Month: November 2013
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 12-01-2013
In the lesson today, we will study the importance of being prepared and the dangers of not doing this in spite of having adequate warnings. We will look at an illustration from history as well as the Old Testament Books of Genesis and Isaiah. Finally, we will turn to the Gospel of Matthew and…
Study Notes for the Sunday Mass, November 24, 2013
Isaiah was a prophet to the Southern Kingdom of Judah shortly after the Northern Kingdom (called Israel) was conquered by Assyria in 722 BC. Isaiah brought a dire message to Judah that God was going to use a foreign nation to judge them, like what had just happened to Israel.
Sunday Mass Study Notes for 11-13-2013 Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Inside this week: Hear by story about windsurfing at Kettle Point. “Meanwhile that same large wave crashed on top of me with my sail! I let loose of the sail and soon realized that I was drowning.” Read how this played out.
Study Notes for the Sunday Mass November 10 2013 – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
How can believers cope with difficult events in their lives? Sometimes a helpful insight from the Bible has presented itself with sudden clarity. This was the case recently while I was reading from the Book of Job (pronounced “jobe”), Chapter 19.