notes. This week we look at the Old Testament Prophet Malachi as well as the New Testament Book of Hebrews. We will look at the exciting provisions of the New Covenant. Then we move onto the continuing story of the early life of Jesus in the Gospel of…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 01-26-2020
Welcome back to the Study Note for the Sunday Mass. This week we will again return to Isaiah and see in the Gospel lesson how the prophecy was fulfilled through Jesus. As in Isaiah’s day, we too are living in a land of deep spiritual darkness, one in which we need both spiritual and physical…
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 01-19-2020
This week we will open with another of Isaiah’s “Servant Songs. Then we will look at the introduction to Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians abd close with the Gospel lesson in which we will see the event when John the Baptist announced the promised Messiah.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for Sunday 01-12-2020
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes. Today’s first reading is from Isaiah where we see the concept of Messianic typology. In the second reading, Saint Peter expounds on how anyone, Jew or Gentile, is saved (spared from God’s justifiable wrath) through faith in Jesus Christ. Then we move to a brief Gospel lesson from…