Month: February 2016
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 3-6-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 3-6-2016. This week we open with a reading from Joshua. The successor to Moses, Joshua was one of only two of the original multitude that left Egypt who entered the Promised Land. The conquest of the land was accomplished under his leadership with victories, defeats, and noted…
Jason’s Testimony
Throughout my life the Lord has pulled me out of more situations than most could imagine. The problem was at the time I was too blind to recognize it was Him. I have literally walked away from car wrecks that rarely anybody would have survived period. I looked down on drug addicts because I tried…
Mike’s Testimony
As a teenager I was a typical small town boy who played football, got low average grades and drank and smoked with my buddies. At the age of 18 as a senior in high school I became interested in a Catholic girl who moved here from another state. As much as I liked her, I…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 2-28-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 2-28-2016. Why do bad things happen to “good” people? In the Gospel reading today Jesus addressed a related question posed to Him by the crowd except with a twist. Their question was whether when bad things happened to people were they worse sinners than the ones who…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 2-21-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 2-21-2016. This week we open with a reading from the first book of the Bible, Genesis, the book of beginnings. Today’s study reveals God’s gracious plan to make Abraham the progenitor of a physical line of chosen people and the spiritual line of God-followers. The second reading…
Mass Study Notes for Sunday, 2-14-2016
Welcome back to the Sunday Mass notes for 2-14-2016. This week we examine the first fruits offering found in Deuteronomy 26. Then we see how Saint Paul described the necessity for a person to receive God’s free gift of salvation and examine this matter more closely. We conclude this week’s study with the Gospel reading…